You must be blameless and righteous in his sight and obey His Commandments, Statutues and Laws. {Gen 44:10; Luk 1:6 (KJV)} To walk with GOD and receive His Promises, you must be absolutely free of sin which is failing to meet GOD's Righteous, Holy and Perfect standard or repent of your sin/s as often as humanly possible. {Job 42:6 (KJV)} GOD's Holiness, Righteousness and Perfect nature can not and will not tolerate sin in any kind or in any form. Exd 20:20 (KJV)
There are some scholars and writers that claim there are over 20,000 promises in the Bible. The words that describe the promises below are taken from the scriptures; except where modern english words are used to help your understanding. GOD's Promises include; but are not limited to:
Abundance - 1 Chr 12:40; 31:15; Psa 36:8; Isa 35:2; John 10:10 (KJV)
Angelic Assistance - Exd 23:20-23 (KJV)
Anointing - Num 18:8; Isa 10:27; James 5:14; 1 John 2:27 (KJV)
Atonement for Sin - Lev 5:6; 10; 13; 17:11; Rom 5:11; Hbr 9:22 (KJV)
Blessings - Gen 49:25-26; Deu 28:2-14; Psa 21:3; Pro 28:20; Eph 1:3 (KJV)
Care - 2 Cor 8:16; 1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)
Child/Children - Gen 16:11; 20:17; 33:5; Judg 13:5; 1Sam 1:11 (KJV)
Confidence - Pro 3:26; Isa 30:15; Eze 28:26 (KJV)
Covenant - Gen 6:18; 9:9-17; 15:18; 17:2-32; Judg 2:1; 2 Ki 17:35; 38; Neh 1:5 (KJV)
Cursed for Disobedience - Gen 3:14-19; Jer 11:13; 17:15; Mal 2:2; 3:9; 4:6; Mat 25:41 (KJV)
Deliverance - Exd 3:8; 23:31 (KJV)
Dominion - Gen 1:28; Judg 5:13 (KJV)
Entrance into His Kingdom - Mat 6:33; Mark 12:34; Act 14:22 (KJV)
Eternal Life - John 3:15; Acts 13:48; Rom 6:23; Titus 1:2 (KJV)
Eternal Word - Luk 21:23 (KJV)
Faithful - 1 Sam 2:35; Isa 49:7 (KJV)
Food from the Earth - Lev 25:19; 26:24; Eze 34:27 (KJV)
Forgiveness - 2 Chr 7:14; Eze 18:21; Luke 6:37; 7:47; 17:3-4; Acts 26:18; Eph 1:7 (KJV)
Freedom - Exd 8:1; Isa 58:6; Luk 4:18-19; John 8:32-36 (KJV)
Friendship - Pro 18:24; Isa 41:8; James 2:23 (KJV)
Fruitfulness - Gen 17:6, Exodus 1:7 (KJV)
Gifts of The Holy Spirit - Hebr 2:4; 1Cor 12:1-13 (KJV)
Goodness - Exd 34:6; 2 Sam 7:28; 1 Ki 8:66; 1 Chr 17:26; Neh 9:25; Psa 23:6; 25:7 (KJV)
Grace - Gen 6:8; Psa 84:11; Acts 11:23 (KJV)
Growth - Job 8:19; Psa 92:12; 104:14; 147:8; Hsa 14:5-7 (KJV)
Happiness - Psa 144:15; Pro 16:20; John 13:17 (KJV)
Harvest Time - Gen 8:22 (KJV)
Healing - Deu 32:39; 2 Chr 7:14; Isa 57:18-19; Jer 3:2; Hosea 6:1; Matt 4:23 (KJV)
Health - Exd 23:25-26; Psa 43:5; 67:2; Isa 58:8; Jer 30:17; 33:6 (KJV)
Holy Spirit - Exd 31:3; 35:31; Num 11:17; 25; Zec 4:6; Act 5:32; 10:38 (KJV)
Humility - Pro 22:4; Isa 57:15 (KJV)
Joy - Ezra 6:2; Neh 8:10; Job 8:10; Psa 16:11; 51:12 (KJV)
Judgement - Exd 12:12; Lev 19:15; 35; Deu 1:17; 32:36; Psa 37:28; Pro 8:20; 29:26 (KJV)
Justice - Gen 18:19; 1 Ki 10:9; Job 37:23; Psa 89:14; Isa 9:7 58:2 (KJV)
Justification - Rom 5:18 (KJV)
Knowledge - Exd 31:3; Isa 2:3; 2 Chr 1:11-12; Psa 94:10; Pro 2:3-6; Ecc 2:26; Dan 1:17(KJV)
Long Life - Exd 20:12; Deu 6:2; 25:15; Psa 91:6; Pro 3:2 (KJV)
Love - Deu 7:8; 13; Psa 91:14; Pro 8:17; Isa 63:9; Jer 31:3; John 3:16 (KJV)
Mercy - Exd 15:13; 20:6; 33:19; Deu 7:9; 2 Sam 7:15; 1 Ki 8:23; 2 Chr 5:13 (KJV)
Miracles - Exd 14:21; Num 14:22; John 2:11; 3:2; 7:31; Acts 2:22; 19:11 (KJV)
Multiplication - Exd 32:13; Deu 8:13; Eze 16:7; 36:30; 2 Cr 9:10; Hbr 6:14 (KJV)
Newness/New Things - Lev 26:10; 41:15; 42:9; 65:17; Jer 31:31; Eze 11:19 (KJV)
No Respecter of Person - Lev 19:15 (KJV)
Peace - Gen 15:15; Exd 18:23; Num 6:26; 25:12; Judg 6:23; 1 Sam 7:14; 25:6; 1 Ki 2:23 (KJV)
Peace of Mind - Phl 4:7 (KJV)
