The Will Of GOD (YHVH)
GOD's (YHVH's) Will can divided into more than one category. It is GOD's (YHVH's) Will that governs the Heavens, the universe and life on earth. The following are the different aspects or categories of GOD's (YHVH's) Will. YHVH's name will be used instead of the descriptive term used to identify YHVH's nature (Elohim).
1. Divine/Sovereign Will - It is by GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine/Sovereign Will" that the heavens, earth, all its resources, laws, principles and life were created and maintained. Gen 1:1-31; 2:1-25; 3:9-24; 6:1-22; 7:1-24; 9:1-17; 11:6-9; Job 36:26 (KJV)
GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine/Sovereign Will" is the governing authority in the physical and spiritual realms. He rules unchallenged and has absolute control over what happens and does not happen on earth. He has absolute authority over the life and death of every living soul. There is no other GOD (YHVH) . YHVH rules alone Exd 4:11; 18:11; 19:5; 20:1-6; 33:19; Lev 26:1-46; Num 14:20-24; 26-35; 16:42-49; Deu 3:24; 4:24; 32:39; Joshua 22:34; Psa 46:10; Isa 45:5; 12, 18; Jer 31:35-37; 33:2; Eze 18:4 (KJV)
2. Good Will - GOD's (YHVH's) "Good Will" covers all creation and generously supplies whatever is needed to sustain life on planet earth whether humanity knows it or not or believes it or not. Gen 1:29-30; Lev 26:4; Job 38:26-41; Matthew 5:45 (KJV)
3. Acceptable/Permissive Will - GOD's (YHVH's) "Acceptable/Permissive Will" covers everything He allows to happen because of Man's fall from grace, freedom to choose and humanity's collective and individual sins. Gen 3:17-24; 6:5-6; 11-13; 34:1-31; Exd 1:8-11; Deu 28:15-68; Judges 2:11-16; 21:25; I Ki 11:4-14; 13:33-34; 22:52; II Kings 13:6-7; 17:22-23; Ezra 1:2-3; Job 1:1-21; Psa 53:1-3; Isa 53:1-12; Jer 5:23-31; 23:10-14; Mal 3:9; II Tim 3:1-7 (KJV)
4. Perfect Will - GOD's (YHVH's) "Perfect Will" is everything He intended for life in the here and now and the hereafter. Gen 1:27-31; 9:1-3; 12:1-3; Exd 6:6-8 (KJV)
5. Secret/Hidden Will - GOD's (YHVH's) "Secret/Hidden Will" belongs to GOD alone. No man, nor the angels and hosts of heaven can know GOD's (YHVH's) "Secret/Hidden Will". Deu 29:29; Job 36:20; Psa 50:12 (KJV)
6. Specific Will - GOD's (YHVH's) "Specific Will" applies to a time, place, event, animal, angel or human being to perform an assigned task. Gen 6:9; 12:1-3; 16:7-13; 18:14; 19:1-24; 26:1-6; Gen 37:1-10; 50:19-20; Exd 3:1-22; 7:3-5; 9:16; Jos 1:1-9; Judges 2:1-3; 3:9-10; 15; 31; 4:3-5; 6:11-12; (KJV)
7. Known/Spoken/Revealed Will - GOD's (YHVH's) "Known/Spoken/Revealed Will" is in His Commandments, Covenants, Laws, Ordinances, Judgements, Statutes, His written Word or His Words revealed by the Holy Spirit, or through the mouths of prophets. Gen 9:1-17; 15:1-21; Deu 29:29; Judges 6:8-27; The Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation (KJV)
As a Christian you need to know GOD's (YHVH's):
A. Divine Will
B. Acceptable/Permissive Will
C. Perfect Will
D. Known/Spoken/Revealed Will
Understanding Genesis Leads To Knowing GOD's (YHVH's) Will
Everything that is right and good for the universe in general, planet earth specifically, life on earth in general and your life in a flesh body individually or collectively as communities, societies or nations comes from GOD (YHVH's) because YHVH created the heaven/s, the earth, everything on it, beneath it and in it {Genesis 1:1-31 (KJV) and everything on the earth or in space made, built or manufactured by men. {Exd 19:5; Deu 4:39; 10:14; Pro 2:6 (KJV)} In our world today, there are many in the academic community, scientific community, government agencies and in the media that proclaim the BIble is a book of fables. Jer 16:9 (KJV)
It is important that every Christian understands clearly and accurately what happened in the first 7 books of Genesis. Otherwise, you will not understand GOD's (YHVH's) Will for your life and how and why living in sin (failing to meet GOD's Righteous, Holy and Perfect Standards) is destroying you and will destroy any hope you have for an abundant life of joy, peace of mind, prosperity and genuine happiness on earth {Deu 28:1-14 (KJV) and an eternal life free from suffering and damnation. Rev 21:1-8 (KJV)
Once you know that GOD's (YHVH's) plan is for you to live in His Kingdom on Earth, you will want to live in a Kingdom ruled by a Righteous, Holy, Perfect and Loving GOD (YHVH's); rather than in a kingdom or under a government controlled by men of the world/earth that are under Satanic influences. Eph 6:10-13 (KJV) Once you understand what happened and how it happened, you will want salvation {Isa 61:10 (KJV)} and understand why salvation {Luke 1:77-79 (KJV)} is so vitally important to your continued existence. John 3:16; Rom 10:9-11 (KJV)
The Universe & Earth
It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that the earth be bathed in light; rather than darkness, {Gen 1:3-4 (KJV)} that the entire universe be composed of matter human beings can not see with the naked eye; {Rom 1:20 (KJV)} that the earth be a ball-shaped sphere hung in space, {Job 26:7; Isa 40:22 (KJV)} and the earth be divided into dry land and water. Gen 1:9 (KJV)
Before the "Great Flood" the earth was surrounded by a moisture laden canopy separated by the air (atmosphere) from the earth beneath it. A mist covered the earth to water the plants. {Gen 2:6 (KJV)} Today many call this mist, fog. The air (atmosphere) to live in on the surface of the earth covers the entire planet and extends above the earth into the Heaven. Gen 1:6-8 (KJV)
It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that the heavens have luminaries. Today scientist have identified these luminaries and call stars, Suns and other luminaries Quasars, Constellations, Galaxies, Pulsars, Nebulae, Comets, Moons, and Planets, to name a few. {Gen 1:14-15 (KJV)} It is also GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that planet earth rotate on its axis and the moon revolve around the earth in order to have a night with a lesser light and daylight from a stationary sun. Gen 1:16-18 (KJV)
Living Creatures & Man
It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that the earth be inhabited {Isa 45:28 (KJV)} with living plants from the earth that reproduce after their kind from seeds and the seeds be found in or on the plants themselves, {Gen 1:11-12} that there be beast from the earth that live in the waters and winged beast from the earth (fowls) that fly in the air (atmosphere), all reproducing after their kind. Gen 1:20-22 (KJV)
It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that every living creeping, crawling, hopping, jumping and walking beast of the earth of every conceivable kind inhabit the dry land and reproduce after its kind. {Gen 1:24-25 (KJV)}. It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that man (men of the world/earth) be made after the likeness and in the image of heavenly beings [6th Day Creation].and GOD (YHVH's) made man (men of the world/earth) in his own image and created them (male and female). Gen 1:26-28 (KJV) Click this link to understand the use of Elohim instead of YHVH. The first books of the Bible were accurately rendered. YHVH's true name was not known until it was revealed to Moses. Hence, Elohim, a Hebrew terminology of deliberate vagueness before the revelation to Moses, is the most comprehensive term to use to express YHVH's nature. YHVH's nature is not His name.
