When the life you are living does not meet GOD's Righteous, Holy and Perfect Standards (Sinning) you are defying the Will of GOD.
Every human being that has ever lived or will live is given life for one purpose only, to live in GOD's Kingdom on Earth or in Heaven as Children of GOD. GOD will not force you. This is something you must choose of your own free will. You must do what is required to be saved. You must choose to be tested by the Law (obedience to GOD's Commandments, Laws, Ordinances, Statutes, Judgments and Word) and you must pass the test of Faith.
After today, you can not say, that you do not know why you were born. Your duty and responsibilities while being tested are:
1. Read GOD's Word and Pray daily & seek GOD's guidance and protection.
2. Develop yourself to the fullest,
3. Perform to the highest standard of excellence,
4. Be productive in everything you do,
5. Spread the Gospel of The Kingdom of GOD,
6. Give liberally for this purpose - time, money, effort,
7. Enjoy your life in the flesh without Sin (failing to meet GOD's Righteous, Holy and Perfect Standards). (Repent hourly if needed)
Your Goal is to pass the tests. Success is Life. Failure is Death.
GOD can not and will not tolerate failing to meet His Righteous, Holy and Perfect Standards (Sin) in any manner, shape or form. That's a tough egg to swallow, but Heaven is not a place for whimps or the ungodly. {Rev 21:7-8 (KJV)} All it takes is one miscue to wipe out years of obedience. Num 20:7-12 (KJV)
As a human being, you must recognize, understand and accept who YHVH is. He is a Holy, Righteous GOD that is Perfect in all His ways. {Lev 11:45; Psa 11:7; Mat 5:48 (KJV)} This is why it is vitally important that you understand how Satan comes at you 95% of the time. Awarenes is the best defense against his tactics, devices and tricks. {2 Cor 2:11 (KJV)} To increase your ability to stand against his attacks, follow Paul's advice in Ephesians 6:10-17 (KJV)
Satan's most favored attack on the unsuspecting is a mental assualt: He comes at your mind with your own thoughts by mixing "Truth" with a lie/s". {2 Cor 11:14 (KJV)} Satan will also test you and tempt you to see how strong you are and how willing you are to follow GOD's Commandments, Laws, Ordinances, Statutes and Judgements. Gen 3:1; 4-5; 1 Chr 21:!; Job 1:12; 2:7; Zec 3:1; Mar 1:13; Luk 22:31; John 10:10; 1 Cor 7:5; 1 Pet 5:8 (KJV)
If the spirit of GOD does not live within you; ("The Holy Spirit") then, underneath your skin and clothing is sin and death, not life. {Mat 5:20 (KJV)} Conversely, any man or woman in a flesh body that has GOD's Spirit ("The Holy Spirit") living inside him/her can enter the spirit and/or physical presence of GOD and receive eternal life regardless of how he/she looks on the outside. Job 36:10-11 (KJV)
If you are reading GOD's Word, walking by faith, repenting daily, praying daily, allowing "The Holy Spirit" to develop you, obeying GOD's Commandments, Statutes, Laws and Judgments, Loving your neighbor as yourself, loving GOD with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, being all you can be, living your life to the fullest without sin, performing at your highest level of excellence, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD, giving liberally for this purpose, time, resources and effort, you know you are walking in GOD's Will.
