Jesus the Christ - the Messiah - the "Living Word of GOD"; as the Head of the Church in Heaven and on Earth and all the original Apostles and Disciples, would not call His Church by any name other than the Church of GOD. (YHVH) Act 20:28; 1 Cor 1:2; 10:32; 11:22; 15:9; 2 Cor 1:1; Gal 1:13; 1 Tim 3:5 (KJV)
Christ, His Apostles and Disciples would not identify His Church and Saints by any name other than the "Body of Christ". {Rom 7:4; 1 Cor 10:16-17; 12:27; Eph 4:12 (KJV)} Names such as Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Non-Denominational, AME, RMUE, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormon, Quakers, Shakers, Holiness or any other designation would not be used; and in all sincerity, would be an abomination.2 Cor 12:20 (KJV)
Why? These names are not in "Scripture" and were never used by Christ, His Apostles or His Disciples. The mere fact that an early Church Father was ordained by one of the original Apostles or Disciples, does not give him the right or authority to tamper with GOD's Word or establish an Ecclesia the Apostles and Disciples never mentioned.
Even Churches that call themselves the Church of GOD would be an abomination. There are a lot of reasons for this that will be discussed in future post. If you would ask the vast majority of "Bible Believing Christians" today, what is the real name of the GOD they serve? {Isa 52:6 (KJV)} They probably could not tell you; even in the so-called Church of GOD.
Some might say Jehovah because this English transliteration is found in the King James Bible I use and to a greater degree in the "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures". {Isa 65:1 (KJV)} These names are transliterated. Transliterated means to represent as a word by alphabetic characters of another language having the same sound. Translated means to give the sense or meaning of a word in your language the same or equivalent meaning in another language. I, personally, have never seen or read in any "Biblical Scripture" where GOD said translate or transliterate my name.
For it is written: "And in every deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth." {Exd 9:16} He has repeated and insisted on being called by His Name throughout the "Scriptures". {Exd 33:19; Lev 19:12; 20:3; 22:2; 32; Num 6:27; Deu 18:19-20; Judg 13:18; II Sam 7:13; 12:28; I King 5:5; 8; 16-20; 29; 9:3;7; 11:36; II Kin 21:4;7; 23:27; I Chr 22:8;10; 28:3; II Chr 6:5-9; 7:16; 20; 33:4; 7; Neh 1:9; Psa 22:22; 61:5; 8; 63:4; 86:11-12; 89:24; 91:14; 103:1; 116:4; 142:7; 145:1; 21; Isa 25:1; 29:23; 41:25; 43:7; 48:11; Jer 7:10-14; 30; 12:16; 14:14-15; 23:25-29; 27:15; 29:9; 21-23; 32:34; 34-15-16; 44:26; Eze 20:39; 36:20; 23; 39:7; 25; 43:7-8; Dan 9:18-19; Amos 2:7; Zec 5:4; 13:9; Mal 1:6; 11; 14; 2:2; 5; 4:2; Rev 3:12 (KJV)} Calling GOD "lord"; and spelling it will all capital letters (LORD); is not calling GOD by His Name.
With all the available "Scriptural" evidence stressing the need to know GOD's real name, it is hard to imagine Christian Churches have not thoroughly researched GOD's real name and should know His real name in the original language His name was written. It's a sad commentary on our faith, that after 1900 years, the vast majority of Christians still do not know GOD's real name. Why is this so important? If you do not know the real name of GOD, in the language in which He gave it, said it, and allowed it to be written; you have no idea who or what you are worshipping. {Jhn 4:21-24 (KJV)} You might be worshipping Satan and don't even know it.
GOD, Himself, gave us Jesus {Mat 1:21 (KJV)} and Immanuel {Isa 7:14; 8:8 (KJV)} (more transliterated names) to identify our LORD and SAVIOUR. As you can see the apostate Church began centuries ago and continues to this day. It is no wonder the rest of the world views Christians and Christianity as more Satanic than GODLY.
Well you ask. What about all the blessings? What about them? Everything we have experienced in the last 1900 years is exactly what GOD said would happen. {Dan 2:30-47; 12:4 (KJV)} GOD has always been faithful to save a remnant, {Eze 6:8 (KJV)} and for the sake of that remnant, the world will be blessed, {Gen 12:3 (KJV)} but not saved. {Eze 18:4 (KJV)} Well you ask. Why do Ecumenical Councils allow these apostate Churches to exist in Christendom?
