It is quite possible the early Church did not know the true story of Calvary; and if they did know it, they have not emphasized it by doctrine or teaching. Everything that happened on the Cross of Calvary is consistent with GOD's Word, Purpose and Will. Understanding GOD's message to humanity is found in all the Books of the Bible. The reason: GOD's message hasn't changed. Isa 52:6 (KJV)
The birth, life and resurrection of Jesus the Christ - the Messiah embodied not one, but two great mysteries of the Bible and two great messages. The first mystery, the man, Jesus is well known and well documented; {Isa 53:1-12 (KJV)} as well as His Message, Miracles and Resurrection . However, the second great mystery and message are rarely discussed in Christian theology or mentioned in Christian churches. As stated previously, this message might not be known.
The key to understanding the second mystery and message of the Cross, and how this unchanging message applies to us today, lies in the Gospel of John. "For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life."
"For GOD sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of GOD." Jhn 3:16-18 (KJV)
Why Jesus the Christ Is the Only Begotten Of GOD
The preceding "Scriptures", John 3:16-18 (KJV) are probably the most widely quoted "Scriptures" out of all the "Holy Scriptures" in the Bible. However; very few Christians, if any, really comprehend what these "Scriptures" actually mean. To help you appreciate "The Untold Story of the Cross of Calvary", the second mystery and the second message of the Cross, let's reread John 3:16-18 (KJV); and replace the much quoted literal meaning of "Son" with its true spiritual significance.
By inserting the spiritual meaning of "Son", the second mystery and message of the Cross will be revealed and you will gain an increased awareness of who Jesus the Christ really is - The "Living Word" of GOD (YHVH) and why he had to come to earth to save us. "For GOD so loved the world that he gave his "Word", that whosoever believes in his "Word" should not perish, but have eternal life. For GOD did not send his "Word" into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through his "Word" might be saved.
He that believes in his "Word" is not condemned; but he that does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten "Living Word" of GOD." John 16-18(KJV) Paraphrased: Now can you grasp the absolute truth of: "In the beginning was the "Word" and the "Word" was with GOD and the "Word" was GOD?". {Jonh 1:1 (KJV)} You and your words are inseparable. No one can speak your words out of your mouth but you; neither can anyone take your words out of your mouth. Therefore, you and your words are one.
Since you are fashioned in the image of heavenly beings, the same actuality that is true in the physical world for you, must also be true in the "Spiritual" for GOD. Hence, it is written: "I and my Father are one." Jhn 10:30 (KJV) Just like it is impossible to separate you from your words while you are speaking, You can not separate GOD from His "Word" while He is speaking. Isa 45:23-25 (KJV)
How do you know without any doubt or question that Jesus the Christ is the only Begotten Son of GOD? Just like your words are only begotten or birthed by you, Only GOD can beget or birth His Own "Word". {Isa 45:5-6; 46:9-10 (KJV)} However; unlike human beings that are severely limited in their "Supernatural Creative Ability"; GOD has no such limitations. Hence, it is written: "For with GOD nothing shall be impossible". Luk 1:37 (KJV)
Therefore, GOD planted His "Seed" ("the Word of GOD") in the womb of an earthly woman (Mary) {Mat 1:18-20 (KJV)} and clothed his "Word" in human flesh, gave him life, names {Isa 7:14; 8:8; Luk 1:31 (KJV)} and had His "Word" walk among us. Have you never read?: "And the "Word" was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Jhn 1:14 (KJV) Truth is the "Word" of GOD. Jhn 17:17; 1 Ths 2:13; Jam 1:18 (KJV)
Every intelligent person realizes words are needed to develop, formulate and direct activity. If you are not a new born baby and you are not learning new words, your vocabulary of all the words you know is stored in your mind. Consequently, when you speak, you call forth words from your vocabulary to express your ideas and thoughts. Futhermore, no matter what you say or do, whatever you have to say will be said from words that are in your vocabulary. Words are also necessary to give substance, form and continuity to thoughts and the thinking process.
When you speak, what are you doing? Making sounds. When your sounds are an integral part and the foundation of any language what do you normally call them? Words. As you can plainly see, words are a necessity if you are going to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively to others. Since words must exist within you before they can be spoken, now do you see and understand how the "Word of GOD" existed before the foundation of the earth?