Why You Need Salvation
You need "Salvation" for 3 very important reasons:
First: All human beings are living under a death sentence. {2 Cor 1:19 (KJV)} You will advance in years and die naturally from old age. Your life will end one way or another. {Gen 6:3 (KJV)} If you are not killed by old age, an accident, war, prescription drugs, narcotics, murder, floods, self inflicted abuse and stress, hopelessness, despair, anxiety, birth defects, fear, torment, injustice, mental illness, disease, pestilence, oppression, suppression, deprivation, starvation, genocide, natural disasters, famine, obesity, suicide or poisons, you will die from some other natural or human induced cause. If you give your life to Christ, you will live forever. {Jhn 5:24 (KJV)} If you have not; you will die forever in the lake of fire {Rev 20:15 (KJV)} that will uncreate your soul. You will vanish forever and all memory of your former existence will be erased. Rev 21:4 (KJV)
Second: You are doomed to die; physically in the flesh, because you are living in a Kingdom of Death. {1 Pet 5:8 (KJV)} The very air you breathe is death, the water you drink and the very ground you walk on carries the stench of death. Why? The physical reality of failing to meet GOD's Righteous, Holy and Perfect Standards (Sin). Sin did not come to earth because Satan was angry over the Mercy Seat of Christ; nor because he and his fallen angels were cast out of heaven or his refusal to be born of woman. Satan defied GOD by seducing Eve and impregnating her womb with his seed. Gen 3:13 (KJV)
Satan's claim to the ground of earth and everything living on its surface or growing out of it is by birthright. His son - Cain - and his descendents - the Kenites - was born first {Gen 4:1 (KJV)} Satan stole the kingdom from "The Man Adam" because Cain acquired the birthright. All the governments and kingdoms of this world are Satan's to give. Mat 4:1-10; Luk 4:1-12 (KJV)
When it comes to the Heirs of Abraham, it is GOD's "Divine Will" and "Sovereign Right" that all first fruits belong to Him and the first born. {Exd 22:29 (KJV)} When it comes to the Heirs of Abraham, it is GOD's "Perfect Will" that the inheritance or the birthright be given to the first born. Gen 25:5; 31-34; 27:1-46; 43:33; 48:1-22; 1 Chr 5:1 (KJV)
Even though Cain received the birthright, GOD could not and did not bless him. Cain's birth came from defiance, treachery, lies, deception and disobedience. {Gen 3:13 (KJV)} The ground was already cursed because of "The Man Adam". {Gen 3:17-19 (KJV)} The ground was cursed again because he murdered Abel. {Gen 4:8 (KJV) Cain's Kingdom became a Kingdom of Death, {1 Pet 5:8 (KJV)} instead of a kingdom of life because of the innocent blood of Abel. {Gen 4:11; Gen 9:5-6 (KJV) .
Cain's birthright was and still is an earth doomed to be destroyed and you are living in it. He was a liar, deceiver and a murderer from the womb of the "Virgin" Eve. Cain was Satan's seed implanted in Eve while she was still a "Virgin". Eve was seduced by Satan in Eden before "The Man Adam" laid with her. {Gen 3:13 (KJV)} Beguiled in Hebrew is seduced. By the time Adam laid with Eve, she was already, defiled, immoral and impregnated with Satan's seed - Cain. Gen 4:1 (KJV)
Third: Nothing you have, can manufacture or fabricate, use or will ever discover in this Kingdom of Death can save you. Not religions, philosophies, ideologies, force of arms, drugs, doctors, lawyers, politicians, education, governments, intellectualism, intelligence, technology or money or anything else your mind can conceive or imagine. Hence, it is written: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men (males and females); whereby we must be saved. Act 4:12 (KJV) You are saved by GOD's Grace and His Love for you.
You must come to understand and accept these 3 simple truths:
1. Your life in your flesh body is short. Satan has already seen to that. Gen 4:8; 6:3 (KJV)
2. You are living under a death sentence {Gen 9:5 (KJV)} - The evidence is any grave yard. and..
3. Without GOD's saving Grace, {Exd 32:33 (KJV)} the Atoning Blood of His Son - Jesus the Christ - The Messiah - on the Cross and the Power of the "Holy Spirit", you are doomed to die twice. {Gen 9:5 (KJV)} Once in the flesh {2 Cor 5:8 (KJV)} and in the lake of fire {Rev 20:14-15 (KJV)} that will destroy your very soul. Act 16:30-31 (KJV)
You Must Understand What & WhoYou Are
What Are You?: You are a created flesh being (male or female) made from physical elements infused spiritual properties. Who Are You?: You are a flesh being that is a descendant of the men of the world/earth (male or female) if you are not a descendant of "The Man Adam".
