Living righteously, being productive, multiplying, replenishing the earth, subduing it and having dominion. Living a clean holy life. Helping the sick, widows, orphans, handicapped and disabled and by sowing YHVH's Word.
You can receive blessings by tithing and offerings, praying, sacrificing and fasting. By meditating on YHVH's words, speaking YHVH's Words and following His Will. By helping others improve their position in life. By serving others, ministering to others, visiting the captives, and spreading the Gospel of the Kingom of GOD (YHVH). By reading and hearing the prophecy in the Book of Revelations. "Rev 1:3". (KJV)
By repenting your sins, forgiving others, blessing others, accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, trusting in YHVH, having faith in YHVH, honoring YHVH, thanking YHVH, blessing YHVH and praising YHVH. By having YHVH's Favor and being thankful, By being honest, truthful, loyal and having faith in YHVH's Promises.
By being loving, caring, generous, steadfast and wise. By being blameless. By helping the poor and needy. By being industrious, growing and developing to your fullest potential. By being good stewards and working to bring YHVH's Kingdom on earth. By shuning all manner of evil, wickedness, immorality, uncleanliness and ungodliness.
"Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD (YHVH)." {Matthew 23:29 (KJV)} By paying a worker his/her wages. By being humble, courageous, lending to a brother without usury, using honest measures and weights, bringing forth first fruits of everything received, praying in the spirit, engaging in spiritual warfare, reading and studying YHVH's Word and by following the principles of the good servant in Luke 19:17. (KJV)
Luke 19:12-13 (KJV), "He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and return. And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy (carry on business) till I come. You can receive blessings by conducting your business affairs with YHVH's standards of measures and weights, usuary, morality, management (supervisors and employees), research, development, engineering, production, distribution and the sales, marketing, wholesaling and retailing of goods, services and information.
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