Power in His Word - Gen 1:1-29; Num 11:23; 1 Sam 15:10-11; Isa 55:11; Jer 1:12 (KJV)
Productivity - Gen 1:11; 20; 24; 9:7; Lev 25:21; Psa 92:14; 144:13 (KJV)
Prophets/Prophetess - Deu 18:15; 18 (KJV)
Prosperity - Gen 39:3; Deu 29:9; Jos 1:7; 1 Ki 2:3; 2 Chr 26:5; Psa 1:3; 3 John 1:2 (KJV)
Protection - Gen 15:1; Deu 33:29; 2 Sam 22:3; Psa 3:3; 28:7; 84:11; 115:9-11; Pro 30:5 (KJV)
Prove - Exd 16:4; Mal 3:10 (KJV)
Rain - Lev 26:4; Deu 11:14 (KJV)
Rainbow - Gen 9:12-17 (KJV)
Redemption - Exd 6:6; 2 Sam 7:23; Job 5:20; Psa 72:14; Jer 15:21; Hsa 13:14; Tts 2:14 (KJV)
Rest - Exd 23:11-12; 33:14; Lev 16:31; Deu 3:20; Jos 21:44; Ruth 1:9; 1 Ki 5:4; Mat 11:28-29 (KJV)
Restoration - Isa 1:26; 57:18; Jer 27:22; 30:17; Joel 2:25 (KJV)
Resurrection - Luk 14:14; 20:35-36; John 5:29; 11:25; Act 24:15; 1 Cr 15:21; Rev 20:6 (KJV)
Revelation/Prophecy - Isa 48:3-8; (KJV)
Riches - Jos 22:8; 1 Ki 3:13; 2 Chr 32:37; Psa 104:24; 112:3; Pro 8:18; Ecc 5:19; Eze 28:4 (KJV)
Safety - Lev 25:19; 1 Sam 2:11; Job 21:19; Psa 119:117; Pro 18:10; 29:25; Eze 34:27 (KJV)
Salvation - 1 Chr 16:23; Psa 3:8; 68:20; Luk 3:6 (KJV)
Seasons - Summer & Winter - Gen 8:22 (KJV)
Seedtime - Gen 8:2 (KJV)
Security - Job 11:18 (KJV)
Self Fullfilment - Deu 4:40; 12:28; Psa 128:2 (KJV)
Signs and Wonders - Exd 7:3 (KJV)
Strengthen - Isa 41:10 (KJV)
Success - Jos 1:8 (KJV)
Sunrise and Sunset - Day & Night - Gen 8:22 (KJV)
Supernatural Provisions - Gen 28:22; Exd 12:35-36; 16:4; Num 11:31-32; 1 Ki 17:14-16; Mark 6:41-44; 8:6-9 (KJV)
Support - Gen 26:24; Deu 31:6; Jos 10:25; 1 Chr 28:20; 2 Chr 20:17; Isa 41:13 (KJV)
The Wicked Shall Perish - Isa 13:11; Eze 33:14 (KJV)
To Give - Gen 12:7; Exd 33:14; Num 21:16; Deu 11:14; Jos 8:18; I Ki 11:36; Psa 2:8; Isa 45:3 (KJV)
Understanding - Exd 31:3; 1 Ki 3:11-12; Isa 11:2; Jer 3:14-15; Dan 2:21 (KJV)
Visions - Num 12:6; Hab 2:2-3; Mat 17:9 (KJV)
Vengence - Deu 32:35; Jer 51:36; Eze 25:14; 17; Mic 5:15; Nah 12 (KJV)
Wealth - Deu 8:18; 2 Chr 1:12; Ecc 5:19 (KJV)
Weather - Hot & Cold - Gen 8:22 (KJV)
Wisdom - Exd 28:3; 31:6; 1 Ki 4:29; Jam 1:5 (KJV)
Your Adversaries Become His Adversaries - Exd 23:22 (KJV)
Your Enemies Become His Enemies - Exd 23:22 (KJV)
Your Name Blotted Out For Sin - Exd 32:33 (KJV)
However; in order to access GOD's Promises you must repent of your sins, ask His forgiveness, accept His forgiveness and thank Him in the name of Jesus. {Acts 4:12 (KJV)} Live according to GOD's Righteous and Holy standard. {1 John 5:3 (KJV)} Pay your tithes and offerings. Mal 3:8-12 (KJV)
Give your first fruits {Exd 22:29 (KJV)} and give liberally to spreading the Good News (Gospel) of the Kingdom to the world. {2 Cr 9:6 (KJV)} Show your appreciation. {1 Chr 29:13 (KJV)} Worship him in spirit and in truth. {John 4:24 (KJV)} Worship is having communion, fellowship and union which is interaction with Him on a personal level.
Give him thanks and praise. {1 Chr 29:13 (KJV)} Show respect, reverence and honor. {Psa 71:8 (KJV)} Demonstrate by actions and deeds justice, mercy and righteousness to others. {Psa 82:3 (KJV)} Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. Luk 10:27 (KJV)
Pray to GOD daily, acknowledge him and seek his face, his wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all your endeavors so you might live according to his will and purpose. {1 Chr 16:11 (KJV)} Give GOD all the credit and the glory. {Isa 48:11 (KJV)} Accept the finished work Christ did on the Cross and tell others about the Gospel which is the Good News about the Kingdom of GOD. Mark 15:15-18 (KJV)
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