Therefore, "Gifts" of the "Holy Spirit" can not be purchased. You can not tarry for them. You can not fast for them. You can not meditate to get them. And if you do anything that is not scriptural to get them, other than receive them with thanksgiving, praise and worship, you will open yourself up to "Familiar Spirits" {Lev 19:31 (KJV)} that will deceive you. {2 Cor 11:14 (KJV)} Hence, it is written: "Try the spirits..." 1 Jhn 4:1 (KJV)
Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
Every "Born from Above" believer that has been saved, has the "Holy Spirit" living within them. The Power of the "Holy Spirit" is given according to your measure of faith and spiritual maturity. If you do not receive any power from the "Holy Spirit" immediately, it only means you are not one of GOD's elect and do not have strong faith or spiritual maturity. GOD's elect has this maturity so that the power and Gifts from the "Holy Spirit" have immediate manisfestation such as;
1. Healing {Mat 4:23; Act 4:22; 1 Cor 12: 9 (KJV)}
2. Prophesy {I Sam 10:10; 1 Cor 12:10 (KJV)}
3. Speaking in different tongues or languages {1 Cor 12:10 (KJV)}
4. Interpreting tongues and languages {1 Cor 12:10 (KJV)}
5. Words of wisdom {1 Cor 12:8 (KJV)}
6. Words of knowledge {1 Cor 12:8 (KJV)}
7. Casting out demons and evil spirits {Mat 9:23; Luk 8:2; Act 19:12 (KJV)}
8. Interpreting dreams {Gen 40:8-23; 41:25-32; Dan 2:19-23 (KJV)}
9. Supernatural strength {Jud 14:6; 19; I Kin 18:46 (KJV)}
10. Supernatural provisions {I Kin 17:14; II Kin 4:1-6; Mat 15:34-39; Mar 8:1-9 (KJV)}
11. Seeing into the "Spiritual Realm" {II Kin 6:16-17; Act 7:55 (KJV)}
12. Blessing others {Gen 48:9; Num 6:23; Deu 21:15; II Sam 8:10; Rom 12:14 (KJV)}
13. Praying in the spirit {Eph 6:18; Jud 1:20 (KJV)}
14. Insight into human nature {Mat 9:4; 22:15-21 (KJV)}
15. Faith {1 Cor 12:9 (KJV)}
16. Working of Miracles {Act 3:6-7; 1 Cor 12:10 (KJV)}
17. Discerning of Spirits {1 Cor 12:10 (KJV)}
18. Influence Over Natural Elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water) {I Kin 17:1; 18:22-38; 45; II Kin 1:10-12; Luk 8:22-25 (KJV)}
19. Raising the physically dead {I Kin 17:17-23; II 4:32-35; Jhn11:43; Mar 5:35-42 (KJV)}
20. Walking on Water {Mat 14:25-31 (KJV)}
The "Holy Spirit" Within You
If you have power with the "Holy Spirit" immediately after you are saved, it means you are one of GOD's elect that was chosen from the foundation of the earth. Isa 42:1; 45:4; 65:9; 22; Act 8:17; 18; 9:17; 10:38; 10:44; 45; Rom 8:33; 1 Ths 1:5; Col 3:12; Tts 1:1 Eph 1:4 (KJV)
It is the elect that will lead you to salvation and to a life of holiness. If you are not one of GOD's elect when you get saved; as evidenced by not having a Gift/s from the "Holy Spirit", then GOD's Grace, Love and all His Promises are sufficient until you have strong faith and reach spiritual maturity. However; you can still begin the process of living a holy lifestyle by exercising your faith. You accomplish this by walking by faith and not by sight. 2 Chr 5:7 (KJV)
Believe in your unique value to GOD because He truly loves you as His own son or daughter. Become the person you were meant to be. Start growing and developing yourself to your highest potential. Be confident, assertive, loving, kind, humble, compassionate, bold in your beliefs, vibrant and alive in truth, because He that is in you...is greater than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 (KJV)
If you begin your Christian walk to Holiness with weak faith and spiritual immaturity, the "Holy Spirit" within you can not manifest any power. Manifestations of the Gifts of the "Holy Spirit" and the Power of the "Holy Spirit" require strong faith and spiritual growth. Feed yourself the Word of GOD and claim and stand on the Promises of GOD. Act 4:31; Rom 15:8; 1 Cor 2:13; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Jhn 2:14 (KJV)
Do this daily and your faith and spiritual nature will strengthen and mature. With your new found faith, strength and words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit that is developing power and charisma within you, begin to help others in as many ways as the Holy Spirit guides and directs. 1 Cor 3:1-2; Hbr 5:12-14; Eph 5:13-20; 1 Pet 2:2-5 (KJV)
By GOD's Grace, Love, & "Perfect Will" Not By You
Eternal life is a Gift from GOD. You are saved by GOD's Grace and His Love for you. The "Holy Spirit" is also a Gift of GOD's Grace and Love for you. You can not earn them, give them to yourself or acquire them from someone else.