The "Word of GOD" was there before He spoke it into existence. Therefore, Christ (the "Word of GOD") was with GOD in the beginning and existed before the foundation of the world. {Jhn 1:2-5 (KJV)} How can you know this for certain?: Because, in the beginning GOD spoke the "Word" that gave light and life to the universe and planet earth, {Gen 1:3-31 (KJV)} and by the "Word of GOD" everything that is created was made. Let's continue verifying the undeniable truth of John's Gospel. The "Word" was in the world, and the world was made by the "Word" and the world did not know the "Word". Therefore, it is written: "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not". Jhn 1:10 (KJV)
Man's Doctrines & Traditions Or GOD's Word
When the "Word" of GOD came in the flesh, as Jesus the Christ, not only did the Jews not recognize the Messiah, they did not recognize the "Word". Hence, it is written: "He that is of GOD heareth GOD's Words, ye therefore hear them not because ye are not of GOD". {Jhn 8:47 (KJV)} Hundreds of years before Jesus appeared as the "Living Word" of GOD, the Jews had replaced GOD's Commandments with their own traditions. This tragedy is still happening to day.
Hence, it is written: "But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of GOD by your tradition?" {Mat 15:3 (KJV)} "And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of GOD of none effect by your tradition". {Mat 15:6 (KJV)} "For laying aside the commandment of GOD, ye hold the tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do". {Mar 7:8 (KJV)} "And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of GOD, that ye may keep your own tradition". Mar 7:9 (KJV)
Hence, Jesus quoted the prophecy of Esaias: "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." {Mat 15:8-9 (KJV)} In order for man's (males and females) spirit to survive on earth in its organic body (flesh) without failing to meet GOD's Holy, Righteous and Perfect Standards (Sin), man's doctrines and traditions must be replaced or aligned with GOD's "Word" and man's carnal desires must submit to GOD. Jam 4:7 (KJV)
The Jewish leaders (the remnant tribe of Judah along with the Benjamites) decided they would rather live without GOD's Word and reject GOD's Law in its principle application; {Jer 22:3 (KJV)} while they continued to live under GOD's Law in its practical application. {Eze 8:1-18 (KJV)} They could religiously follow all the offerings and sacrifices and virtually ignore the principles upon which the Law was based. Jer 7:1-34 (KJV)
Even though the "Children of Israel" were warned by Moses {Deu 28:15-68 (KJV)} and repeatedly by all the prophets after Moses, that their traditions and sacrifices were unacceptable; {1 Sam 15:22 (KJV)} they stubbornly followed them because it accomodated their desire to live carnally; rather than Holy. {Isa 43:23-24 (KJV)} Thus, bringing condemnation (death and destruction) to themselves. Jer 2:30; 5:1-31 (KJV)
Since there are no more sacrifices for "Sin" (failing to meet GOD's Holy, Righteous and Perfect Standards) after Christ, if the rest of mankind (the descendants of the Kenites, the remaining 10 tribes of Israel {2 Kin 17:6 (KJV)} and the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) choose to live by their doctrines and traditions, rather than the "Word of GOD", they will also bring condemnation (death and destruction) to themselves. Many Christians mistakenly believe this period of "Grace" gives them a license to "Sin". Not so. The wages of "Sin" is still death. Eze 18:4; Rom 2:9 (KJV)
Saving The Kenites & The Men Of The World/Earth
All the descendants of "The Man Adam" have GOD's spirit within them. When "The Man Adam" was formed from the dust of the ground, GOD breathed His Spirit into him. {Gen 2:7 (KJV)} Therefore, the battle the descendants of "The Man Adam" wage is not one of the spirit. Their struggle is between the carnal desires of their flesh and GOD's Spirit that lives within them. This is the primary reason why the "Children of Israel", "The Chosen Descendants" of "The Man Adam", have been prone to destroy themselves for thousands of years because of their desire to live a carnal life, rather than a Holy life. Judg 2:10-15 (KJV)
Plus, many descendants of "The Man Adam" lived among the Gentiles and helped establish many of the early Gentile nations. {Gen 10:1-5 (KJV)} Noah is a direct descendant of "The Man Adam" and many of his descendants were not included in GOD's original Covenant with Abraham. Gen 10:8-32; 11:10-32; 12:1-8 (KJV)
The descendants of the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) desire is quite the opposite, though somewhat distorted. They want a relationship with GOD; but, they would rather have a GOD they can create (idolatry), rather than one they can not. Therefore, they manufactured gods by the hundreds that were more acceptable and hamonious with their carnal nature. {Exd 20:23-26; Deu 29:17 (KJV)} This practice of idolatry also appealed to the "Children of Israel". Jer 11:10; 44:8 (KJV)
The spirit of man is elemental because the Bible does not state GOD breathed the "Breath of Life" into the 6th day creation - "Created He them:" - the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations). {Gen 1:26-27 (KJV)} Therefore, they had to be endowed with an internal elemental spirit at their creation that animated their flesh bodies and made them alive. Since elemental matter is already carnal, it is far more difficult for the descendants of the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) to live a sin free life. 1 Cor 5:1-2 (KJV)
Today, the 6th day creation, the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) are called races and/or ethnic groups by scientists, kingdoms, government officials and human society in general. The human race is divided into 3 broad classifications, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. Various methods and techniques are used to identify men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) by physical characteristics such as skin color; which can range from white, black, red, yellow, brown and/or various skin tones in between.