For 3 reasons:
1. Ecumenical Councils sanctioned them; even if they did not create them.
2. Governments need them in order to maintain civil order. Otherwise, they would need a Regiment in every city and Martial Law which is bad for business. It is much better to have people in Churches singing and shouting; than in the streets, robbing and killing. Religions and philosophies; when properly applied and used within civilian society, are an excellent means to maintain standards of morality, values and ethics. Plus, the most nationalistic and patriotic people in any population group are the ones that have deep religious values, convictions and beliefs. People with religious values make great military recruits. The apostate Church has been in bed with governments for centuries. When used incorrectly, philosophies and religions have killed millions; and are still killing millions today.
3. Money, power and influence. Apostate Churches mean big business and big bucks. There are many tax, property, investments and income advantages that can be legalized within an apostate Church. The power and influence comes from the size of the congregation. The bigger the congregation, the more money, the more power and the more influence; especially in politics. Black Churches are famous for their role in the Democratic Party and evangelicals are highly courted and becoming much more influential in the Republican Party.
How Did These Apostate Churches Begin
The first apostate Church - the Roman Catholic Church - began shortly after the Church of GOD was established by the Apostles. The Apostles; especially, Paul and Peter did all they could to keep their Ecclesia in line with Christ's teaching about the "Kingdom of GOD" and how to enter the Kingdom on Earth. Jesus warned the Disciples that false teachers, prophets and false Christs would appear after he returned to Heaven. {Mat 7:15; 24:11; 24:24 (KJV)} Click here to see "The History of the Roman Catholic Church".
Even though Paul, the other Apostles and Disciples repeatedly preached, the "Word of GOD, the "Kingdom of GOD", and "Jesus Christ Crucified", they still had major problems in the Corinthian Congregation; such as personality cults, {1 Cor 1:12 (KJV)} godless living {1 Cor 5:1-13 (KJV)} worldliness, {1 Cor 6:1-7 (KJV)} and doubt and uncertainty. {1 Cor 7:1-40; 8:1-13; 12:1-31; 16:1-3 (KJV)} Paul had to deal with retrogression and a falling away from the faith in the Galatian Congregation. {Galatians 1:6-8; 3:1-4 (KJV)}. Even today, many well known ministries and mega Churches are no more than sophisticated personality cults.
Elivs, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Madonna, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Tom Cruise have millions of "Fans". So does the Pope, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyers, T. D. Jakes, Eddie Long, Paula White, Frederick Price, Juanita Bynum, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller, Benny Hinn, Marilyn Hickey and a host of other well known ministers and evangelicals.
These people, individually, may be great men and women of GOD. However; their loyal followers might simply be "Fans" rather than true Christians. A "Fan" literally means a fanatical follower; even though, it is defined as an ardent admirer. When "Fans" become obsessed with an individual they become a personality cult; which is extravagant devotion to a particular man or woman.
The original Apostles and Disciples had similar problems. Practically all the Epistles of the Apostles and Disciples dealt with problems, beliefs, struggles and fears that were emerging in the early Church. Why was this so? In order to have a better understanding how apostate Christianity began to grow and develop, you need to understand all the forces that are working against GOD's true Kingdom being established on earth. {Eph 6:12 (KJV)}
First: There is Satan, himself. Satan has no desire to give up planet earth. Whenever the "Word of GOD" is given about the "Kingdom of GOD", he immediately comes to take it away. {Mar 4:15 (KJV)} As long as he is in control, the demonic or devil spirits {Luk 11:18-20 (KJV)} from the Nephilim (giants) - {I Sam 17:4; II Sam 21:16-22; 1 Chr 20:8 (KJV)} the children of fallen angels and the daughters of men {Gen 6:1-2 (KJV)} that were killed in the "Flood" and by David can roam freely and take up residence in the flesh bodies of men and women. Lev 17:7; Deu 32:17; 2 Chr 11:15; Psa 106:37 (KJV)
These demonic or devil spirits are also documented in the "New Testament" Gospels. {Mat 4:24; 8:16;28;31;33; 9:34; 10:8; Mar 1:32; 6:13; 9:38; Luk 4:41; 8:2; 27-38; 9:49; 10:17; 11:15-20; 13:32; 1 Cor 10:20-21; Jam 2:19; Rev 9:20; 16:4; 18:2 (KJV)} As long as Satan is in control, he can plant his own words in the minds and hearts of Christian men and women. Jesus called these wayward followers tares: {Mat 13:25-30; 38; 40 (KJV)} In fact; one of the major signs to Satan and the world is the ability of Christians; living righteously in the "Kingdom of GOD" on earth, to cast out and control these demonic or devil spirits. Luk 10:17 (KJV)
Hence it is written: "And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." {Mar 16:17-18 (KJV)} "Drink any deadly thing": is not talking about drinking poisons like many apostate Christians have been taught to believe.