The Power of the "Holy Spirit" manifests because spiritual forces permeate the earth you inhabit. In fact, you could not survive without them. Faith, trust, belief and having the "Holy Spirit" allows you to access unseen forces that already exist to work for you, to heal your body or bring changes you desire in your life. Hence, it is written: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hbr 11:1 (KJV)
It is not you that is doing the healing, saving, delivering or setting people free. It is the Power of GOD's "Holy Spirit" working with you and through you to accomplish GOD's Will and Purpose for your life. "What you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what you loose on earth is loosen in heaven." Mat 16:16-19 (KJV)
This scripture has been misinterpreted for years. GOD is not referring to the Heaven where He is, "The Third Heaven", {2 Cor 12:2 (KJV)} He is referring to the heaven where you are. This heaven is within reach of all mankind. By the Power of the "Holy Spirit" and your faith, you can access these powerful spiritual forces that sustain us, this entire planet and everything on it.
A spiritual property is any force that maintains, sustains and/or facilitates the physical properties of matter in all its forms and combinations; be it organic or inorganic that can not be seen, analyzed or measured with the naked eye or any mechanical device created by man. {Ecc 3:11 (KJV)} A perfect example is your mind and soul. You can not see your mind, feel it or touch it, but you can use it. If you fail to use it, you die.
You can not see spoken words or sounds. You can hear words and sounds if you are not deaf. You can record them, hum them, sing them and create machines to reproduce them. You can discern pitch, volume, tone, accents, emphasis and determine other physical qualities of words and sounds; But, spoken words and sounds can not be seen, touched or measured. If you remove the atmosphere,not only would you be dead, you can not hear words or sounds either.
You can not see, touch or measure your soul. In fact, no one has ever seen his/her soul. Time is another spiritual property. You can track time and count days and years, but time, itself can not be seen, touched or measured. And finally, there's space. You can see space, measure distances within space, but space itself, the space in which our galaxy, sun and planet is located can not touched, analyzed or measured.
The universe we live in, the earth you live on, the lives of all living organisms and our very lives are composed of elements made from matter. Without the massive infusion of spiritual forces GOD, in His infinite wisdom provided for us, we would not be able to survive. Your physical healing and supernatural provisions come from these spiritual forces. However, there are some sicknesses and ailments that will not be healed because it is not GOD's Will that you live forever. However, far more often than not, GOD's mercy will heal your body or extend your life but not indefinitely.
It is GOD's Will that you live out your physical life in the flesh in good health and free from diseases. Paraphrase scriptures where possible by inserting me, my, I, mine, your name, the name of your particular illness, sickness, infirmity, what you want GOD to do or the name of someone you love. GOD and His angels respond to His Words.
Faith comes by hearing the Words of GOD. {Rom 10:17 (KJV)} By speaking GOD's Words, you are hearing GOD's Word. Speaking and hearing give you the confidence to claim GOD's Promises for your life. Speak in faith believing without doubt in your heart, mind or soul.
Believe and have Faith in GOD and His Word with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Hence, it is written: "If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, and it should obey you". Luk 17:6 (KJV)
Hence, it is also written: "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son." Jhn 14:13 (KJV)
If you do not have a prayer partner or someone to agree with you in faith believing, I set my faith in agreement with yours. Be healed. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", in the name of Jesus!! {Jhn14:14 (KJV)} Amen. Thank you Jesus!! Have you not read?: "Again I say to unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." Mat 18:19 (KJV)
Notice what you are doing by using these healing scriptures as a prayer request concerning your health problem.
