There are many Biblical teachers that have correctly identified the "First Earth Age". The "First Earth Age" existed before the "Flood". There has only been "One Flood" that destroyed all life on the planet. {Gen 7:10-24 (KJV)} There are some religious groups teaching believers that there were 2 floods. According to this teaching, the first flood occurred when Satan rebelled against GOD (YHVH) and took 1/3 of GOD's Angels with him. Rev 12:4 (KJV)
This first flood reportedly destroyed the spiritual bodies that inhabited earth. There were no spiritual bodies walking around on Earth prior to the "Flood" recorded in Genesis. Elemental matter can not destroy or even harm a spiritual entity or being. That's Hollywood, not reality.
This misconception is due to scientific and Biblical ignorance and a desire to find plausible explanations for new archaeological facts; such as, dinosaur and human foot prints in the same layer of rock. It is quite conceivable the men of the world/earth that were created on the 6th Day of Genesis lived with the beast of the earth, we now call dinosaurs. "The Man Adam" was formed from the dust of the ground {Gen 2:7 (KJV)} much later in time.
Academic & Scientific
Even with the severely flawed dating techniques used by the scientific community, these facts can be verified. It gets even worse for scientists, the academic commuity and its false religion of evolution. After 200 plus years of digging, and thousands of reconstructed skeletons, no one can explain the absence of "so-called" cross over species.
Without these "missing links" evolution is a fraud and anyone who believes in it has serious mental problems. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. GOD created all the complex life forms we see in the past and present. It is by GOD's Words and His effort that gave us the beast of the field, beast of the earth, beast and fish in the rivers and seas, fowls of the air and human life.
Every fossil to date is complete and the evidence is undeniable that every animal past and present reproduce young after it's kind. {Gen 1:20-24 (KJV)} The same undeniable evidence exist for plant life. All plants, herbs and trees come from seeds that reproduce after their kind. {Gen 29-31 (KJV)} This overt rejection of GOD's truth for scientific and academic lies is largely due to scientists and the academic community's unwavering belief in the lie of evolution and "Secular Humanism".
Darwin's theory rest entirely on the assumption that his process of "Natural Selection" had to take millions of years, because animals and plants were to complex for "Natural Selection" to work in any time period less than that. Hence the need for millions and billions of years, rather than 500,000 years or less. After 30,000 generations of fruit flies, you still get fruit flies. A horse has yet to give birth to a dog and a pig has not given birth to a college professor. It is not going to happen. The earth is not billions of years old and neither is the universe. If this were true, we would all be dead.
The reason: The sun is shrinking at a constant rate of 5 feet per hour. That's 43,800 feet per year. If the sun were 4.5 billion years old and you multiplied 43,800 feet per year times the age given for our galaxy, and reversed the process, the only celestial body in this galaxy would be the sun. The sun would have been huge. Since the earth is thought to be the same age, this planet would either not exist or be a burned out cinder...and it isn't.
If our sun began it's existence 4.5 billion years ago and shrank at its current rate, we would all be dead. The sun would have disappeared and earth would be a frozen wasteland. Even if the earth managed to survive as a burned out cinder or a frozen barren rock, we would still be dead. The Second Law of Thermodynamics would have killed us. Over time, during the lifetime of a dynamic system, the system degenerates, falls apart or runs down. If the earth is as old as scientist say it is, it would have fallen apart a long time ago.
However, if you used 50,000 years or less, added the shrinkage back and took it away, the sun would be approximately the same size it is now. This is overwhelming physical evidence for a young earth and an even younger moon. If the universe was as old as scientist say it is, thousands of star systems would be forming every second, new inorganic matter; as well as, new intelligent life forms on planet earth.
Yet, scientist have not seen one star system form since astronomers began studying the heavens, no new inorganic matter and no new life forms, intelligent or otherwise during the entire lifespan of recorded human history. Why do these well educated and intelligent people in leadership positions around the world insist on maintaining lies as truth? It is because these billions of years of manufactured time are necessary to support their misconceptions, academic lies, scientific lies, false religions, bankrupt intellectualism and false doctrines.
This concept of billions of years comes from Darwinism - the base philosophy and false doctrine of "Secular Humanists" who believe there is no GOD. {Pro 1:7; Psa 53:1(KJV)} Charles Robert Darwin was an English Naturalist and along with Alfred Russell Wallace's essays gave the world the book, "On the Origin of the Species" in 1859.
Darwin and his supporters; both past and present, reportedly proposed and provided scientific evidence that all life evolved over time from one or a few common ancestors through the process of "Natural Selection". "Natural Selection" was later modified to include "Survival of the Fittest" a term coined by Herbert Spencer in his book "Principles of Biology" in 1864.
The academic community still prefers to use the term "Natural Selection" rather than "Survival of the Fittest". This evolutionary concept is widely accepted by the scientific community, the academic community and the general public, even though there is absolutely no evidence; physical or otherwise, to support it.