Note 1: Them (plural) is a very important word. Why? Because man (singular) is male and female - "created he him". But the Bible clearly states: "Created He them". This one verse should have let scientists, archaeologists, paleontologists, anthropologists and every know, GOD created more than one man on the 6th Day. He created the men of the world/earth. Eze 18:4 (KJV) These men of the world/earth were created from the elements and given the spirit of man. Pro 20:27; Ecc 3:21; Zec 12:1; 1 Cor 2:11 (KJV)
Because the men of the world/earth's spirit is from the elements, all their desires are worldly. This spirit is carnal in nature {Rom 8:7 (KJV)} and desires to please the physical elements of its flesh; which are basically, the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. {1 John 2:15 (KJV)} Since these elemental concerns are not GODLY, eternal damnation and death is certain. Therefore, the elemental men of the world/earth had to have a saviour - "The Man Adam".
Note 2: GOD (YHVH) created the Heavens and the Earth from physical elements made from matter. These elements can be found in the Periodic Table in any decent science class. Everything in the physical universe is an elemental creation. In order for an elemental universe to survive, specific conditions must exist and be met continuously; otherwise, an elemental universe would destroy itself and everything in it. {2 Sam 22:32 (KJV)} Such a universe would require balance and precision of a type and scale the human mind absolutely and positively cannot comprehend, understand or duplicate. Isa 45:12 (KJV)
Therefore, the Creator of a universe made from matter would have to have Perfect Knowledge of spiritual physics, chemistry, mechanics, all the spiritual sciences and all the laws and principles governing them; as well as, Perfect Knowledge of elemental physics, chemistry, mechanics, all the natural sciences and all the laws and principles governing them. {Deu 32:4 (KJV)} The Creator would have to have Perfect Understanding and Perfect Wisdom in order to apply these Laws and Principles in Perfect Balance and Harmony and mainain them indefinitely. {Isa 46:9 (KJV)} Therefore, the Creator would have to be eternal. {Job 36:26 (KJV)} Since the Creator is not bound by physical reality there is no limit to what he can or cannot do. Hence it is written: "With GOD (YHVH) all things are possible" Mat 19:26; Mar 10:27 (KJV)
Note 3: "Spiritual Reality" is perfect and pure {Pro 30:5 (KJV)} that's why GOD( YHVH) cannot tolerate Sin. "Spiritual Reality" can exist without conditions. It can exist without matter and elemental reality, but elemental reality absolutely and positively cannot survive without its spiritual counterpart. Why is this so? Because all physical matter and its properties must be infused with spiritual properties in order to exist. Without this infusion, physical matter regardless of its state, form and/or substance cannot existence.
A spiritual property is any force that maintains, sustains and/or facilitates the physical properties of matter in all its forms and combinations; be it organic or inorganic that can not be seen, analyzed or measured with the naked eye or any mechanical device created by man.
Note 4: GOD (YHVH) created the heavens (the atmosphere and space) and Earth {Gen 1:1-31; Deu 10:14 (KJV)} to Establish His Kingdom in the Physical Universe. "The Man Adam" was going to be the Head of His Kingdom on Earth. Like all Kingdoms, there must be subjects. Elemental men in an elemental universe were created to be the subjects in GOD's (YHVH's) earthly Kingdom under "The Man Adam's" leadership and example. Unlike earthly kingdoms that are established by force of arms, GOD's (YHVH's) subjects from among elemental men are whosoever will. Therefore, these subjects must be proven worthy of spiritual existence in a physical plane by testing. That's why it is written: "GOD (YHVH) has come to prove you". Exd 20:20 (KJV)
Since physical matter cannot exist without its spiritual counterpart, those that don't are destroyed. The pain of consciousness without a life giving spirit is eternal torment. {Luk 16:28 (KJV)} That's why at the end of days, all those souls that reject GOD's (YHVH's) Jesus the Christ (GOD's "Living Word") will be destroyed {Rev 20:12-15 (KJV)} and the memory of their former existence erased. {Rev 21:4 (KJV)} To prove your worthiness to live in GOD's(YHVH's) Kingdom on Earth and in Heaven and have eternal life, you must be tested and proven. Exd 16:4 (KJV)
Note 5: Before the "Flood", the test was righteousness, {Gen 7:1 (KJV)} perfection in all your ways {Gen 6:9 (KJV)} and obedience. {Gen 2:16-17 (KJV)} "The Man Adam" failed. {Gen 3:12 (KJV)} He was formed righteous and perfect. The only test he had to pass was obedience. Such a test, only requires one Commandment.