It is GOD's "Divine Will" that man (men of the world/earth) be made after the likeness and in the image of heavenly beings [6th Day Creation] and GOD made man (men of the world/earth) in his own image and created them (male and female). {Gen 1:26-28 (KJV)} The Bible does not mentioned how the men of the world/earth were made. All we know for certain, is the men of the world/earth (males and females) were not formed from the dust of the ground like "The Man Adam". Gen 2:7 (KJV)
Them (plural) in this scripture is a very important word. Why? Because man (singular) is male and female - "created he him". But the Bible clearly states: "Created He them". This one verse should have let scientists, archaeologists, paleontologists, anthropologists and everyone on earth know, GOD created more than one man on the 6th Day. He created the men of the world/earth. {Eze 18:4 (KJV)} What we know for certain is these men of the world/earth were created from matter or the physical elements and given the spirit of man. Pro 20:27; Ecc 3:21; Zec 12:1; 1 Cor 2:11 (KJV)
Today, we know for certain that the 6th day creation, the men of the world/earth, are called races and/or ethnic groups by scientists, kingdoms, government officials and human society in general. The human race is divided into 3 broad classification groups, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. Various methods and techniques are used to identify men of the world/earth by physical characteristics such as skin color; which can range from white, black, red, yellow, brown and/or various skin tones in between. Other characteristics that are commonly used are eye color, hair type, texture and color and geographic location, etc.., just to name a few.
We also know for certain that the spirit of man must be from the elements and created from matter because GOD did not breathed life into them like "The Man Adam". {Gen 2:7 (KJV)} Therefore, the desires of the men of the world/earth will be worldly. We also know for certain that the spirit of man is carnal in nature {Rom 8:7 (KJV)} and it desires to please the physical elements of its flesh; which are basically, the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. 1 John 2:15-17 (KJV)
Since pleasing one's earthly desires are not heavenly, {Rom 8:6 (KJV)} eternal damnation and death is certain. {Jam 4:4 (JV)} The reasons:
1. Everything that has a beginning has an end, and the end is inescapable. {Psa 39:4 (KJV)} Therefore, the men of the world/earth (males and females) composed of matter, {Rom 8:6 (KJV) } need help - "The Holy Spirit" and a saviour - "Jesus the Christ". in order to survive death {Jhn 3:16 (KJV)} and have eternal life. Act 15:11 (KJV)
2. As previously stated: All men (males and females) are under a death sentence {Gen 6:3; 9:5 (KJV)} and live in a Kingdom of Death ruled by Satanic powers and forces. {Eph 6:10-12 (KJV)}
GOD (YHVH) Our Creator
GOD (YHVH) created the heavens (the atmosphere and space) and the Earth from physical elements made from matter. {Isa 45:12 (KJV)} These elements can be found in the Periodic Table in any decent science class. Everything in the physical universe is composed of matter. In order for an elemental universe made from matter to survive, specific conditions must be created, brought into existence and be maintained continuously; otherwise, an elemental universe would destroy itself and everything in it. Isa 45:18 (KJV)
Such a universe would require balance and precision of a type and scale the human mind absolutely and positively can not comprehend, understand or duplicate. {Isa 45:12 (KJV)} The Creator of a universe composed of elements made from matter would have to be absolutely consistent and steadfast in all his ways. Any changes within him would change physical reality itself and existence would be inconsistent, unpredictable and chaotic.
One minute you are human, the next gas and the next liquid. One minute you are dog, the next a man, the next a woman and the next a worm. Such an existence would be hellish to say the least. That's why the Creator must have Perfect Discipline. Hence, it is written: "I change not." {Mal 3:6 (KJV)} and "I am the same yesterday (past), today (present) and forever." Hbr 13:8 (KJV)
In addition to Perfect Discipline, the Creator of a universe made from matter would have to have Perfect Knowledge of Spiritual physics, chemistry, mechanics, all the Spiritual Sciences and all the laws and principles governing them; as well as, Perfect Knowledge of elemental physics, chemistry, mechanics, all the physical sciences and all the laws and principles governing them. Deu 32:4 (KJV) All the science and technology discovered by mankind to date, would not be a drop of nothing, when compared to the Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom of GOD (YHVH).