The men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) struggle is twofold - physical and spiritual. They must struggle against the carnal desires of their flesh and the carnal desires of their spirit. The descendents of the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) are far more likely to accept; rather than reject GOD's Word, but they would have a never ending battle not to modify the Word to satisfy their carnal needs. This is might explain why it was much easier for Christianity to flourish among Gentiles and Heathens than among the Jews.
The descendants of Cain - the Kenites - conflict is between GOD's Spirit within them and Satan's spirit. Their desire is to please their father Satan, not GOD, in order to maintain his Kingdom on earth. However, because the "Spirit of GOD" is within them, they have actually been kind and helpful at times to the "Children of Israel". {1 Sam 15:6 (KJV)} Moses' father-in-law was a Kenite; {Judg 4:11 (KJV)} as well as many scribes. 1 Chr 2:55 (KJV)
GOD never blessed Cain or his descendants - the Kenites. Therefore, Cain's birthright, as Satan's and "Eve's" first born, was and still is an earth doomed to be destroyed. {Isa 13:9-13; Rev 6:1-17; 8:1-13; 9:1-21; 21:1 (KJV)} Cain was Satan's seed implanted in Eve while she was still a "Virgin". Eve was seduced by Satan in Eden before "The Man Adam" laid with her. {Gen 3:13 (KJV)} Beguiled in Hebrew means seduced.
Eve was wholly seduced and impregnated by Satan. By the time Adam laid with Eve, she was already, defiled, immoral and carrying Satan's, seed, Cain in her womb. Gen 4:1 (KJV) Hence, it is written: "And I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heal." {Gen 3:15 (KJV)} [See "How to Know GOD's Will" (below) for additional reading on these "Scriptures".]
However, because of their internal spiritual struggle within, there is strong evidence the Kenites were masquerading as Jewish scribes and Pharisees {Mat 23:27-33 (KJV)} and defiling the temple in Jerusalem; {Mat 23:15; Jhn 8:44-47 (KJV)} and there is strong evidence they were the main Jewish leaders and antagonists advocating the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah. {Jhn 19:6-7 (KJV)} They wanted Barabbas, a known seditionist and murderer. {Mat 27:20-21; 26; Mar 15:11; 15; Luk 23:18; Jhn 18:40 (KJV)} They acknowleged a ruler in Satan's kingdom, Ceasar and accepted him as king, rather than acknowledging and accepting GOD. {Jhn 19:15 (KJV)} Thus, fullfilling the prophecy made by GOD, Himself, in the Garden of Eden. {Gen 3:15 (KJV)} These phony Jews (Kenites) are referred to as the "Synagogue of Satan". Rev 2:9; 3:9 (KJV)
There are not enough clean animals on earth to atone for all the sins committed in the past, present and future by the descendants of the Kenites, the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) and "The Man Adam". Only GOD's own "Perfect Seed" would be the "Perfect Sacrifice". {Isa 7:14 (KJV)} No earthly man could qualify because sinful unrighteous blood can not atone for the "Sins of the World". {Ecc 7:20; Rom 3:10 (KJV)} Before the Cross, there was no atoning for sin without blood. {Lev 4:1-35; 5:1-19; Hbr 9:22 (KJV)} The "Word of GOD" clothed in flesh as Jesus of Nazareth - the Christ - the Messiah was the "Perfect Lamb" and the "Perfect Sacrifice" to save all men (males and females). Hbr 10:9-10 (KJV)
What Really Happened On The Cross Of Calvary
Therefore, what really happened on the Cross of Calvary was the "Word of GOD" hung between heaven and earth and life and death. GOD's Word; as the Christ, redeemed humanity and the "Children of Israel" from the "Curse of the Law". {Gal 3:13 (KJV)} Jesus' righteous blood became the means by which whosoever will "Sins" can be forgiven. Act 26:18; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14 (KJV)