After the "Flood" the test is faith, perfection in all your ways and obedience. Your faith is counted as righteousness. Hence it is written: "Abraham believed GOD and it was accounted to him for righteousness." {Gen 15:16; Deu 6:25; Gal 3:6 (KJV)} However, before faith can be accounted, you must still pass the test of the Law; which are GOD's Commandments, Statutes, Ordinances, Laws and Judgments.
Note 6: Contrary to popular belief, what is considered and accepted as scientific evidence is tightly controlled. Consequently, many sciences and professional disciplines expound outright lies as truth, {Jer 9:5 (KJV)} theories as fact and misinformation as proof, {Isa 59:13 (KJV)} the public is deceived into believing the earth is a lot older than it actually is; and living creatures came from some primordial soup and evolved from a single source by themselves, rather than being created or formed by GOD. Psa 50:10; Jer 27:5 (KJV)
Out of all the sciences, disciplines and technologies the descendants of the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" haved developed and devised since their creation and formation, they still have not learned how to create something from nothing nor can they. They can discover, build, identify, theorize, manufacture, produce, manipulate, fabricate, investigate, talk about, write about, sing about, think about and represent by artistic expression. 2 Tim 3:7 (KJV)
Even though the descendants of the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" can organize themselves into groups, societies, communities, armies, navies, air forces, build machinery, gadgets, devices, mine, plant or develop raw material into useful products or services, control diseases, write laws, ordinances, rules, procedures and regulations and transform thoughts and ideas into physical actualities, they still have not and can not learn how to create a universe, galaxies, universal forces, forces of nature, universal laws and principles or create self replicating life from the elements or life from dust. Job 12:9-25 (KJV)
With all the knowledge, understanding, wisdom and technologies the the descendants of the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" have received from GOD (YHVH's), {Pro 2:6-15 (KJV)} they still have not learned how to solve the world's problems; including but not limited to, murder, despair, depression, hopelessness, poverty, madness, self righteousness, false religions, war, corruption, injustice, idolatry, adultery, immorality, vanity, lying, deception, killing each other, destroying, maiming, polluting, lusting, cheating, stealing and looting {Job 28:28 (KJV)} or save themselves from death. {Job 14:1-2 (KJV)} Yet these same descendents have taken the knowledge given by GOD (YHVH) to declare there is no GOD. Psa 14:1 (KJV)
Note 7: Christians, theologians and religious communities because of fear, ignorance or some other reason are just as guilty in the opposite direction. They are taught, teach and believe the earth is a lot younger than it actually is and all men came from one man - "The Man Adam" and were created on the 6th day. Eze 13:22 (KJV) This is partially accurate, but not entirely accurate.
It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Divine Will" that the beast, fowl and fish from the earth not have dominion over men of the world/earth - to kill them at will. Therefore, the men of the world/earth (males and females) that were created on the 6th day were given dominion over the fish of the sea, cattle, the fowl of the air (atmosphere), the earth and every creeping thing that crept upon the earth. {Gen 1:28 (KJV)}
GOD (YHVH) gave every herb bearing seed and every tree which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed as food sources for men of the world/earth and to every beast of the earth and fowl of the air (atmosphere), GOD (YHVH) gave every green herb for food. {Gen 1:29-31 (KJV)} It is important to note that the food sources grew by themselves and reproduce by themselves from seeds within or on the source of the food.
In the beginning the men of the world/earth, the beast of the earth and the fowls of the air (atmosphere) were vegetarians. Animals did not kill each other for food and the men of the world/earth did not kill each other or killed animals for food. "The Man Adam's" sin changed all this. Gen 9:1-3 (KJV)
"The Man Adam"
Because YHVH rested on the seventh day after creation was completed, sanctified the seveth day and made it Holy, {Gen 2:3; Exd 31:15 (KJV)} for at least a thousand years {Psa 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8 (KJV)} (from the time they were created until YHVH rested) the men of the world/earth (male and female) that were created on the 6th day could find natural shelters in caves or in natural habitats.
Eventually they grew and developed their societies and built cities upon the earth. It is also possible, their technology was far more advanced than it is today. Remember: They lived longer, had better food and were closer to the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of YHVH. Whatever advances the men of the world/earth made before the "Flood" is buried beneath tons of debris at the bottom of the world's oceans and can be seen in the ruins and artifacts found around the world.
Note 8: The Bible does not mentioned how long YHVH rested, therefore during His period of rest, the men of the world/earth built cities and developed technologies for a much longer period of time than modern researchers are willing to admit. It is also quite conceivable during their early existence, the men of the world/earth had to live with animals we now call dinosaurs.
This is possible because no scientist, regardless of his/her brillance can conceive of his/her reality without time. He/she is limited by time. The mere fact he/she is conscience of the reality of time is evidence of intellectual contamination. Therefore everything he/she uses to measure time and creation is limited by this contamination, his/her intellectual understanding, what has been discovered and the extent of scientific progress.
This might explain why human foot prints are found with dinosaur bones and why so many caves and ancient artifacts have dinosaurs carved or etched on them. What is known for certain, is that after YHVH rested, He formed "The Man Adam", planted a garden in Eden, took "The Man Adam" there and out of the ground of Eden formed every beast of the field and fowl of the air (atmosphere). Gen 2:19 (KJV)
Note 9: Today, the 6th day creation, the men of the world/earth are called races and/or ethnic groups by scientists, kingdoms, government officials and human society in general. The human race is divided into 3 broad classification groups, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. Various methods and techniques are used to identify men of the world/earth by physical characteristics such as skin color; which can range from white, black, red, yellow, brown and/or various skin tones in between. Other characteristics that are commonly used are eye color, hair type, texture and color and geographic location, etc.., just to name a few.