The Creator would have to have Perfect Understanding and Perfect Wisdom in order to apply these Laws and Principles in Perfect Balance and Harmony and maintain them indefinitely. {Isa 46:9 (KJV)} Therefore, the Creator would have to be eternal. {Job 36:26 (KJV)} Since the Creator is not bound by physical reality there is no limit to what he can or can not do. Hence, it is written: "With GOD all things are possible" Mat 19:26; Mar 10:27 (KJV)
Understanding Spiritual Reality
GOD is a Spirit. Therefore, He comes from a "Spiritual Reality" and He exist in a "Spiritual Reality" that is Pure, {1 Jhn 3:3 (KJV)} Perfect, {Mat 5:48 (KJV)} Holy {Lev 11:45 (KJV)} and Righteous. {Psa 11:7 (KJV)} "Spiritual Reality" is not only perfect and pure, {Pro 30:5 (KJV)} it is far more potent than anything the human mind can imagine or conceive. Unlike physical energy that comes from physical matter that can only destroy the physical state, Spiritual energy doesn't only destroy it will uncreate the physical and the spiritual. Hence, it is written: "Fear not them that can only kill the body, but fear him that can kill body and soul." Matthew 10:28 (KJV)
"Spiritual Reality" can exist without conditions. It can exist without physical elements made from matter, and it can exist without the physical universe in which we live. But, our physical universe and our reality absolutely and positively can not survive without its spiritual counterpart. Why is this so? Because all physical matter and its properties must be infused with spiritual properties in order to exist. Without this infusion, physical matter regardless of its state, form and/or substance can not existence.
A spiritual property is any force that maintains, sustains and/or facilitates the physical properties of matter in all its forms and combinations; be it organic or inorganic that can not be seen, analyzed or measured with the naked eye or any mechanical device created by man. {Ecc 3:11 (KJV)} A perfect example is your mind and soul. You can not see your mind, feel it or touch it, but you can use it. If you fail to use it, you die.
No one has ever seen his/her soul. Another one is time. You can track time and count days and years, but time, itself can not be seen, touched or measured. And finally, there's space. You can see space, measure distances within space, but space itself, you can not touch it, smell it or measure it.
GOD created the heavens (the atmosphere and space) and Earth {Gen 1:1-31; Deu 10:14 (KJV)} to Establish His Kingdom in the Physical Universe. "The Man Adam" was going to be the Head of His Kingdom in the Physical Universe. Earth is GOD's Home and Jerusalem is His Capital. Like all Kingdoms, "The Man Adam" must have subjects.
Life, created from matter in all its forms, was created to be subjects in GOD's Earthly Kingdom under "The Man Adam's" leadership. After "The Man Adam" failed, the leadership and kingship of GOD's Earthly Kingdom, belongs to GOD Himself and His Word {Jhn 1:1-5 (KJV)} clothed in the body of an Earthly Man. {Jhn 1:10-13 (KJV)}This flesh man, The Word of GOD, would be a direct descendant of "The Man Adam", known by many names that will be a living witness and testimony as to who he really is and his titles will be KING of Kings and LORD of Lords.
He will be called - "Jesus of Nazareth" {Jhn 18:5 (KJV)} - "The Only Begotten of GOD" {Jhn 1:14 (KJV)} - "the son of Joseph" {Jhn 1:45 (KJV)} - "The Son Of Man" {Mat 9:6 (KJV)} - The Son of David" {Mat 22:42 (KJV)} - "The Son of GOD" - {Luk 1:35 (KJV)} - "The Messiah" {Dan 9:25-26 (KJV)} - "Our LORD and SAVIOUR" {2 Pet 1:11 (KJV)} - "The Christ" {Mat 16:16 (KJV)} - "The Anointed" {Act 10:38 KJV)} - "Emmanuel". {Mat 1:23 (KJV)} and the "the son of Abraham" {Mat 1:1 (KJV)} Hence, it is written: "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us...." Jhn 1:14 (KJV)
As a living flesh being, you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to live in GOD's Earthly Kingdom and/or His Heavenly Kingdom - if you qualify. {Isa 45:22; Mat 10:22; Luk 8:12 (KJV)} Unlike earthly kingdoms that are established by force of arms, GOD's subjects from among men (males and females) are whosoever will. {Act 16:31 (KJV)} Therefore, these subjects must be proven worthy of spiritual existence in a physical plane by testing. That's why it is written: "GOD has come to prove you". Exd 20:20 (KJV)
Since the physical universe can not exist without its spiritual counterpart, those that don't come are destroyed. The pain of physical consciousness without a life giving spirit is eternal torment. {Luk 16:28 (KJV)} That's why at the end of days, all those souls that rejected GOD and Jesus the Christ will be destroyed {Rev 20:12-15 (KJV)} and the memory of their former existence erased. {Rev 21:4 (KJV)} To prove your worthiness to live in GOD's Kingdom on Earth and in Heaven and have eternal life, you must be tested and proven. Exd 16:4 (KJV)
Before the "Flood", the test was righteousness, {Gen 7:1 (KJV)} perfection in all your ways {Gen 6:9 (KJV)} and obedience. {Gen 2:16-17 (KJV)} "The Man Adam" failed. {Gen 3:12 (KJV)} He was formed righteous and perfect. The only test he had to pass was obedience. Such a test, only requires one Commandment.