Since His Word created all men. {Gen 1:26-29 (KJV)} His Word can save all men. {1 Jhn 2:14 (KJV)} Since the "Word of GOD" established the definition of "Sin", {Rom 7:7 (KJV)} Only GOD's Word in the form of the righteous "Sin" free blood of Jesus the Christ could atone for "Sin" and fulfill the "Blood Sacrifice" requirements of the Law. Lev 4:1-35; 5:1-19; 6:1-30; 7:1-38 (KJV)
It was not GOD in the flesh that was nailed to the Cross. This is a mistaken teaching of Protestants and Catholics. It was the "Word of GOD" in the flesh that was nailed to the Cross. On the Cross of Calvary, GOD fullfilled all the curses against the "Children of Israel" {Deu 11:28; 27:26; Isa 43:28; 65:15; Jer 24:9; 25:18; 26:6; 29:18; 42:18; 44:8; 12; 22; Dan 9:11; Zec 8:13; Mal 2:2; 3:9 (KJV)} and made "Blood Sacrifice" a "Sin" after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. {Rom 2:12-29 (KJV)} For it is written: "Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree." Gal 3:13 (KJV)
It was the "Word of GOD" that established the "Revenger of Blood", {Deu 19:12 (KJV)} "Cities of Refuge",{Jos 20:9 (KJV)} Circumcision of the flesh, {Gen 17:10; Lev 12:3; Act 7:8 (KJV)} the "Sin" offerings, burnt offerings, the blood sacrifices, {Mar 12:33; Hbr 10:6; 8 (KJV)} peace offerings, meat offerings, {Amos 5:22 (KJV)} and the "Ceremonial Veil" of the temple that separated men from GOD's Mercy Seat, {Mar 15:38 (KJV)} were crucified on the Cross of Calvary and are now a "Sin" for anyone that returns to them or practices them. Rom 2:12-27 (KJV)
Therefore, the "Second Message" of the Cross, is the "Word of GOD" that created the "Sin" offerings, burnt sacrifices, trespass offerings and animal sacrifices, the ceremonial separation of man from GOD's "Mercy Seat", everything associated with salvation for the "Children of Israel" and the "Promised Land" on earth were crucified, abolished, {Eze 6:6; 2 Cor 3:13; Eph 2:15 (KJV)} and nailed to the Cross. Therefore, from now on, whosoever will can have his/her sins forgiven and be saved, {Rom 10:9-11 (KJV)} without animal sacrifices, burnt offerings or trepass offerings. The "ceremonial veil" that separated GOD's "Mercy from men (males and females) was removed.
For it is written: "And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom". {Mar 15:38 (KJV)} Anyone; that lives in Christ (the "Word of GOD"), and Christ (the "Word of GOD") lives in them, {Jhn 15:5 (KJV)} can go boldly before the "Throne of Grace" (the "Mercy Seat" of GOD) and ask for mercy {Hbr 4:16 (KJV)} in Jesus name. Jhn 15:16 (KJV)
Even though many of the cries of the Cross or prophetic fullfilments, It has been mistakenly taught that Christ was teaching from the Cross when he cried out "Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani"; which is translated as: "My GOD, my GOD, why hast thou forsaken me?" {Mat 27:46; Mar 15:34 (KJV)} It was the "Word of GOD"; within the flesh body of Jesus, crying out to GOD because GOD HAD FORSAKEN the Jews, the "Ceremonial Veil of Separation", {Mar 15:38 (KJV)} the "Children of Israel", {2 Chr 15:2; Jer 12:15-17; 16:11-21; 23:39-40; Lam 3:64-66; Eze 4:13; 36:4; Dan 9:11; Amos 5:2 (KJV)} His Word concerning "Animal Sacrifices", the "Physical Atonement" of "Sin" {Gal 3:13 (KJV)} and the "Promised Land". Deu 32:49; Jer 44:22 (KJV)
Since the "Children of Israel" had forsaken Him; He would FORSAKE them. {Lam 5:20-22 (KJV)} By His Word, the "Children of Israel", the "Promised Land" and all the physical aspects of refuge, atonement and salvation were established and became realities on earth. {Exd 26:33; Lev 1:1-17; 2:1-16; 3:1-16; 4:1-35; 5:1-19; 6:1-30; 7:1-38; 16:1-34; Num 15:4-31; 28:1-31; 29:2-40 (KJV)} By crucifying His Word that established the "Revenger of Blood", "the Refuge Cities", the "Blood Covenant of Circumcision", the "Burnt Offerings", the "Sin Offerings" and the "Ceremonial Veil" that separated the "Most Holy Place". GOD fullfilled His Word to Himself and executed His Righteous Judgment against the "Promised Land" and the 2 remaining tribes of the"Children of Israel" - Judah (the Jews) and Benjamin. Zec 8:13; Mal 2:2 (KJV)