When it comes to the males and females created on the 6th day, The Bible contains very little information about these early societies that were developed by the men of the world/earth. Even though other reference sources might exist, the only known reference in the Bible is the land of Nod and the fact that Cain feared the men of the world/earth would find him and kill him. {Gen 4:13-15 (KJV)} Cain; driven from the presence of GOD, after slaying his brother Abel, lived in Nod, {Gen 4:16 (KJV)} met a woman, they had a child name Enoch, built a city and named it after his son. Gen 4:17 (KJV)
Since the men of the world/earth were not given dominion over the ground of the earth {Gen 1:28 (KJV)} or tilled the ground; {Gen 2:5 (KJV)} after YHVH rested, {Gen 2:2 (KJV)} he formed another man (male only) out of the dust of the ground for this purpose - "The Man Adam" - breathed into him the breath of life and "The Man Adam" became a living soul. Gen 2:7; 19 (KJV)
Notice, YHVH did not breath life into the men of the world/earth. "The Man Adam" received YHVH's Spirit not the elemental spirit of man. {Job 33:4 (KJV)} "The Man Adam" was formed to be a Holy man. Whatever ground YHVH touches can become "Holy Ground". {Exd 3:5 (KJV)} Whatever YHVH designates as Holy makes everything that touches it Holy. Exd 29:37; 30:29; Lev 6:18 (KJV)
YHVH planted a garden eastward in Eden, {Gen 2:8 (KJV)} and took "The Man Adam" and placed him there to dress it and keep it. {Gen 2:15 (KJV)} Eden was a Holy place. Remember: Whatever ground YHVH touches can become Holy. {Exd 3:5 (KJV)} In the Garden, YHVH supplied all "The Man Adam's" needs and gave him only one Commandment with a condition to live by. Gen 2:16-17 (KJV)
Out of the ground of Eden, YHVH formed beast of the field and fowls of the air (atmosphere) and brought them to "The Man Adam" to name. Whatever "The Man Adam" called the beast of the field and fowls of the air (atmosphere) from the ground of Eden became their name. {Gen 2:20 (KJV)} The beast of the field and fowls of the air (atmosphere) from the ground of Eden were clean. {Gen 7:2-3 (KJV)}
Note 10: These new animals or beast of the field could very well be sheep, goats, deer, dogs, quail, doves, sparrows, cats, otters, seals, geese, swans, oxen, ducks, chickens, pheasants and thousands of other animals that are smaller and much easier to domesticate and consume. These beast of the field could very well be the reason and explanation how and why so many mammals suddenly appeared on the earth. Another role and function of the beast of the field and fowls of the air (atmosphere) from the ground of Eden can be to cleanse the earth of diseased or sick organisms and to be used as sacrifices for sin.
Even though there were females of the world/earth from the 6th day creation; they were not suitable as a companion or mate for "The Man Adam" {Gen 1:18 (KJV)}. because "The Man Adam" was not only a Holy man, he was also naked. {Gen 3:10 (KJV)} Remember: Whatever YHVH touches, forms or designates as Holy becomes Holy; {Exd 29:37 (KJV)} therefore,"The Man Adam" had to have a Holy mate and she had to be naked also. Gen 3:7 (KJV)
To meet "The Man Adam's" need for a Holy and naked mate, YHVH put him into a deep sleep, opened his flesh, took the curve (called rib), closed up the flesh, made a woman and brought her to "The Man Adam". {Gen 2:21-25 (KJV) The woman was Holy because she was formed from the curve (called rib) of the "The Man Adam" by YHVH and she was naked. {Gen 2:25 (KJV)} Eve was also touched by YHVH and not created separately from the elements, the ground of the earth or from the ground of Eden. In our modern times, scientists have discovered the "Curve" and call it DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
It is GOD's (YHVH's) "Perfect Will" that a holy and righteous people be in the world, but not of the world { Exd 19:5; Deu 7:6; 14:2; Isa 62:12 (KJV)} and have dominion over the ground of the entire earth. {Rom 4:13 (KJV)} YHVH's Holy and Righteous people are to be a separate people from the men of the world/earth (male and female). Isa 43:21; John 15:19 (KJV)
The responsibility of YHVH's Holy People is to "Establish YHVH's Kingdom on Earth", live among the men of the world/earth, guide or lead them in righteous behavior, {Isa 56:7 (KJV)} teach them the ways of YHVH, govern and rule in Perfect Holiness {Eze 44:24 (KJV)} and not adopt or adapt to lifestyles, {2 Kin 17:12 (KJV)} customs or traditions that are contrary to YHVH's Commandments, Laws, Statutes or Ordinances. Exd 6:7; Deu 7:6; 28:9; Isa 62:12 (KJV)
Sin Leads To Curses And Death
YHVH cannot and will not tolerate sin in any manner, shape or form. That's a tough egg to swallow, but Heaven is not a place for whimps or the ungodly. {Rev 21:7-8 (KJV)} All it takes is one miscue to wipe out years of obedience. Num 20:7-12 (KJV)
As human beings, we must recognize, understand and accept who YHVH is. He is a Holy, Righteous GOD that is Perfect in all His ways. {Lev 11:45; Psa 11:7; Mat 5:48 (KJV)} This is why it is vitally important that you understand how Satan comes at you 95% of the time. Awarenes is the best defense against his tactics, devices and tricks. {2 Cor 2:11 (KJV)} To increase your ability to stand, follow Paul's advice in Ephesians 6:10-17 (KJV)
Satan's most favored attack on the unsuspecting is a mental assualt: He comes at your mind with your own thoughts by mixing "Truth" with a lie/s". {2 Cor 11:14 (KJV)} Satan will also test you and tempt you to see how strong you are and how willing you are to follow YHVH's Commandments, Laws, Ordinances, Statutes and Judgements. Gen 3:1; 4-5; 1 Chr 21:!; Job 1:12; 2:7; Zec 3:1; Mar 1:13; Luk 22:31; John 10:10; 1 Cor 7:5; 1 Pet 5:8 (KJV)
When it comes to Eve, Satan unleashed his most powerful attack against her. "You shall not die. For YHVH doth know that in the day ye eat thereof , then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. {Gen 3:4-5 (KJV)} Truth - You shall be as gods. {John 10:34 (KJV)} Truth - Kowing good and evil. {Gen 3:22 (KJV)} Mixed with a Lie - You shall not die. {Gen 3:4 (KJV)} The Truth is you shall die for disobedience. Gen 2:17 (KJV)
When "The Man Adam" and his woman sinned against YHVH by disobeying His Commandment; {3:6-13 (KJV)} they were no longer Holy. Since there was no atonement for sin until after the "Flood", "The Man Adam", Eve and the serpent's punishment, curses and death sentence were implemented immediately, {Gen 3:14-16 (KJV)}. and the ground of the earth became cursed because "The Man Adam" sinned against YHVH. Gen 3:17-20; 5:29 (KJV)
"The Man Adam's" Fall Changed The World
Note 11: The men of the world/earth were not given any Commandment/s and were not responsible for sin entering the world. Whatever dysfunctional behavior that was manifest among them wasn't considered sin. The men of the world/earth were not included in YHVH's plan for dominion over the ground itself. Go back and reread Genesis 1:26-31 (KJV). Eden was not only YHVH's Garden on earth, {Gen 2:8 (KJV)} it was also His tabernacle or habitation.