After the "Flood" the test is faith, perfection in all your ways and obedience. Your faith is counted as righteousness. Hence, it is written: "Abraham believed GOD and it was accounted to him for righteousness." {Gen 15:16; Deu 6:25; Gal 3:6 (KJV)} However, before faith can be accounted, you must still pass the test of the Law; which are GOD's Commandments, Statutes, Ordinances, Laws, Judgments and His Word.
The Holy Spirit Is Your Pathway To GOD's Kingdom
It is GOD' "Perfect Will" that all men (males and females) be obedient to his Commandments, Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Judgments and Word. Isa 1:17-20 (KJV)This is important for you to understand: GOD'S WORD AND GOD ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. GOD, GOD's WORD AND GOD'S SPIRIT ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. This "Spiritual Reality" is difficult for human beings composed of physical matter to understand. {1 Jhn 5:7 (KJV)} However, if you will expand your mind, you will come to realize, you are also a triune being - mind, soul, body that is similar in design, concept and nature to - GOD the Father (Soul), The Holy Spirit (Mind) and The Son (Body), the physical face of GOD in the flesh. Gen 1:26 (KJV)
GOD is not like us. {Isa 55:8-9 (KJV)} He is Spirit and He never will be like us because we are physical matter. GOD has the creative power and ability to separate His "Spiritual Reality" into living realities and clothe them in flesh. Someting we can not do. Human beings are severely limited because we are created. {Isa 45:12 (KJV)} We will never, in the flesh, understand fully the "Spiritual Reality" of YHVH. GOD can exist by himself and still be GOD. GOD can be in the Spirit and still be GOD. GOD can be in the flesh and Still be GOD. {Isa 46:9-10 (KJV)} Human beings don't have this power or ability. Therefore, to undo what Satan has done, the Word of GOD was clothed in flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1-3; 14 (KJV)
Without the "Holy Spirit" working within you, {Act 2:38 (KJV)} your faith will be weak because you were born with the spirit of man if you are not a descendant of "The Man Adam". Because of it's carnal nature, it can not bring you into the Kingdom of GOD. Therefore, the "Holy Spirit" must bring you into the Kingdom of GOD on Earth {Rom 14:17 (KJV)} and only the "Power" of the "Holy Spirit" can keep you there. {Jhn 14:26 (KJV)} Your earthly "spirit of man" will destroy you because of its never ending desire to satisfy its elemental or worldly nature. Consquently, it is by the "Grace of GOD" and the Power of the "Holy Spirit" that you can qualify, {Act 1:8 (KJV)} enter GOD's Kingdom and live forever.
How To Enter The Kingdom Of GOD
First: You must accept the reality that "Sin is Real", {Rom 5:12 (KJV)} "Satan/Devil is Real" {Job 2:2; Zec 3:1-2; (KJV)} and you are living in his Kingdom of Death. {1 Pet 5:8 (KJV)} If you have difficulty convincing yourself of these truths, turn on the televesion, pick up a daily newspaper, visit a grave yard or talk to members of your family. Find out how many family members have passed on before you were born and how many have passed on since you were born. It's also a good idea to check on friends and associates to see how many of them are still here.
Second: Once you have thoroughly convinced yourself that death of the flesh is real. All you need to decide is do you want to be dead forever or live forever.