Since 1930, the "Evolutionary Theory" has been the foundation of biology, "Secular Humanism" and the world's leading scientists and governments. They claim it provides a unifying and logical explanation for the diversity of life found on planet earth. The truth is it provides no explanation for all the diversity found in the animal kingdom past or present.
The Genesis Flood And The Second Earth Age
The world after Genesis is a world of death and impending destruction. We are now living in the "Second Earth Age" under "2 Curses on the Land", a "Death Sentence" on all mankind (males and females) and in a "Satanic Kingdom" {Eph 6:12 (KJV)} - dominated by lies, misinformation, half-truths, false doctrines, corrupt governments, pagan Christianity, morbid Islam, unconfessing Judaism, Idolatry, materialism, communism, depotism, socialism, predatory capitalism, fascism, terrorism, murder, tyrannies of every kind, immorality, disease, pollution, war, crime, narcotics and dwindling natural resources. The earth is surviving on borrowed time by the Grace of GOD,
The "Genesis Flood" changed the earth forever. The "Fountains of the Deep" {Gen 7:11 (KJV)} were broken up and gushed out with such force, it is quite conceivable this the reason why there are deep trenches in the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. In order to reduce surface water levels, GOD had to tilt the earth 23.26 degrees on its axis from its perpendicular plane and cause a wind to pass over the earth {Gen 8:1 (KJV)} to move the excess water to the north and to the south. The excess water accumulated at the polar regions as the earth was tilting and became the great ice masses at the (top of the earth) north polar region and at the (bottom of the earth) south polar region. Today these ice masses are call Arctic (located in the ocean) and Antartica (located over a land mass) .
The Death Sentence Against All Men - When the moisture laden canopy that surrounded the earth fell, {Gen 7:11 (KJV)} The earth was no longer protected from the harsh rays of the sun. Therefore, "Flood" survivors and their descendants would fullfil the "Judgment GOD" made against all men (males and females) that their days would be shorten to 120 years. {Gen 6:3 (KJV)} Before the "Flood" the descendants of the men of the world/earth and "The Man Adam" lived for several hundred years. Gen 5:3-32 (KJV)
Anyone living long after the "Flood", is blessed by GOD. Abraham lived 175 years, {Gen 25:7 (KJV)} Moses lived exactly 120 years {Deu 34:7 (KJV)} and Joshua lived 110 years. {Jos 24:29 (KJV)} Compared to Methuselah's 969, Jared's 962 years, Seth's 912 years, Cainan's 910 years, Enos' 905 years, Mahalaleel's 895 years and "The Man Adam's" 800 years. Gen 5:3-32 (KJV).
This lends credibility to the scriptures - "A day is as a thousand years" {Psa 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8 (KJV)} - and "In that day you will surely die". {Gen 2:17 (KJV)} After "The Man Adam" sinned, no human being has lived 1,000 years. There is no record of how long the descendants of Cain {Gen 4:16-24 (KJV)} or Nephilim - giants. Gen 6:4 (KJV)
The Beginning of Weather & Seasons - After the "Flood" the earth had weather - hot and cold, seasons - summer and winter, and fairly predictable seedtime and harvest time. Time became the measure of lives - day and night shall not cease. {Gen 8:22 (KJV)} However, the earth's weather is unpredictable. It can range from heat waves to blizzard-like conditions. Prior to the "Flood", the earth's climate was uniform and stable.
The "Fountains of the Deep" combined with the moisture laden canopy above the earth, {Gen 1:7 (KJV)} kept the earth's environment and temperature constant. Without the canopy above and cooler oceans below, violent storms such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, tropical storms, cyclonic storms and tropical depressions appeared on the earth. Even scientist agree, the tilt of the earth gives us weather and seasons.
The First Curse Against The Earth - The "Flood" caused the once solid land mass {Gen 1:9-10 (KJV)} to break apart, creating floating land masses that are moving on a largely semi-solid mantle. During the "Flood", the "Fountains of the Deep" gushing upward broke up the land mass. {Gen 7:11(KJV)} The huge reservoir of water that was under the surface no longer exist. This huge body of water kept the ground temperature much cooler than it is today.
When the "Fountains of the Deep" exploded upward, portions of the lithosphere (earth's crust) dropped to fill the void left by millions of gallons of water suddenly coming to the surface. Therefore, the upper lithosphere where life exist is much closer to the mantle and the mantle is more unstable. Scientist now call these broken land masses tectonic plates. Continents sit on some of the plates, while others are in the oceans. Fault lines along the edges of tectonic plates crisscross the entire planet. Movement along these lines create earthquakes. Many of these quakes and future earthquakes are recorded in scripture. 1 Kin 19:11; Isa 29:6; Amo 1:1; Zec 14:5; Mat 27:54; 28:2; Act 16:26; Rev 6:12; 8:5; 11:13; 19; 16:18 (KJV)
Losing the "Fountains of the Deep" during the "Flood" have created hot spots all over the planet. These hot spots are essentially pools of molten rock called magma that periodically push their way through the lithosphere (earth's crust) as volcanic eruptions. The "Flood" created rivers, seas, lakes, ponds, streams, creeks and waterfalls where none formerly existed, Many of these newly formed rivers can and will flood the land around them. Valleys and mountain ranges where created where none existed before; as well as, great canyons, islands and our modern continents. These new continents are all prone to earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, violent storms, droughts and extreme cold.