GOD's (YHVH's) "Perfect Will" is to have his tabernacle or habitation on earth with men, dwell in them and walk in them. Lev 26:12; 2 Cor 6:16; Rev 21:13 (KJV)
Note 12: Being in YHVH's Spirit and/or Physical Presence is reserved for His Holy people (those that are obedient to His Commandments, Ordinances, Statutes, Laws and Judgements). Because YHVH's Spirit and/or Physical Presence could freely roam and live in the Garden, "The Man Adam" and Eve did not need physical protection from the elements. They could live in their pure physical state without skin. Disobeying YHVH changed that. When their eyes were opened, they realized they were naked and made aprons for themselves by sewing fig leaves together. Gen 3:6-7 (KJV)
Note 13: Genesis 3:21 is one the most misunderstood and misinterpreted scriptures in the Bible. Many false teachers misinform people that YHVH killed an animal and made them skin. Not so. Others will tell you that the literal meaning of Adam, "ruddy complexion or blood-in-the-face, meant Adam and Eve were pale or Caucasian because blushing can turn the face red. Not so either.
You can't tell by looking at someone what lies within. 99.99% of all human beings hide within their skin. Since it is not possible to physically see a person's thoughts or look into his/her deep feelings or emotions, skin becomes a natural shield or barrier that prevents intrusion. In a pure environment, human beings would not need skin as we know it because there is nothing to protect them from. Physical skin is an outer protective covering of flesh bodies that is needed to shield the internal body structures from the elements.
Strip away skin and its colors or tones and all men and women are not only naked, they will look basically the same. You can actually see the blood red color of facial muscles. Not only was "The Man Adam" Holy, he was also physically different. He was absolutely pure with no outward distinguishing characteristics. His true physical nature was visible to the world. The men of the world/earth could see exactly how "The Man Adam" and Eve were made.
Note 14: This is why after "The Man Adam" was formed, he was taken to Eden where the spirit and/or physical presence of YHVH could shield him from the elements, physical pain and corruption; {Psa 3:3; 5:12; 84:11 (KJV)} as well as supply all his needs. {Gen 2:8-9 (KJV)} Because "The Man Adam" and Eve lived in the spiritual and/or physical presence of YHVH, an outer physical skin or a protective covering of skin was not necessary to hide their physical make-up.
Once "The Man Adam" and Eve realized their true nature was visible for all to see, they immediately hid themselves just like people do today. First, they tried to cover their true nature with clothing. {Gen 3:7 (KJV)} How many people today dress to deceive others they are something they are not.
Next, they hid themselves among the trees in the garden. {Gen 3:8 (KJV)} The trees were physical and visible signs of holiness. Even today people hide behind visible signs of being Holy. Remember: Whatever YHVH touches can become Holy. {Exd 3:5 (KJV)} The trees they were hiding among were living and growing in "Holy Ground".
"The Man Adam" and Eve confronted another reality of YHVH, Satan neglected to mention to Eve. YHVH sees all. {Psa 34:15; Pro 5:21; 15:3 (KJV)} He will speak to you. {Gen 6:13; 8:15, 9:8; 12:1; Exd 6:2 (KJV)} He will question you. {Gen 3:9; 11; 13; 4:6-7; 18:13-14; Exd 14:15; 16:28; Job 38:1-41; (KJV)} and YHVH's voice can be heard, even in a sinful state. {Gen 3:14-19; 31:29 (KJV)}
Note 15: In "The Man Adam's" fallen sinful state, he could not express remorse, regret or repent for his actions. He did not ask YHVH to forgive him; nor did he accept responsibilty for his actions. He blamed his disobedience on Eve. {Gen 3:10; 12 (KJV)} "The Man Adam's" fallen nature was so complete, he withheld information by not completely describing his actions. Gen 3:10 (KJV) He neglected to tell YHVH about the aprons. Gen 3:7 (KJV) This is an act of deceit, deception and intentional misinformation. "The Man Adam" gave YHVH a false report.
In their sinful state, they could not remain in YHVH's Spirit and/or Physical Presence. YHVH clothed them in a protective covering of skin, not only because they had become like the men of the world/earth, separated from YHVH, He was going to send them into the world and banish them from Eden forever. {Gen 3:24 (KJV)} Without YHVH's protection, they would be exposed to the elements, pain, continuous labor, {Gen 3:17-18 (KJV)} corruption and air borne pathogens; to which they would have no physical protection. Remember: Whatever YHVH touches or designates can become Holy. {Exd 29:37 (KJV)} Therefore, the skin YHVH clothed them in became Holy.
Note 16: "The Man Adam" and Eve, had the physical appearance of Holiness and innocence because of their Holy skin, but they were no longer innocent or Holy where it counts. Underneath their skin and hidden from the naked eye was their true nature that was laden with sin and impending death. Even today, there are many so-called religious men and women that conceal their sinful natures with an outward appearance of Holiness. Billions of others are the walking dead clothed in skin that conceals the sin and death within them.
The Bible does not mention the skin color "The Man Adam" and Eve was given. This is very important. Why is this so important? Because no color is mentioned, any man or woman in a flesh body can appear to be Holy to an unsuspecting world. This is the very essence of false religions, fasle doctrines and pseudo-science. An appearance of Holiness that conceals sin and death {Job 13:16; Mat 23:27 (KJV)} will not save you. Hiding behind the physical symbols of Holiness will not save you either, and mankind's pseudo-science and philosophy will definitely kill you in the flesh and destroy your soul.