Third: Receive the "Holy Spirit". Becoming Holy is a lifelong process that begins by being saved. In order to be saved, you must ask Jesus to come into your life and accept Jesus as your LORD and Saviour in your heart and mind. Then you confess with your mouth before witnesses or someone that you believe Jesus died on the Cross to save you from failing to meet GOD's Holy, Righteous and Perfect Standards for human life (Sin). Confess that GOD raised Him from the dead so that you will have eternal life. Romans 8:6-11; 10:8-11; Mat 10:32; Luk 12:8; Jhn 3:16 (KJV)
Fourth: Repent and confess all your sins. {Lev 5:5; Psa 32:5; Rom 14:11 (KJV)} Ask GOD to forgive you for these past sins in the name of Jesus, accept his forgiveness for your past sins and forgive others that have sinned against you. {Luk 11:2-4 (KJV)} Thank GOD for His forgiveness in the name of Jesus and do what you can do not to sin again. Jer 31:14; Jhn 5:14; 8:11 (KJV)
Fifth: Find a Christian or a Pastor of a Christian Church be baptized in the name of Jesus or in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit both are acceptable to GOD. {2 Sam 6:18; Psa 20:5; Isa 50:10; Mic 4:5; Mat 23:39; 28:19; Luk 3:16; Act 2:38 (KJV)} Thank GOD for your salvation in the name of Jesus and rejoice before The LORD.
Sixth: Ask GOD to bless you and His "Holy Spirit" within you, so that you can grow in faith and spiritual maturity. You need the Power of the "Holy Spirit" to help you resist past sins and increase your resolve not to commit new sins. Ask GOD in the name of Jesus to let the "Holy Spirit" guide you in all knowledge, wisdom, understanding and paths of righteousness (doing what is right). Matthew 3:11; Mar 16:17; 20; Luk 2:26; Jhn 14:26; 20:22; Act 1:2; 2:38; 5:32; Eph 4:20-32; 5:1-10 (KJV)
Seventh: Prepare yourself for everything to suddenly go wrong in your life. {Jam 4:7 (KJV)} Once you believe in GOD and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, Satanic forces will come after you. {Luk 8:12 (KJV)} Remember: Satan alreay has billions of people under his control. {Jhn 10:10; 2 Cor 4:4; 1 Jhn 2:14 (KJV)} To guard against his attacks, rebuke him with the Word of GOD and in the name of Jesus. {Eph 4:27 (KJV)} Then put on the whole armour of GOD. Mat 4:1-11; Eph 6:10-18 (KJV)
If you do not receive any power from the "Holy Spirit" immediately, it only means you are not one of GOD's elect and do not have strong faith or spiritual maturity. GOD's elect has this maturity so that the power and Gifts from the "Holy Spirit" have immediate manisfestation such as; healing the sick, prophesy, speaking in different tongues or languages, interpretation of tongues and languages and words of wisdom or knowlege. If you have power with the "Holy Spirit" immediately after you are saved, it means you are one of GOD's elect that was chosen from the foundation of the earth. Isa 42:1; 45:4; 65:9; 22; Act 8:17; 18; 9:17; 10:38; 10:44; 45; Rom 8:33; 1 Ths 1:5; Col 3:12; Tts 1:1 Eph 1:4 (KJV)
It is the elect that will lead us to salvation and to a life of holiness. If you are not one of GOD's elect when you get saved; as evidenced by not having a Gift/s from the "Holy Spirit", then GOD's Grace, Love and all His Promises are sufficient until you have strong faith and reach spiritual maturity. However; you can still begin the process of living a holy lifestyle by exercising your faith. You accomplish this by walking by faith and not by sight. 2 Chr 5:7 (KJV)
Believe in your unique value to GOD because He truly loves you as His own son or daughter. Become the person you were meant to be. Start growing and developing yourself to your highest potential. Be confident, assertive, loving, kind, humble, compassionate, bold in your beliefs, vibrant and alive in truth, because He that is in you...is greater than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 (KJV)
If you begin your Christian walk to Holiness with weak faith and spiritual immaturity, the "Holy Spirit" within you can not manifest any power. Manifestations of the Gifts of the "Holy Spirit" and the Power of the "Holy Spirit" require strong faith and spiritual growth. Feed yourself the Word of GOD and claim and stand on the Promises of GOD. Act 4:31; Rom 15:8; 1 Cor 2:13; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Jhn 2:14 (KJV)
