You know you are born from above when you have a manifestation of the Power and Gift/s of the Holy Spirit; as evidenced by healing the sick, prophesying, speaking in different languages/tongues, speaking words of knowledge or words of wisdom and/or interpreting languages/tongues of which you had no prior exposure and/or knowledge. 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 (KJV)
If you do not have a manisfestation of the Holy Spirit and His Power, you know you are born from above when you have a burning desire to live a sin free and righteous life. You know you are born from above when your hatred is not limited to; but includes, sin, mediocrity, unrighteousness, adultery, idolatry, slavery, persecution, injustice, immorality, inhumanity, poverty, lying, deception, starvation, sickness, disease and death in all its forms and manifestations. Jeremiah 23:14 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you can rejoice in THE LORD, pray in the spirit, honor GOD, praise GOD, thank GOD and Glorify his name. You know you are born from above when you have a burning desire to be like Jesus the Christ, pick up a cross and/or symbolically nail your flesh to a Cross of lust, sin and death. You know you are born from above if you have a burning desire to be like Christ and spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. Galatians 6:14 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you feel condemned by your sins, then repent those sins, seek forgiveness from GOD for those sins, accept His forgiveness, thank Him in the name of Jesus, and do everything within your power and by the Power of the Holy Spirit not to sin again. You know you are born from above when you LOVE GOD with all your heart, strength, soul and mind. Mark 12:32-34; John 8:2-11 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you Love your neighbor as yourself. You know you are born from above when you can forgive yourself and others that may have harmed you, spat on you, maliciously used you, lied about you to others, tried to kill you and/or members of your family, gossiped about you, stole from you, destroyed your property, your family, tortured you, enslaved you, persecuted you, oppressed you, wronged you and/or suppressed your desires or aspirations. Matthew 6:12-15 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you are in the depths of despair and/or difficulty and you still LOVE GOD, praise His name, thank Him, honor Him and believe in His Promises. You know you are born from above when your joy is being alone with GOD and you can still sing and praise GOD, even though you are experiencing excruiating emotional, physical and/or psychological pain. Psalm 30:12; 43:5; 2 Corinthians 12:10; Hebrew 13:15 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you want to do whatever is necessary, be whatever is necessary to please GOD, win souls for Christ and spread the Good News (Gospel) about his Kingdom. {1 Corinthians 9:19-23; Ephesians 6:19; 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)} You know you are born from above when you can hear the voice of GOD and know it is not your own thoughts or imagination. {Deu 5:26; 1 Kings 11-12 (KJV)} You know you are born from above when the Holy Spirit can speak through you to others. Luke 12:12; Acts 1:2; 16; 2:4; 4:31 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you know the name of Jesus is the only name given to men by which they can be saved. {Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:9-11 (KJV)} You know you are born from above when you live and breathe the Words of GOD and use the scriptures as the foundation of your moral code and not the doctrines or dictates of men. {Acts 5:29-32; 2 Timothy 2:16-17 (KJV)} You know you are born from above when you can put on the whole armour of GOD and walk in faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7; Ephesians 6:10-14 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you start celebrating communion with Christ {Luke 22:19 (KJV)} and praying regularly because you enjoy walking and talking with GOD. {1 Chronicles 17:25; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Job 33:26; Jeremiah 29:12 (KJV)} You know you are born from above when the feasts ordained by GOD are more important than any national or worldly holiday or event {Leviticus 23:41; Numbers 9:14; 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:10; 13 (KJV)} and you can worship GOD in Spirit and in Truth. John 4:23-24 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you can truthly say with faith believing, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, the LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want, give me this day my daily bread and goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life." Psalm 23:1; 6; Matthew 6:11; Philippians 4:13 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you LOVE GOD more than life and you are willing to be burned at the stake, shot, mutilated, killed by being crushed by a steam roller (this actually happened to Christians in China), tortured, beheaded (this still happens to Christians in many Muslim countries) and drawn and quartered, rather than deny GOD, Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit and/or renounced your faith. Acts 7:54-59; Revelations 2:10 (KJV)
You know you are born from above when you know you are a new creature in Christ and you are constantly renewing your mind with the Word of GOD. {Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15 (KJV)} You know you are born from above when you ask, seek and knock on the doors of heaven for forgiveness and stand on the promises of GOD that he will supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Matthew 7:7-11; Philippians 4:19 (KJV)
Finally; you know you are born from above when you can sincerely LOVE GOD, yourself, others and yes, even your enemies in spirit and in truth. Whenever you can LOVE in spirit and in truth, you only want the best for yourself and others. Loving in spirit and in truth means you want a world controlled and ruled by a righteous GOD, not by men or women who can be or become vain, fickled, cruel, barbaric, egotistical, parasitic, corrupt, morally bankrupt, lovers of pleasure, self centered, easily tempted, indifferent, greedy, selfish and/or dictatorial.
Men and women can succumb to false morality, cheap entertainment, materialism, intellectualism, inhumanity, injustice, racism, ethnicism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism, fascism, communism, humanism, pagan Christianity, dysfunctional Islam, self righteous Judaism, deceptive academics and empty-headed philosophies.
Men and women can cause, war, pestilence, famine, political instability, believe in primitive spiritualism, Shintoism, Taoism, Satanism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhaism and/or mysticism. They can support and protect drug addiction, incompetent governmental bureaucracies, predatory and pseudo science, Darwinism, adultery, idolatry, murder, perversion in all its forms, thievery, criminality, political expedience, envronmental destruction, pollution, pilage, unrepentant sins, ungodliness and death. When you can LOVE in spirit and in truth, the only place you want to live in, grow in and be in is the Kingdom of GOD.
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