If the spirit of YHVH does not live within you; "The Holy Spirit", then, underneath your skin and clothing is sin and death, not life. {Mat 5:20 (KJV)} Conversely, any man or woman in a flesh body that has YHVH's Spirit; "The Holy Spirit", living inside him/her can enter the spirit and/or physical presence of GOD and receive eternal life regardless of how he/she looks on the outside. Job 36:10-11 (KJV)
The now sin laden "The Man Adam" and his woman - Eve - {Gen 3:20 (KJV)} cannot be allowed to eat the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. {Gen 3:22 (KJV)} Consequently, they were driven from Eden to till the ground from which "The Man Adam" was taken; Gen 3:24 (KJV) nor could they return to Eden and eat from the tree of life. Gen 3:24 (KJV) YHVH knows your sin/s. {Psa 69:5 (KJV) Therefore, an appearance of Holiness is not enough to save you, have eternal life or allow you to live in the spirit and/or presence of YHVH. Mat 5:20; 16:12 (KJV)
Because "The Man Adam" and Eve were driven out of Eden in their fallen sinful state, clothed in innocence and Holy skin, sin entered the world inhabited by the men of the world/earth. {Rom 5:12; 19 (KJV)} As a direct result of their sin (Failing to meet YHVH's Holy, Righteous and Perfect Standards), the men of the world/earth could not be taught the ways of YHVH. Mat 22:16 (KJV)
Note 17: Without YHVH's righteous standard being spoken from the mouth of a man ("The Man Adam"), a man ("The Man Adam") that could demonstrate the power of YHVH's Words in the flesh, live and teach in the flesh like a man ("The Man Adam" and the men of the world/earth), and a flesh man (physically pure) following His Commandments on the physical earth, the men of the world/earth would not believe they can live Righteously and Holy in the flesh without being a god.
Consequently, whatever behavior the men of the world/earth were exhibiting at the time of "The Man Adam's" sin, got progressively worse. Gen 6:5; Psa 17:14 (KJV) Because of "The Man Adam's" physical purity, he could absorb the impurities of the world within his own body, thus guaranteeing eternal life for all flesh. Once these impurites from the men of the world/earth were absorbed within him, he could return to Eden as the physical embodiment of Sin, where YHVH could destroy the sin within him. Therefore, the men of the world/earth would never experience death, because sin; which brings death, would have been destroyed forever. Unfortunately this did not happen and the "First Earth Age" was destroyed by the "Flood".
Instead Of YHVH's Kingdom It's Satan's
The physical reality of Sin on earth did not come from Satan and his fallen angels concerning the Mercy Seat or his refusal to be born of woman. Satan defied YHVH by seducing Eve and impregnating her womb with his seed. {Gen 3:13 (KJV)} Satan's claim to the ground of earth and everything living on its surface or growing out of it is because of his son - Cain - and his descendents - the Kenites. His son - Cain - was born first {Gen 4:1 (KJV)} Satan stole the kingdom from "The Man Adam" because Cain acquired the birth right. All the governments and kingdoms of this world are his to give. Mat 4:1-10; Luk 4:1-12 (KJV)When it comes to the Heirs of Abraham, it is YHVH's "Divine Will" and "Sovereign Right" that all first fruits belong to Him and the first born. {Exd 22:29 (KJV)} When it comes to the Heirs of Abraham, it is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that the inheritance or the birthright be given to the first born. Gen 25:5; 31-34; 27:1-46; 43:33; 48:1-22; 1 Chr 5:1 (KJV)
Note 18: YHVH could not bless Cain because his birth came from defiance, treachery, lies, deception and disobedience. Plus, the ground was already under a curse. The kingdom Cain inherited as first born was and still is a Kingdom of Death, not life. Consequently, the physical reality of sin entering the world inhabited by the men of the world/earth in the flesh was not only "The Man Adam" and Eve, it was also their first born son - Cain - that inherited the Kingdom of Death.
Cain's birthright was an earth doomed to be destroyed. He was a liar, deceiver and a murderer from the womb of the "Virgin" Eve. Cain was Satan's seed implanted in Eve while she was still a "Virgin". Eve was seduced by Satan in Eden before "The Man Adam" laid with her. {Gen 3:13 (KJV)} Beguiled in Hebrew is seduced. By the time Adam laid with Eve, she was already, defiled, immoral and impregnated with Satan's seed - Cain.
It is YHVH's "Specific Will" to put enmity between Satan's seed and "Her Seed". {Gen 3:15 (KJV) "Her Seed" is a reference to a future "Virgin". How do you know that? Eve was already defiled. {Gen 3:13 (KJV)} Since a woman cannot produce a child without a man's sperm fertilizing an egg in the natural world, in order for a woman to have a seed or produce a child without this natural process, a "Virgin" would have to be impregnated supernaturally and conceive. Isa 7:14; Mat 1:23 (KJV)
Remember: YHVH knows all and He declared humanity's future salvation in the Garden of Eden. A "Virgin" would conceive. A Deliverer - A Messiah - A Saviour- would come. The Kingdom of YHVH would be re-established, not from the seed of an earthly man from the ground that could be easily deceived and corrupted like "The Man Adam", but a Holy Seed that could not be defiled. This man in the flesh would undo what Satan had done. {1 Jhn 3:8 (KV)} YHVH, Himself, would provide the Seed. Isa 19:20; 43:3; 11; 45:21; 49:26; Mat 1:18-25; Luk 2:11; John 4:42; Act 5:11; 13:23; Phl 3:20; 1 Tim 1:1; 2:3; 4:10; 2 Tim 1:10; 1 John 4:10 (KJV)
Note 19: Unlike "The Man Adam" that was formed with no physical skin and given Holy Skin, {Gen 3:21 (KJV)} the Deliverer - The Messiah - The Saviour - The Presence of GOD in the Flesh - would look just like the descendants of "The Man Adam" and be like them in every way. He would even be covered in their own skin. This Holy Seed would be the "Son of Man" - "The Man Adam" and born of a woman - a "Virgin" - that was not defiled by Satan or Satanic influences.