Do this daily and your faith and spiritual nature will strengthen and mature. With your new found faith, strength and words of knowledge from the "Holy Spirit" that is developing power and charisma within you, begin to help others in as many ways as the "Holy Spirit" guides and directs. 1 Cor 3:1-2; Hbr 5:12-14; Eph 5:13-20; 1 Pet 2:2-5 (KJV)
The Seven Keys To Living In GOD's Kingdom
Living in GOD's Kingdom is easy do, but difficult to practice on a daily basis. Why is it easy? It's easy because you only have 7 guidelines to follow. {Jhn 8:51 (KJV)} Why is it difficult to practice? It'sdifficult to practice because you live in a Kingdom of Death. What you are practicing in the flesh is life. {Rom 6:4-5 (KJV)} Yet, your fleshly being is surrounded by the walking dead. Hence, it is written: "Let the dead bury the dead." Mat 8:22 (KJV)
It's difficult, if not impossible to convince a dead man (male and female) he is dead. If you don't believe it...try it. In the Kingdom of Death {1 Pet 5:8 (KJV)} what seems like life is death {Pro 16:25 (KJV)} and what seems like death is life. {Luk 9:24 (KJV)} Life in a Kingdom of Death is Sin; such as, intoxication, drug addiction, alcoholism, lewd false doctrines, pseudo-science, partying, immorality, lying, cheating, stealing, misinformation, deceit, deception, idolatry, materialism, sexual promiscuity, narcotics, self indulgence, greed, gluttony, selfishness, self-centeredness, lawlessness, egotism, riotous living, adultery and false religions like capitalism, communism, socialism, secular humanism, fascism, pagan Christianity, unconfessing Judaism, Jihadism, Mormonism and a host of other unsavory activities, actions, beliefs and philosophies. Hence it is written: "The wages of Sin is death".... Rom 6:23 (KJV)
Satan marks his people, like his son Cain was marked {Gen 4:15 (KJV)} with tatooes, cuts in the flesh or symbols on their bodies. Hence, it is written: "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead...". Lev 19:28 (KJV)
When practicing life, death to the flesh is life {Rom 6:7-8 (KJV)} such as; peace, love, moderation, goodness, love, faith, hope, charity, righteousness, justice, fairness, honesty, truth, morality, humility, service, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, healing, deliverance, freedom, mercy, forgiveness, excellence, productivity and generosity. {Phl 4:8 (KJV)} Being dead to Sin is life in Christ. {Rom 6:8; 11; (KJV)} Not only in the flesh in this world, but life eternally in the Kingdom of GOD on Earth and in Heaven. 1 Cor 2:9 (KJV)
The keys to the Kingdom of GOD insures blessings, prosperity and long life. Isa 45:3; Jhn 8:51 (KJV)
Key #1 - Faith: Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. {Hbr 11:1 (KJV)} Without Faith it is impossible to please GOD. {Hbr 11:6 (KJV)} With Faith you can claim the promises of GOD. Faith without works is dead. {Jam 2:17 (KJV)} With Faith you can be saved. {Jhn 20:31; Rom 10:9-11 (KJV)} With Faith your prayers can be answered. Mat 21:22 (KJV)} With Faith you can heal the sick and cast out demons. {Mar 3:15; Luk 4:18; Luk 10:9 (KJV)} GOD has dealt to every man (male and female) a measure of Faith. Rom 12:3 (KJV) [For more on Faith click Here.]
Key #2 - Love: If you Love GOD, you will obey His Commandments. {1 Jhn 5:2 (KJV)} Love the LORD your GOD with all your mind, soul, strength and heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. {Luk 10:27 (KJV)} Love one another. 1 Ths 4:9 (KJV)
Key #3 - Obedience: If you obey GOD's Commandments, Laws, Ordinances, Statutes and Judgements, {Deu 13:4 (KJV)} after you are saved, there is nothing to repent, because you will sin no more. Jhn 5:14; 8:11 (KJV)
Key #4 - Praise GOD: Give GOD the credit and the glory for everything he has done from creating you to making it possible that you live on planet earth despite all its problems and dangers. {Psa 30:12 (KJV)} As long as you live there is always hope in this life and living in GOD's Kingdom forever.