First: You are using scriptures that are the inspired Word of GOD. Remember: GOD is not obligated to act on your words because He is Sovereign. However, because He is Sovereign, by His own Word, He His obligated to act on His Words. Num 11:23; 23:19; Deu 9:5; Lam 2:17; Jer 44:26; Isa 45:23; 55:11; Eze 12:25; 28 (KJV)
Second: You are calling upon GOD, Himself (YHVH), to remember His Covenants, Promises, Word and Works. Gen 8:1; 19:29; 30:12; Exd 2:24; 6:5; 1 Sam 1:19; Psa 78:39; 98:3; 105:8; 42; Isa 43:26 (KJV)
Third: You are making a specific request which is GOD's Will, {Isa 45:11; Jer 6:16 (KJV)} and a request for healing which is His Promise. Deu 32:39; 2 Chr 7:14; Isa 57:18-19; Jer 3:22; 1 Sam 6:3; Psa 107:20; Isa 6:10 (KJV)
Fourth: You are asking in Jesus' name, {Jhn 14:13-14; 15:16 (KJV)} which is a Promise by Christ {Mat 7:7; 21:22; Mar 6:22-23; Luk 11:9} and using Jesus' name identifies you as a member of the Body of Christ Rom {8:10 (KJV)} and authorizes Him to act on your behalf as High Priest, {Rom 7:15-21; 8:1-7 (KJV)} Intercessor, {Rom 7:25 (KJV)} Mediator {Hbr 8:6 (KJV)} and Advocate. 1 Jhn 2:1 (KJV)
Fifth: Your request for healing prayer is not being made for your sake, but for GOD's name sake, so that GOD is glorified {Psa 79:9; 115:1; Isa 48:11 (KJV)} and "so that the Father may be gloried in the Son." Jhn 14:13 (KJV)
Sixth: You proclaim your authority to receive your healing by the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", in the name of Jesus and state confidently with faith believing that you have received your healing.
Seventh: Finally, you offer up your praise of thanksgiving.
"Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak O LORD, heal my ____, for my bones are vexed. Heal my ____. Because of Your mercy and for Your name sake, by the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 6:2 (KJV) Paraphrased
"I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: heal my ____, for I have sinned against thee. Heal me from ___ . Because of Your mercy and for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified, by the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healing from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 41:4 (KJV) Paraphrased
"You have seen my ways and will heal my ____ : You will lead me also, and restore comforts unto me and my _____. Heal my _____. For Your name sake, so You might be glorified; Right now, my health is restored. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Isa 57:18 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed from _____; save me, and I shall be saved for you are my praise. Right now, I am healed from ____. For Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Jer 17:14 (KJV Paraphrased
"O LORD my GOD, I cried unto You and You have healed me from ____. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 30:2 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Heavenly Father, You sent Your Word and healed me from _____, and delivered me from my destruction. For Your name sake, so that You may be glorified; Right now, by the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son" in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 107:20 (KJV) Paraphrased
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want for healing of my ____, prosperty or long life. Your Goodness and Mercy will hunt me down and pursue me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 23:1; 6 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Jesus was wounded for my trangressions, Jesus was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace is upon him; and by Jesus' stripes I am healed from ____, Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Isa 53:5 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Jesus, Your fame went throughtout all Syria: and they brought unto You all sick people that were taken with different diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatics, and those that had the palsy; and You healed them. Heal me from ____ just like you healed all the people throughtout Syria. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Mat 4:24 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Jesus, You told the centurion, to go his way; and as he has believed, so be it done unto him. And his servant was healed in the same hour. Heal me from ____ in this hour just like you healed the Centurion's servant. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Mat 8:13 (KJV) Paraphrased
"When the even was come, they brought unto Jesus many that were possesed with devils: and Jesus cast out the spirits with Your Word, and healed all that were sick. Heal me from _____ in the same manner you healed all that were sick at Peter's House. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith has made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Mat 8:14; 16 (KJV) Paraphrased
Next More Healing Scriptures.
See Also:
What is Sin?