Remember: Without YHVH's righteous standard being spoken from the mouth of a man ("The Man Adam"), a man ("The Man Adam") that could demonstrate the power of YHVH's Word in the flesh, live and teach in the flesh like a man ("The Man Adam" and the men of the world/earth), and a flesh man (physically pure) following His Commandments on the physical earth, the men of the world/earth would not believe they can live Righteously and Holy in the flesh without being a god.
Note 20: The "Son of Man" - a descendant of "The Man Adam" would come to earth clothed in skin, but remain physically and spiritually pure because the "Holy Seed" came from YHVH, Himself. He can speak the Word of YHVH and YHVH would not have to put words in his mouth or tell him what to say. "The Son of Man" - a descendant of "The Man Adam" would become YHVH's "Living Word" in the flesh.
The "Son of Man" - YHVH's "Living Word" - a descendant of "The Man Adam" could live among men in a flesh body and teach YHVH's "Word". Instead of being formed physically pure, he would be born physically pure from the womb of a "Virgin". He would follow YHVH's Commandents in the flesh in a physical world inhabited by all the men YHVH created.
Thefore, the descendants of the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" after seeing a flesh man fulfill all of YHVH's Commandments, Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Judgments, they could do it too, without being a god. Jesus was called: The Son of God, {Jhn 1:34 (KJV)} The Son of David, {Mat 9:27 (KJV)} but Jesus called himself the Son of Man ("The Man Adam") {Mat 9:6; 10:23; 11:19; 12:8; 12:32; 12:40 (KJV) He was all 3 and more.
It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that all men (males and females) be obedient to his Commandments and Laws; as well as the remaining Statutes, Ordinances and Judgments that were not nailed to the cross.
This is important for you to understand: YHVH'S WORD AND YHVH ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. YHVH, YHVH's WORD AND YHVH'S SPIRIT ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. This concept is difficult for human beings composed of elements to understand. YHVH does not need a physical body like us and He never will be like us. Human beings are created. We will never, in the flesh, understand fully the reality of YHVH. The "Holy Spirit" is Divine and YHVH's Word is Divine. YHVH can be in the flesh and Still be YHVH. To undo what Satan had done. {1 Jhn 3:8 (KJV)} The "Word" of YHVH came in the flesh. John 1:1-3; 14 (KJV)
Eve had twins in her womb and gave birth to both Cain and Abel. Cain came out first and Eve continued in labour and conceived Able. {Gen 4:1-2 (KJV)} Abel was conceived in sin, not only because he was birthed after Cain, he was the child of a sin laden mother and father. The wages of sin is death. {Rom 6:23 (KJV)} This includes the death of the innocent and righteous by evil or wicked men. 2 Sam 4:11; Isa 59:7 (KJV)
Sin is a choice. Despite being Satan's seed, Cain could have redeemed himself if he obeyed YHVH's voice. {Gen 4:6-7 (KJV)} Cain; rather than obeying YHVH and mastering his sinful nature, succumbed to it. He rejected YHVH and allowed the sin within him to murder his brother Abel. {Gen 4:8 (KJV)} YHVH's special people were now being murdered from the sin they, themselves, had created and because of Cain's act; murder and killing would come to all men.
Cain's descendants continued in his murdereous footsteps.{Gen 4:23 (KJV)} and mocked YHVH with their self proclaimed righteousness. {Gen 4:24 (KJV)}. When Cain was cursed from the earth, {Gen 4:11 (KJV)} because of his sin, famine {Gen 4:12 (KJV)} entered into the world inhabited by the men of the world/earth.
Note 21: By "The Man Adam" and Eve's own choices, YHVH's righteous standard was destroyed. Without a righteous standard, the men of the world/earth could destroy themselves by murder, disobedience, rejecting YHVH, lying, deception, immorality, idolatry and false religions that concealed sin and death by appearing to be Holy. Even the earth, itself, could now destroy the men of the world/earth by not yielding its crops and by natural disasters.
Death and Destruction
The fall of YHVH's elect, "The Man Adam" and Eve impacted the entire inhabited world. The children of sin and death, the offspring of "The Man Adam" and Eve, had no choice but to appeal to YHVH for help. {Gen 4:26 (KJV) Because "The Man Adam's" fallen nature had infested the entire world with sin and death, there was no longer a distinction between the offsprings of "The Man Adam", the offsprings of Cain and the offsprings of the men of the world/earth. They all became one and the same and called Adam. Gen 5:1-2 (KJV)
Note 22: Whenever the Bible refers to man after the death of "The Man Adam" it is referring to the descendants of "The Man Adam". Remember: "The Man Adam" was formed or made from the dust of the earth {Gen 2:7 (KJV)} not created from the elements like men of the world/earth. {Gen 1:26-31 (KJV)} The 6th day creation.
Note 23: "The Man Adam" and the descendants of "The Man Adam" are the source of humanity's salvation. It is from his bloodline through which Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, all the prophets, Saul, David, Solomon, Ester, Ruth, Job, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus the Messiah, the Disciples and the Apostle Paul would be born. It is through "The Man Adam's" bloodline that all men; including the descendents of Cain - the Kenites - {Gen 5:19; Num 24:21; Judg 4:11; 1 Sam 30:29; 1 Chr 2:55 (KJV)} and the descendants of the men of the world/earth can have life abundantly in flesh bodies on earth and be saved from eternal damnation.
Without YHVH's Righteous Standard, immorality, wickedness, evil and sin in all its manifestations will engulf the earth. No one will be safe from death and violence. As the descendants of "The Man Adam" multipled on the earth sin multiplied with them. Because of their inclination toward sinful behavior (males and females), the sons of YHVH (angels) looked upon the daughters of "The Man Adam",laid with them, and had children - the Nephilim - giants. Gen 6:1-2; 4 (KJV)
Note 24: Why fallen angels? Even though angels are YHVH's Messengers, they have the same freedom to choose as the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" that was formed by YHVH from the dust of the earth. Angels obedient to YHVH's Will and Words would not have engaged in debauchery.
The wickedness of man (the descendants of the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam") was great and every imagination of the thoughts of their heart was only evil continually, {Gensis 6:5 (KJV)} YHVH repented that he made man (the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" [Gen 2:7 KJV]) on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. {Gen 6:6 (KJV)}.