This reference is to Satanic doctrines, messages, chants or words. Jesus is the water of life; {Jhn 4:13-14 (KJV)} Satan is the water of death. {1 Tim 4:1 (KJV)} "They shall take up serpents": is not to picking up and shouting with venemous deadly snakes, as some apostate Christians have been mistakenly taught and believe. This reference. "they shall take up serpents": is to {Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)} the philosophies, ideologies and principles of the kingdoms and governments of men.
Second: The kingdoms and elective governments that are under Satan's influence. {Mat 4:8-9; Luk 4:5-7 (KJV)} Satan, because of his status as god of this world {2 Cor 4:4 (KJV)} controls the "4 Hidden Dynasties" of politics, economics, education and religion. These "4 Dynasties"; by using and controlling education, now control the empirical, applied and social sciences.
When added together these "4 Hidden Dynasties" are the wisdom of this world. {1 Cor 1:20; 3:19 (KJV)} Practically all the apostate Christian Churches classify themselves as a religion; rather than a governing body. Return again to the Epistle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "For we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12 (KJV)
Third: "Satan's Children" - the Kenites are 1/2 Adamic. {Gen 15:19; 1 Sam 15:6; 27:10; 1 Chr 2:55 (KJV)} The world has lost track of Cain's descendants. {Gen 4:17-24 (KJV)} Just like they masqueraded as Jews, {Rev 2:9; 3:9 (KJV)} the Kenites can masquerade as anyone, in any group or hold leadership positions in any country. When the Jews left the "Promised Land", the Kenites undoubtedly went with them and are now dispersed all over the world. {Jer 8:3 (KJV)} Unlike the "Children of Israel", that had marital restrictions placed on them, {Ezr (9:12 (KJV)} the Kenites can marry anyone and they have. Gen 4:16-24 (KJV)
Fourth: The curses and judgements against the disobedient "Children of Israel". {Deu 11:28; 27:26; Jer 25:18; 26:6; 29:18; 42:18; 44:8; 12; 22; Dan 9:11; Zec 8:13; Mal 2:2; 3:9 (KJV)} GOD has decreed their descendants would pay a price for their disobedience. {Isa 43:28; 65:15; Jer 24:9 (KJV)} In order for GOD's Word to manifest, {Rev 17:17 (KJV)} certain historical and political events must happen. {Dan 2:30-47 7:1-28; 9:25-26 (KJV)} This includes the rise of apostate Christianity. Jud 1:4 (KJV)
Fifth: The Amalekites or Amaleks. The Amalekites or Amaleks are Adamic people just like the "Children of Israel". They are Esau's descendants by his wife Adah. These people will war against the "Children of Israel" from generation to generation. {Exd 17:8-14; 16; Num 13:29; 14:43-45; 24:20; Deu 25:17-19; Judg 3:13; 7:12; 1 Sam 15:6; 2 Sam 1:1 (KJV)} Christianity comes from the "Children of Israel".
Remember: Jacob stole Esau's blessing from their father Isaac. {Gen 27:21-36 (KJV)} Even though Esau claimed Jacob took away his birthright, {Gen 27:36-38 (KJV)} Esau gave away his birthright for bread and pottage. {Gen 25:28-34 (KJV)} Esau hated Jacob and wanted to kill him. {Gen 27:41 (KJV)} Isaac prophesied that when Esau has the dominion, he would break the yoke of Jacob (the "Children of Israel") off his neck. Gen 27:40 (KJV)
Sixth: The nature of the men of the world/earth. The spirit of man {Ecc 3:21; Zec 12:1; 1 Cor 2:11 (KJV)} is elemental because the Bible does not state GOD breathed the "Breath of Life" into His 6th day creation - Man is singular (male and female) "Created He him". The Bible clearly states: "Created He them"; which is plural, meaning more than one. - the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations). Gen 1:26-27 (KJV)
Therefore, they had to be endowed with an internal elemental spirit at their creation that animated their flesh bodies and made them alive. Since elemental matter is already carnal, it is far more difficult for the descendants of the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) to live a sin free life. {1 Cor 5:1-2; 1 Ths 4:5 (KJV)} Hence, it is written: "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly." Pro 20:7 (KJV)
"The Man Adam" was formed from the dust of the ground after GOD rested on the Sabbath. {Gen 2:3 (KJV)} Therefore, we can safely state; "The Man Adam" was an 8th day creation. {Gen 2:7 (KJV)} "The Man Adam's" bloodline is the same bloodline as the "Children of Israel" and Jesus the Christ - the Messiah. Today, the 6th day creation, the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) are called races and/or ethnic groups by scientists, kingdoms, government officials and human society in general.