How to Receive Blessings
How to Know GOD's Will
GOD's Laws of Increase
How to Know You are Born from Above
What is Worship and How do You Worship?
How to Sow and Reap in the Kingdom of GOD
Misconceptions - Academic & Scientific
Keys to the Kingdom of GOD
The Power of the "Holy Spirit" manifests because spiritual forces permeate the earth you inhabit. In fact, you could not survive without them. Faith, trust, belief and having the "Holy Spirit" allows you to access unseen forces that already exist to work for you, to heal your body or bring changes you desire in your life. Hence, it is written: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hbr 11:1 (KJV)
It is not you that is doing the healing, saving, delivering or setting people free. It is the Power of GOD's "Holy Spirit" working with you and through you to accomplish GOD's Will and Purpose for your life. "What you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what you loose on earth is loosen in heaven." Mat 16:16-19 (KJV)
This scripture has been misinterpreted for years. GOD is not referring to the Heaven where He is, "The Third Heaven", {2 Cor 12:2 (KJV)} He is referring to the heaven where you are. This heaven is within reach of all mankind. By the Power of the "Holy Spirit" and your faith, you can access these powerful spiritual forces that sustain us, this entire planet and everything on it.
A spiritual property is any force that maintains, sustains and/or facilitates the physical properties of matter in all its forms and combinations; be it organic or inorganic that can not be seen, analyzed or measured with the naked eye or any mechanical device created by man. {Ecc 3:11 (KJV)} A perfect example is your mind and soul. You can not see your mind, feel it or touch it, but you can use it. If you fail to use it, you die.
You can not see spoken words or sounds. You can hear words and sounds if you are not deaf. You can record them, hum them, sing them and create machines to reproduce them. You can discern pitch, volume, tone, accents, emphasis and determine other physical qualities of words and sounds; But, spoken words and sounds can not be seen, touched or measured. If you remove the atmosphere,not only would you be dead, you can not hear words or sounds either.
You can not see, touch or measure your soul. In fact, no one has ever seen his/her soul. Time is another spiritual property. You can track time and count days and years, but time, itself can not be seen, touched or measured. And finally, there's space. You can see space, measure distances within space, but space itself, the space in which our galaxy, sun and planet is located can not touched, analyzed or measured.
The universe we live in, the earth you live on, the lives of all living organisms and our very lives are composed of elements made from matter. Without the massive infusion of spiritual forces GOD, in His infinite wisdom provided for us, we would not be able to survive. Your physical healing and supernatural provisions come from these spiritual forces. However, there are some sicknesses and ailments that will not be healed because it is not GOD's Will that you live forever. However, far more often than not, GOD's mercy will heal your body or extend your life but not indefinitely.
It is GOD's Will that you live out your physical life in the flesh in good health and free from diseases. Paraphrase scriptures where possible by inserting me, my, I, mine, your name, the name of your particular illness, sickness, infirmity, what you want GOD to do or the name of someone you love. GOD and His angels respond to His Words.
Faith comes by hearing the Words of GOD. {Rom 10:17 (KJV)} By speaking GOD's Words, you are hearing GOD's Word. Speaking and hearing give you the confidence to claim GOD's Promises for your life. Speak in faith believing without doubt in your heart, mind or soul.
Believe and have Faith in GOD and His Word with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Hence, it is written: "If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, and it should obey you". Luk 17:6 (KJV)
Hence, it is also written: "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son." Jhn 14:13 (KJV)
If you do not have a prayer partner or someone to agree with you in faith believing, I set my faith in agreement with yours. Be healed. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", in the name of Jesus!! {Jhn14:14 (KJV)} Amen. Thank you Jesus!! Have you not read?: "Again I say to unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." Mat 18:19 (KJV)
Making Your Healing Request
Notice what you are doing by using these healing scriptures as a prayer request concerning your health problem.