Praise GOD by your words, actions and deeds. This includes; but is not limited to, glorifying his name by your actions, words and deeds. {Psa 44:8 (KJV)} Exalting GOD's Love, Glory and Majesty for all his works that benefit you and every living being and creature on earth. {Psa 56:10 (KJV)} Praise GOD in the name of Jesus. GOD's Glory and Majesty can be seen everywhere and in everything in the heavens and on earth. This includes; but is not limited to, humanity's health, wealth, collective knowledge, productivity, well being, salvation and life itself. 1 Chr 29:13 (KJV)
Key #5 - Thank GOD: Have heart-felt appreciation for GOD's goodness and most importantly for his unfailing love toward you and everything that lives and exist on planet earth including all the good things done by you and other human beings. {1 Ths 2:13 (KJV) Give thanks to GOD simply by saying thank you in the name of Jesus. You thank him for everything that is good. This includes; but is not limited to, the sciences, uplifting art, literature, poetry, music, song, dance, your life and/or the life of your family, the universe itself, his forgiveness, knowledge, wisdom, patience, understanding, mercy, miracles, compassion, kindness, creative force, righteousness, grace, blessings and the works Jesus the Christ the Christ - The Messiah - The Anointed One & His Anointing performed on the Cross.
Key #6 - Worship GOD: in "Spirit" and in "Truth" Have absolute respect for the Holiness of GOD (YHVH). {1 Chr 16:29; Psa 29:2 (KJV)} Show your respect by bowing down, bowing your head, kneeling or prostrating yourself in his presence. {Psa 95:6; (KJV)} Enter GOD's presence with thanksgiving and praise. Lift up Holy hands. Worship is having a spiritual fellowship, union and communion with GOD in "Spirit" and in "Truth". John 4:23; 24 (KJV)
Key #7 - Rejoice In The LORD and before The LORD: Be proud of your blessings, happiness, gladness, joy, salvation and all the good things that come from GOD. Lev 23:40; Deu 12:7; 12; 18; 14:26; 16:11; 14; 15; 26:11; 27:7 28:63; 30:9; 1 Sam 2:1; 1 Chr 16:31; 2 Chr 6:41; Neh 12:43; Psa 13:25; 40:16; Isa 25:9; 29:19; 61:10; Mat 5:12; Luk 10:20; 19:37; Jhn 4:36; 1 Petr 1:8 (KJV).
Live in Jesus' Love and by His Words. You live in Him in Spirit and inTruth. This is done by expressing your pride in words and deeds that you are a Child of GOD and Jesus is your Lord and Saviour. You have joy, happiness and peace of mind because you know YHVH is a great, merciful and loving GOD. You have self assurance because you have absolute confidence and faith in Him and His Promises. Psa 23:1-4; 73:25-26; 121:2-3; 5; 7-8 (KJV)
Be grateful and reverent to GOD, for GOD being who He is and for the work His Son - Jesus the Christ - The Messiah - did on the Cross. Have heart-felt remorse that Jesus had to give everything to atone for your sins so that you will have the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, live righteously, enter the Kingdom of GOD and have eternal life. Let the power of the Holy Spirit flow to you and through you. Jhn 8:36; Rom 5:8-10; Phl 4:13; Hbr 4:14-16; 12:2; 13:5-6; 8 (KJV)
Sing songs, hymns and psalms. Recite or listen to GOD's Words, inspirational literature or uplifting poetry, etc.. Fellowship with other believers, play music and/or musical instruments, i.e., cymbals, tamborines, uplifting orchestration and dancing. 1 Sam 18:6; 1 Chr 15:16; 2 Chr 5:13; 7:6; 34:12; Job 21:12; Psa 9:12; 21:1; 30:1 Isa 35:2; Jer 31:13; Zec 2:10; Luk 15:25 (KJV)
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