The human race is divided into 3 broad classifications, Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. Various methods and techniques are used to identify men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) by physical characteristics such as skin color; which can range from white, black, red, yellow or brown to various skin tones in between. These 3 classifications represent the triune nature of GOD. So does the movement of living creatures on earth, by land, water and air; as well as, man's composition - body, soul and spirit.
The Adamic bloodline represents the "Spirit of GOD" living on earth in flesh bodies. Since the "Spirit of GOD" in flesh bodies is limited by physical reality and must reach the entire world of men in the flesh; hence, the need for a "Chosen People" that can do all the work; {Gen 12:1-3; Exd 6:7-8; Deu 4:12; Isa 44:1 (KJV)} rather than a "Chosen Person" to teach the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) about the "Word of GOD" and the "Kingdom of GOD" on Earth.
The "Children of Israel" were given the "Design", "Furnishings", "Priestly Garments" {Exd 28:1-43; 39:2-31 (KJV)} and "Service" {Exd 29:1-46; 30:1-38; 39:1 (KJV)} of the "Tabernacle of GOD" {Exd 25:1-40; 26:1-37; 27:1-21; 35:1-35; 36:1-38; 37:1-29; 38:1-31; 39:32-43 (KJV)} and the "Temple of GOD" on Earth {I Kin 5:1-18; 6:1-38; 7:40; 45-51; 9:1 (KJV)} and the order of Worship. {I Kin 8:4;6;10-11 (KJV)} "The Man Adam" was the original "Chosen Person". Together with "Eve", became the first "Chosen Family" that would multiply and become His "Chosen People".
When the "Word of GOD" arrived, He was the new "Chosen Person" {Isa 7:14; 53:1-12 (KJV)} Jesus the Christ. He had to teach the "Jew" first {Rom 1:16; 2:9-10 (KJV)} - the descendants of "The Man Adam" - and the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) about the "Word of GOD" and the "Kingdom of GOD". {Mat 6:33; 12:28; 19:24; 21:31; Mar 1:14-15; 4:30; 9:1;47; 10:14-15;23-25; Luk 4:43; 8:1 (KJV)} while He is here. {Mat 12:18; 27:26-50; Mar 15:15-37; Luk 23:25-46; Jhn 19:16-30; Act 1:2; 10:41 (KJV)} When He leaves, {Act 1:9-11 (KJV)} He will also leave behind a "Chosen People" to take the "Word of GOD" and the "Kingdom of GOD" to men (males and females). Mat 20:16; 21:43; 22:14; Mar 4:11; 13:20; Jhn 6:70 ; 15:16;19; Act 8:12; 14:22; Rom 14:17; 1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:21; Eph 1:4; Col 4:11; 2 Ths 1:5 (KJV)
Remember from my last post: The men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) struggle is twofold - physical and spiritual. They must struggle against the carnal desires of their flesh and the carnal desires of their spirit. The descendants of the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or nations) are far more likely to accept; rather than reject GOD's Word, but they would have a never ending battle not to modify the Word to satisfy their carnal needs. Even though Christianity flourished among the nations (Gentiles and Heathens or nations), it is an apostate Christianity because of their desire to have a GOD they can create rather than one they can not. II Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV)
Seventh: The descendants of Ishmael - the Ishmaelites and their Islamic religion. Ishmael was the son of Abram (Abraham) and Hagar. {Gen 16:1-16 (KJV)} These people believe they are the rightful heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant; even though Hagar and Ishmael were sent away by Abraham at Sarah's request. {Gen 21:10-21 (KJV)} Many Muslims believe Muhammed is a direct descendant of Abraham because Adnan; a great ancestor, is said to have been a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham. Islam is the antithesis of Judaism and Judeo-Christianity and will not co-exist with either.
After 2,000 years, billions of people no longer know who they are. The vast majority of misfits have no idea why they think and act as they do. Fully 99.999% of the people on earth no longer know where they really came from or their real ancestral history. All they know today is their nationality, ethnic group, creed, race, clan, family history or country of origin. The evidence is overwhelming that governments do not know the real ancestral history of people living within their borders. The Churches certainly don't and neither do we.
Next: How to Recognize an Apostate Church
See Also:
What is Sin?
How to Receive Blessings
How to Know GOD's Will
GOD's Laws of Increase
How to Know You are Born from Above
What is Worship and How do You Worship?
How to Sow and Reap in the Kingdom of GOD
Misconceptions - Academic & Scientific
Keys to the Kingdom of GOD
The Healing Scriptures
More Healing Scriptures
The Power of Faith
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