First: You are using scriptures that are the inspired Word of GOD. Remember: GOD is not obligated to act on your words because He is Sovereign. However, because He is Sovereign, by His own Word, He His obligated to act on His Words. Num 11:23; 23:19; Deu 9:5; Lam 2:17; Jer 44:26; Isa 45:23; 55:11; Eze 12:25; 28 (KJV)
Second: You are calling upon GOD, Himself (YHVH), to remember His Covenants, Promises, Word and Works. Gen 8:1; 19:29; 30:12; Exd 2:24; 6:5; 1 Sam 1:19; Psa 78:39; 98:3; 105:8; 42; Isa 43:26 (KJV)
Third: You are making a specific request which is GOD's Will, {Isa 45:11; Jer 6:16 (KJV)} and a request for healing which is His Promise. Deu 32:39; 2 Chr 7:14; Isa 57:18-19; Jer 3:22; 1 Sam 6:3; Psa 107:20; Isa 6:10 (KJV)
Fourth: You are asking in Jesus' name, {Jhn 14:13-14; 15:16 (KJV)} which is a Promise by Christ {Mat 7:7; 21:22; Mar 6:22-23; Luk 11:9} and using Jesus' name identifies you as a member of the Body of Christ Rom {8:10 (KJV)} and authorizes Him to act on your behalf as High Priest, {Rom 7:15-21; 8:1-7 (KJV)} Intercessor, {Rom 7:25 (KJV)} Mediator {Hbr 8:6 (KJV)} and Advocate. 1 Jhn 2:1 (KJV)
Fifth: Your request for healing prayer is not being made for your sake, but for GOD's name sake, so that GOD is glorified {Psa 79:9; 115:1; Isa 48:11 (KJV)} and "so that the Father may be gloried in the Son." Jhn 14:13 (KJV)
Sixth: You proclaim your authority to receive your healing by the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", in the name of Jesus and state confidently with faith believing that you have received your healing.
Seventh: Finally, you offer up your praise of thanksgiving.
Healing Scriptures
"Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak O LORD, heal my ____, for my bones are vexed. Heal my ____. Because of Your mercy and for Your name sake, by the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 6:2 (KJV) Paraphrased
"I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: heal my ____, for I have sinned against thee. Heal me from ___ . Because of Your mercy and for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified, by the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healing from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 41:4 (KJV) Paraphrased
"You have seen my ways and will heal my ____ : You will lead me also, and restore comforts unto me and my _____. Heal my _____. For Your name sake, so You might be glorified; Right now, my health is restored. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Isa 57:18 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed from _____; save me, and I shall be saved for you are my praise. Right now, I am healed from ____. For Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Jer 17:14 (KJV Paraphrased
"O LORD my GOD, I cried unto You and You have healed me from ____. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 30:2 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Heavenly Father, You sent Your Word and healed me from _____, and delivered me from my destruction. For Your name sake, so that You may be glorified; Right now, by the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son" in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 107:20 (KJV) Paraphrased
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want for healing of my ____, prosperty or long life. Your Goodness and Mercy will hunt me down and pursue me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Psa 23:1; 6 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Jesus was wounded for my trangressions, Jesus was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace is upon him; and by Jesus' stripes I am healed from ____, Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Isa 53:5 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Jesus, Your fame went throughtout all Syria: and they brought unto You all sick people that were taken with different diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatics, and those that had the palsy; and You healed them. Heal me from ____ just like you healed all the people throughtout Syria. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Mat 4:24 (KJV) Paraphrased
"Jesus, You told the centurion, to go his way; and as he has believed, so be it done unto him. And his servant was healed in the same hour. Heal me from ____ in this hour just like you healed the Centurion's servant. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith hath made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____. Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Mat 8:13 (KJV) Paraphrased
"When the even was come, they brought unto Jesus many that were possesed with devils: and Jesus cast out the spirits with Your Word, and healed all that were sick. Heal me from _____ in the same manner you healed all that were sick at Peter's House. Right now, for Your name sake, so that You may be glorified. By the power of the Word of GOD, "thy faith has made thee whole", "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be gloried in the Son", in the name of Jesus, I proclaim I am healed from ____!! Let the Father be gloried in the Son. Amen. Thank you Jesus!!"
Mat 8:14; 16 (KJV) Paraphrased
Next More Healing Scriptures.
See Also:
What is Sin?
How to Receive Blessings
How to Know GOD's Will
GOD's Laws of Increase
How to Know You are Born from Above
What is Worship and How do You Worship?
How to Sow and Reap in the Kingdom of GOD
Misconceptions - Academic & Scientific
Keys to the Kingdom of GOD
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