Note 25: Because of the fall of "The Man Adam" and the corruption of his descendants, all men (males and females) were placed under a death sentence. The life span of the descendants of the men of the world/earth, the descendants of Cain, the descendants of the Nephilim and the descendants of "The Man Adam" was shortened to 120 years. {Gen 6:3 (KJV)}
Note 26: All human beings now live under a death sentence. Men and women would advance in years and die naturally from old age, if they were not killed by accidents, war, murder, floods, self inflicted abuse and stress, hopelessness, despair, anxiety, birth defects, fear, torment, injustice, mental illness, disease, pestilence, oppression, suppression, deprivation, starvation, genocide, natural disasters, famine, obesity, suicide, poisons or some other natural or human induced cause.
Because all men; including the descendants of Cain {Gen 4:16-23 (KJV)} and the descendants of the men of the world/earth, were all equally wicked, YHVH decided to destroy them too. {Gen 6:7 (KJV)} The men of the world/earth {Gen 1:27 (KJV)} whom he had created, including the beast and fowls {Gen 1:20; 24 (KJV)} were being destroyed in the "Flood" because all flesh upon the earth was corrupt and the earth was filled with violence. Gen 6:11-12 (KJV)
It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that not all flesh be destroyed because of the original sin of "The Man Adam". Men and women can save themselves by turning away from Sin and obeying YHVH {Jer 31:34 (KJV)}. Like Enoch before him {Gen 5:24 (KJV)} and the Patriarchs after him; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Noah found grace in the eyes of YHVH because his generation was not defiled. {Gen 6:8 (KJV)} Before the "Flood", you had to be righteous {Gen 7:1 (KJV)} in all your ways in order yo enter YHVH's Spirit and/or His Physical Presence. Noah's righteousness and perfection in all his ways allowed him to walk with YHVH. Gen 6:9 (KJV)
YHVH preserved a remnant of what he had made and created by providing a means by which anyone; even the wicked and unclean, could be saved if they accepted His "Word"and obeyed Him. It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that all mankind be saved and none perish {2 Pet 3:9 (KJV)} if they choose His plan of salvation. The Ark was GOD's physical plan to save whosoever will. Gen 6:14 (KJV) This pattern of saving a remnant would remain throughtout earth's history after the "Flood". 2 Ki 19:31; Isa 1:19; Jer 23:3; Eze 14:22; Mic 2:12; Rom 9:27 (KJV)
Those that were saved obeyed YHVH's Commandment. {Isa 1:18-19 (KJV)} Two of every flesh (male and female) were brought into the Ark. {Gen 6:19 (KJV)} This included the descendants of the men of the world/earth, Cain, the Nephilim - giants - and the beast of the earth. The beast of the field and the fowls (male and female) of the air (atmosphere) would be taken by 7. {Gen 7:2 (KJV)} The door to the Ark remained opened 7 days before the rain came, {Gen 7:4 (KJV)} so that whosoever will could come and be saved.. After 7 days were up, the door as closed, the rain came, {Gen 7:10; 15-16 (KJV)} and the ensuing "Flood" destroyed all life from the surface of the earth. Gen 7:17-24 (KJV) Only those in the Ark were saved.
It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" to keep his covenant with the descendants of "The Man Adam". {Deu 4:31; 7:9; Psa 89:34; 105:8; Isa 42:6 (KJV)} Even though YHVH's First Covenant was between Noah and Himself; {Gen 6:18 (KJV)} it included all flesh. Gen 9:8-17 (KJV)
How To Know GOD's Will For Your Life
A: It is YHVH's "Divine Will" that you have knowledge, wisdom, understanding and the ability to fabricate usable items from raw material. {Exd 31:1-5; Pro 2:6 (KJV)}
B: It is YHVH's "Specific Will" that men form themselves into nations {Gen 10:5; 20; 31-32 (KJV)} and be governed by His Commandments, Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Judgments and have feast and celebrations. Exd 20:1-17 (KJV)
C: It is YHVH's "Specific Will" that you can pick your harvest as long as He picks the size and/or nature of your seed for a blessing. II Kings 4:13-14 (KJV)
D: It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that you have every opportunity to live a Righteous and Sin free life. Psa 5:12; 11:7; Isa 60:21 (KJV)
E: It is YHVH's "Specific Will" that seed be given to the sower. Isa 55:10 (KJV)
F: It is YHVH's "Specific Will" that you receive in the measure that you sow. Luk 6:38; 2 Cor 9:6 (KJV)
G: It is YHVH's "Specific "Will" that what you sow in good soil will be multipled. Gen 26:12; Mat 13:8 (KJV)
H: It is YHVH's "Specific Will" that you be blessed for giving your tithes, offerings and first fruits. Gen 4:4; Mal 6:8-11 (KJV)
I: It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that you be given the opportunity to enter and live in His Kingdom forever. Mat 6:33; Mar 1:15; Luk 13:29; Jhn 3:5 (KJV)
J: It is YHVH's "Perfect Will" that you be given the opportunity to choose between Him and Eternal Life and Sin and Eternal Death by accepting the righteouness of Jesus the Christ. Rom 5:21; 6:23; Titus 1:2 (KJV)
Sin is failing or missing YHVH's Righteous, Perfect and Holy Standards. Therefore, in addition to the above, if you confessed your sins, asked Christ into your life, confessed with your mouth and believe in your heart that YHVH raised him from the dead, you are saved: Rom 10:9-11 (KJV) Then go and sin no more. Jer 31:34; Jhn 8:11 (KJV)
If you are reading YHVH's "Word", walking by faith, repenting, praying daily, allowing the "Holy Spirit" to develop you, obeying YHVH's Commandments, Laws and Judgments, Loving your neighbor as yourself, loving YHVH with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, being all you can be, living your life to the fullest without sin, performing at your highest level of excellence, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of YHVH, you know you are in YHVH's Will.
What Is Not GOD's Will For Your Life
A: It is not YHVH's Will or Purpose to shower you in materialism or money to feed your carnal lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.
B: It is not YHVH's Will for you to live in sin in any form, fashion, thought or deed.
C: It is not YHVH's Will that you should perish.
Educating Yourself
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