The 2nd Curse Against the Earth - The Curse on Cain - "The land will no longer yield its strength." {Gen 4:12 (KJV)} Shifting the earth from its perpendicular plane to its current tilt has turned vast sections of the earth into deserts and unusable farm land. Huge areas of the world are under ice fields and farm land in many areas of the world has been stripped of its nutrients and enzymes. Thus, the food we eat can no longer keep us healthy without dietary supplements. The quality of food, though plentiful in many western counties, is rapidly decreasing. In many countries, millions have learned how to live with starvation and famine; while developed societies are plagued with all kinds of diseases, health problems, mental instability, narcotic and drug addictions and birth defects.
The Patterns And Revelations In Genesis
Genesis sets the stage for our Faith in Christ and much of our modern society from the Tower of Babel to advanced technology. The lessons of the first 7 books of Genesis details some major events that will happen in the future. Some of these events have already happened. From Genesis onward, everything GOD will do in the elemental world created from matter can be determined by His "Patterns" and "Revelations". The most important "Patterns" and "Revelations" are listed below:
First: GOD will Judge the Earth and All Mankind - He will destroy the wicked {Gen 6:12-13 (KJV)} and save the righteous. Gen 7:1 (KJV) This has happened several times in world history already. This is a "Pattern" that will not change. The Judgment of the Nations, The Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment are still to come.
Second: False religious teachers and/or prophets will enter the world concealing sin and death by an appearance of "Righteousness". {Gen 3:21 (KJV)} This is a "Revelation" and a "Pattern". False religions will deceive many with physical symbols of "Righteousness". {Gen 3:8 (KJV)} Even today, the world's false religions are replete with symbolism; such as, communism, capitalism, socialism, fascism, pagan Christianity, unconfessing Judaism, morbid Islam, "Secular Humanism"
Shintoism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhaism and materialism just to identify a few.
Note: Whatever GOD touches can become Holy. "The Man Adam" and Eve had Holy skin, but inside they were riddled with sin. They had the appearance of being Holy and Righteous, but their outward appearance concealed sin and death. The trees "The Man Adam" and Eve hid behind in the Garden were in Holy Ground. The trees were physical symbols of Holiness and Righteousness.
Third: GOD's chosen or religious people will be just as bad or worse as the people around them. {Gen 4:8 (KJV)} They will leave their churches and/or temples and bring violence and death to many lands. Gen 4:16 (KJV) This is a "Revelation". The Crusades (Christian Knights), Germany (Catholics and Lutherans Saluting Adolf Hitler and supporting the Third Reich). The treachery, deceit and deception of Great Britian, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and America.
Fourth: Satan will seduce the bride (the Church/Temple) of GOD's Saviour or Deliver and impregnate it with sin and evil. {Gen 3:13 ( KJV)} This is a "Revelation". The Church/Temple will send out lies first, then destroy the truth when it appears. Gen 4:1-2; 8 (KJV) This is a "Revelation" that could be referencing what happen in Israel before the Diaspora or it could be referencing the Roman Catholic Church, pagan Christianity and Protestantism or the coming Anti-Christ.
Note: Beguiled in Hebrew means seduced. Eve was wholly seduced and impregnated with Satan's seed.
Fifth: If GOD is forced to destroy, he will save a remnant for himself. Gen 6:19; 7:2 (KJV) This is a "Pattern" that has already happened and will continue to happen.
Sixth: A Virgin will be impregnated at a future time and conceive a child from GOD's own seed. Gen 3:15 (KJV) This is a "Revelation" that has already happened. This Child was the Messiah - Jesus the Christ.
Seventh: GOD's Grace can save you. {Gen 6:8 (KJV)} In order to be saved you must obey GOD's Commandments. Gen 6:7-22 (KJV) We are currently living under Grace. This is a "Pattern" and a "Revelation".that will continue until the end.
Eighth: The earth is cursed {Gen 3:17-19; 4:12 (KJV)} and all men will die (males and females). Gen 6:3 (KJV) This is a "Revelation" about future conditions on the earth. These are the curses and death sentence referred to earlier. This has already happened.
Ninth: Satan rules the earth because of the stolen birthright of the first born. Gen 3:13; 4:1 (KJV) This "Revelation" has already happened and the earth is still under his diabolical influence.
Tenth: Men (males and females) will kill each other. Gen 4:8 (KJV) There is no question this "Revelation" has been fullfilled and happening everyday.
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