For the "Children of Israel", failing to fulfill the requirements of the Law was a curse. {Deu 27:26; Gal 3:10 (KJV)} Their tragedy was multiplied because Christ; in the flesh, was also GOD's "Anointed". {1 Sam 26:9 (KJV)} Therefore, delivering Jesus to Pilate for crucifixion was another great "Sin". {Psa 105:15 (KJV)} Hence, it is written: Jesus answered, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." Jhn 19:11 (KJV)
The Jewish mob and their leaders; added to their future woes by telling Pilate the innocent blood of Christ would be on them and their children; {Mat 27:25 (KJV)} which carries a curse {Gen 4:11 (KJV)} and death. {2 Sam 1:16 (KJV)} The "Children of Israel" never fullfilled the requirements of the Law. GOD; Himself; fullfilled the requirements. By His Own Word and His own righteous blood, spilled from the veins of Jesus His Christ and Messiah, He accomplished the purpose for which His Word was sent: Isa 45:23-25; Mat 23:36-39; Jhn 4:34-38 (KJV)
1. A Promised Christ and Messiah that became an Eternal Sacrifice for the Forgiveness of "Sin" {Mat 27:26-50 (KJV)}
2. A remnant that follows His Commandments {Rom 9:27 (KJV)}
3. A Chosen People {Acts1:13 (KJV)}
4. Access to His Mercy Seat {Mat 27:51 (KJV)} and Salvation for Humanity {Luk 24:46-47 (KJV)}
5. Re-establishing His Kingdom on Earth {Jhn 12:31; 16:11 (KJV)}
6. A King & High Priest to Sit on the Throne, thus fullfilling 93% His Promises, Prophecies and the Truth of His Word concerning the "Earth", the "Children of Israel", and the "End Times" {Hbr 7:15; 21; Rev 20:4 (KJV)}
7. Judgment against the "Promised Land" {Deu 28:42; Jer 25:18; 26:6; (KJV)} and the Disobedient "Children of Israel" {Deu 28:63-68; Jer 24:9; 29:18 (KJV)}
The "Children of Israel" WOULD BE FORSAKEN {2 Chr 24:20 (KJV)} until the time of the Gentiles and Heathens or nations be fullfilled. {Mic 7:18; Rom 11:25 (KJV)} It was GOD's Word that established the "Promised Land" {Gen 12:1-4; Exd 6:8; 12:25; Deu 19:8; Neh 9:23} and protected the "Children of Israel". {Exd 23:20-23; Jos 23:5 (KJV)} Consequently, with their protection nailed to the Cross of Calvary, the "Children of Israel" would be vomited out of the "Promised Land" and the land would be trodden under by the Gentiles or nations, {Jer 12:10-11; Dan 8:13; Rev 11:2 (KJV)} with a remaining remnant, {Zep 2:7 (KJV)} and His Word would be taken to the Gentiles or nations. Gal 2:7-8 (KJV)
After the Cross, there is no atoning for "Sin" with blood sacrifices and "Sin" offerings. Whosoever will, Gentile and Jew, can be heirs to the promises of Abraham {Gal 3:16 (KJV)} and be saved by inviting Jesus Christ into your heart, believing GOD (YHVH) raised him from the dead, being baptized, confessing your sins, repenting, having faith, being obedient, living righteousness and "Sinning" no more. Jhn 5:14; 8:11; Hbr 10:26 (KJV)
You can not appease GOD any more with blood sacrifices and "Sin" offerings. {Jer 9:25 (KJV)} The only acceptable circumcision is of the heart. {Rom 2:26-29; 3:30; 4:9-12 (KJV)} If you love GOD, you must obey His Commandments. Exd 20:6; Deu 5:29; Lev 21:33; 22:31; Jhn 14:15; 1 Cor 7:19 (KJV)
Fullfilling the purpose for which GOD's Word was sent, {Isa 55:11; Luk 2:49 (KJV)} took Jesus, the man, the living flesh of the "Word of GOD", to the Cross of Calvary, {Zep 1:7 (KJV)} not for the "Sins" of the world; but, for the forgiveness of "Sin". {Act 5:29-32 (KJV)} Men can not save themselves and there is nothing men can do to save their flesh. The reason: Man's flesh is organic. {Deu 32:39; Isa 43:13 (KJV)} The atoning blood and crucifixion of Jesus, the living flesh of the "Word of GOD", became the only means by which "Sins" can be forgiven. Jhn1:29 (KJV)
Only the "Word of GOD" can save the world, {Isa 43:11; 45:21 (KJV)} because GOD created it. {Gen 1:1 (KJV)} Jesus, the living flesh of the "Word of GOD", wasn't crucified so man's flesh could be saved, {1 Cor 15:50; 2 Cor 5:6; 8 (KJV)} the "Word of GOD", as Jesus, was crucified so man's soul could be saved and have eternal life. {Rom 6:23 (KJV)} That's why the death of the flesh is still synonymous with eternal life; either symbolically or physically. {Rom 6:7; 10-23; 12:11 (KJV)} Man's true salvation can only be realized by obedience to the "Word of GOD". Mar 3:35 (KJV)
The Importance of GOD's Word As Jesus the Messiah
See Also:Jesus' life, death and resurrection proved without doubt or question to anyone that is interested in truth, that GOD's Word is indestructible and eternal. {Mar 13:31 (KJV)} The "Word of GOD" in the flesh in the personage of Jesus the Christ -the Messiah had to come to earth in the flesh for 12 very important reasons:
*1. To re-establish His Kingdom on Earth: "The Man Adam's" original sin of disobedience and Satan's deception forfeited the Kingdom to Satan. Gen 3:13; 15; 4:1; Jhn 12:31; 16:11; 1 Jhn 3:8; (KJV)
*2. To provide the Perfect Sacrifice from GOD, Himself, for the atonement and redemption for humanity's "Sins". {Hbr 9:26 (KJV)} Because Jesus' death on the Cross covered everyone; {Jhn 1:29 (KJV)} the Gentiles, {Luk 2:32; Act 9:15 (KJV)} that were outside of GOD's Promises, could be made Heirs to the Promises and the Covenant of Abraham {Rom 8:17; Gal 3:9 (KJV)} and fullfil his Word concerning the Heathen. Gal 3:8 (KJV)
*3. To fullfil His Promises to Jacob (Israel), {Gen 35:9-13 (KJV)} Joseph {Gen 50:19-26 (KJV)} and David. Act 2:29-31 (KJV)
*4. To fullfil the "Blood Sacrifice" requirements of the Law and all the prophecies concerning the Messiah. Psa 22:1; 9-10; 16-18; 35:19; 69:4; Isa 53:1-12; 61:1-3; 65:9; Dan 9:25-26; Luk 23:22; Jhn 15:25;
*5. To establish a High Priest and King from the earth in one person. {Gen 14:18-20; Hbr 7:15-17 (KJV)} A descendent of "The Man Adam", from the tribe of Judah {Gen 49:10 (KJV) and the House of David {Mat 1:1-16(KJV)} to rule His Kingdom on Earth. Rev 20:4 (KJV)
*6. To fulfill the "Declarations" He Made to Himself. Isa 46:9 (KJV)
*7. To accomplish His Sovereign and Divine Will and Purpose because He Swore by Himself. Isa 45:23 (KJV)
*8. To manifest His Righteous Judgment gainst the "Children of Israel", the "Promised Land" and all men (males and females) living on the face of the earth. Psa 96:13; Act 17:31; Rev 15:4 (KJV)
*9. To give a human face, {2 Cor 4:6 (KJV)} physical flesh body, {Psa 22:9-10; (KJV)} and name {Isa 7:14; Luk 1:30-38 (KJV)} to His Word of Salvation {Act 4:12 (KJV)} and Redemption. Gal 3:13 (KJV)
10. To redeem men from the "Curse of the Law" {Gal 3:13 (KJV)} by ending animal sacrifices for the remission of "Sin" and everything associated with animal sacrifices.
11. To establish the "Word of GOD" as mankind's only true salvation from eternal condemnation and eternal death, {Rev 19:11-21 (KJV)} by providing universal access to His Mercy beyond man's control. Mat 27:51 (KJV)
12. To establish Love as the highest universal standard for all men. Jhn 13:34-35; Rom 8:39 (KJV)
For over 1,900 years, Christian Churches have focused on Jesus' humanity and deity; rather than what he truly represents; which is the "Word of GOD". One's humanity and deification by earthly men is a subjective issue that is opened to endless interpretations and debates. Consequently, by focusing on Jesus' earthly existence as a man, rather than His true spiritual identity as the "Word of GOD", the Church has split into endless denominations, sects, cults, self proclaimed religious authorities, prophets and apostate organized religious groups that are more Satanic than GODLY.
By focusing on Jesus' true spiritual reality, the "Word of GOD", there is no room for debate or controversy. {Pro 30:5 (KJV)} Obey and be saved {Luk 8:21; 11:28 (KJV)} or indifferent and/or disobedient and be condemned. {Eze 18:4 (KJV)} GOD's Laws are clear and unambiguous. {Hbr 8:10 (KJV)} GOD did not send His Word, in the flesh body of Jesus the Christ, into the world to establish another religion, but rather to establish the governing authority and heirarchy for His Kingdom on Earth and how to live righteously in His Kingdom.
It has always been GOD's plan to save His creation, offer salvation to all {Isa 51:6 (KJV)} and establish His righteous Kingdom on Earth under the leadership of "The Man Adam". {Gen 2:15 KJV)} The first man Adam failed, {Gen 3:12; 17-24; Job 31:33; Rom 5:14; 1 Cor 15:22 (KJV)} but the second man Adam - Jesus the Christ - did not. {1 Cor 15:45-47 (KJV)} That's why the Kenites, the Nephilim (giants) and the descendants of the men of the world/earth were taken aboard the Ark along with the 8 pure Adamic souls {1 Peter 3:20 (KJV)} (Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives). {Gen 6:19 (KJV)} Cain's descendants - the Kenites - from Satan's seed are only 1/2 Adamic. Gen 3:13 (KJV)
This is the message of GOD's Word from beginning to end. It has never changed. Even in the flesh as Jesus of Nazareth - Jesus the Christ - the Messiah - the Son of GOD - and the Son of Man, GOD's message to men was and still is the same: Salvation for all, the "Kingdom of GOD" {Mat 6:33 (KJV)} and the requirements {Jhn 3:3; 5-8 (JV)} to live in His Kingdom {Mar 10:15 (KJV)} in the here-and-now and eternally. {Jhn 4:35-38; 5:24 (KJV)} The truth about the "Word of GOD" is "The Untold Story of the Cross of Calvary". When Jesus ascended into Heaven, {Act 1:4-11 (KJV)} the "Word of GOD" ascended with Him and will return with Him. Rev 19:13 (KJV)
Even after His death and resurrection, Jesus spent an additional 40 days on earth talking and teaching about the "Kingdom of GOD". {Act 1:1-3 (KJV)} Preaching about salvation does not scare Satan, neither does, financial increase, prosperity, love, peace, morality, ethics, earthly existence, holiness, righteousness, immorality, baptism, sacraments, Vatican I, Vatican II, community involvement, political involvement, abstinence, hell's fire or "Sin". The message from the pulpit and field ministry that frightens Satan the most is the message Jesus taught and left - the "Word of GOD", {Mar 4:15 (KJV)} the "Kingdom of GOD" {Mar 1:15 (KJV)} and how mortal men can enter and live in GOD's Kingdom forever. {Act 4:12; 10:43;13:38-39; Rom 10:9-11 (KJV)} This is the only message Satan comes quickly to take away. Mar 4:15 (KJV)
*1. To re-establish His Kingdom on Earth: "The Man Adam's" original sin of disobedience and Satan's deception forfeited the Kingdom to Satan. Gen 3:13; 15; 4:1; Jhn 12:31; 16:11; 1 Jhn 3:8; (KJV)
*2. To provide the Perfect Sacrifice from GOD, Himself, for the atonement and redemption for humanity's "Sins". {Hbr 9:26 (KJV)} Because Jesus' death on the Cross covered everyone; {Jhn 1:29 (KJV)} the Gentiles, {Luk 2:32; Act 9:15 (KJV)} that were outside of GOD's Promises, could be made Heirs to the Promises and the Covenant of Abraham {Rom 8:17; Gal 3:9 (KJV)} and fullfil his Word concerning the Heathen. Gal 3:8 (KJV)
*3. To fullfil His Promises to Jacob (Israel), {Gen 35:9-13 (KJV)} Joseph {Gen 50:19-26 (KJV)} and David. Act 2:29-31 (KJV)
*4. To fullfil the "Blood Sacrifice" requirements of the Law and all the prophecies concerning the Messiah. Psa 22:1; 9-10; 16-18; 35:19; 69:4; Isa 53:1-12; 61:1-3; 65:9; Dan 9:25-26; Luk 23:22; Jhn 15:25;
*5. To establish a High Priest and King from the earth in one person. {Gen 14:18-20; Hbr 7:15-17 (KJV)} A descendent of "The Man Adam", from the tribe of Judah {Gen 49:10 (KJV) and the House of David {Mat 1:1-16(KJV)} to rule His Kingdom on Earth. Rev 20:4 (KJV)
*6. To fulfill the "Declarations" He Made to Himself. Isa 46:9 (KJV)
*7. To accomplish His Sovereign and Divine Will and Purpose because He Swore by Himself. Isa 45:23 (KJV)
*8. To manifest His Righteous Judgment gainst the "Children of Israel", the "Promised Land" and all men (males and females) living on the face of the earth. Psa 96:13; Act 17:31; Rev 15:4 (KJV)
*9. To give a human face, {2 Cor 4:6 (KJV)} physical flesh body, {Psa 22:9-10; (KJV)} and name {Isa 7:14; Luk 1:30-38 (KJV)} to His Word of Salvation {Act 4:12 (KJV)} and Redemption. Gal 3:13 (KJV)
10. To redeem men from the "Curse of the Law" {Gal 3:13 (KJV)} by ending animal sacrifices for the remission of "Sin" and everything associated with animal sacrifices.
11. To establish the "Word of GOD" as mankind's only true salvation from eternal condemnation and eternal death, {Rev 19:11-21 (KJV)} by providing universal access to His Mercy beyond man's control. Mat 27:51 (KJV)
12. To establish Love as the highest universal standard for all men. Jhn 13:34-35; Rom 8:39 (KJV)
For over 1,900 years, Christian Churches have focused on Jesus' humanity and deity; rather than what he truly represents; which is the "Word of GOD". One's humanity and deification by earthly men is a subjective issue that is opened to endless interpretations and debates. Consequently, by focusing on Jesus' earthly existence as a man, rather than His true spiritual identity as the "Word of GOD", the Church has split into endless denominations, sects, cults, self proclaimed religious authorities, prophets and apostate organized religious groups that are more Satanic than GODLY.
By focusing on Jesus' true spiritual reality, the "Word of GOD", there is no room for debate or controversy. {Pro 30:5 (KJV)} Obey and be saved {Luk 8:21; 11:28 (KJV)} or indifferent and/or disobedient and be condemned. {Eze 18:4 (KJV)} GOD's Laws are clear and unambiguous. {Hbr 8:10 (KJV)} GOD did not send His Word, in the flesh body of Jesus the Christ, into the world to establish another religion, but rather to establish the governing authority and heirarchy for His Kingdom on Earth and how to live righteously in His Kingdom.
It has always been GOD's plan to save His creation, offer salvation to all {Isa 51:6 (KJV)} and establish His righteous Kingdom on Earth under the leadership of "The Man Adam". {Gen 2:15 KJV)} The first man Adam failed, {Gen 3:12; 17-24; Job 31:33; Rom 5:14; 1 Cor 15:22 (KJV)} but the second man Adam - Jesus the Christ - did not. {1 Cor 15:45-47 (KJV)} That's why the Kenites, the Nephilim (giants) and the descendants of the men of the world/earth were taken aboard the Ark along with the 8 pure Adamic souls {1 Peter 3:20 (KJV)} (Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives). {Gen 6:19 (KJV)} Cain's descendants - the Kenites - from Satan's seed are only 1/2 Adamic. Gen 3:13 (KJV)
This is the message of GOD's Word from beginning to end. It has never changed. Even in the flesh as Jesus of Nazareth - Jesus the Christ - the Messiah - the Son of GOD - and the Son of Man, GOD's message to men was and still is the same: Salvation for all, the "Kingdom of GOD" {Mat 6:33 (KJV)} and the requirements {Jhn 3:3; 5-8 (JV)} to live in His Kingdom {Mar 10:15 (KJV)} in the here-and-now and eternally. {Jhn 4:35-38; 5:24 (KJV)} The truth about the "Word of GOD" is "The Untold Story of the Cross of Calvary". When Jesus ascended into Heaven, {Act 1:4-11 (KJV)} the "Word of GOD" ascended with Him and will return with Him. Rev 19:13 (KJV)
Even after His death and resurrection, Jesus spent an additional 40 days on earth talking and teaching about the "Kingdom of GOD". {Act 1:1-3 (KJV)} Preaching about salvation does not scare Satan, neither does, financial increase, prosperity, love, peace, morality, ethics, earthly existence, holiness, righteousness, immorality, baptism, sacraments, Vatican I, Vatican II, community involvement, political involvement, abstinence, hell's fire or "Sin". The message from the pulpit and field ministry that frightens Satan the most is the message Jesus taught and left - the "Word of GOD", {Mar 4:15 (KJV)} the "Kingdom of GOD" {Mar 1:15 (KJV)} and how mortal men can enter and live in GOD's Kingdom forever. {Act 4:12; 10:43;13:38-39; Rom 10:9-11 (KJV)} This is the only message Satan comes quickly to take away. Mar 4:15 (KJV)
What is Sin?
How to Receive Blessings
How to Know GOD's Will
GOD's Laws of Increase
How to Know You are Born from Above
What is Worship and How do You Worship?
How to Sow and Reap in the Kingdom of GOD
Misconceptions - Academic & Scientific
Keys to the Kingdom of GOD
The Healing Scriptures
More Healing Scriptures
The Power of Faith
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