Without the "Children of Israel", there would be no positive or negative expression of GOD (YHVH) and our belief or disbelief in Him or someone's ignorance of Him would not exist. Every other belief; either expressed or implied, on planet Earth is either a philosophy, spiritualism or idolatry. Judaism is the only true religion on Earth; even though it was never meant to be a religion. It always was and always will be a "Way to Live" in GOD's (YHVH) Kingdom on Earth.
Academicians, philosophers, governments and self-styled men of God have misled millions and perhaps billions into believing all religions are equal. This is true, because there is only one true religion - Judaism - therefore, 1 does equal 1. In order to give their philosophies, ideologies, false doctrines, false religions, pagan and apostate Christian beliefs and psuedo-sciences validity or credibility, the men of the world/earth (Gentiles and Heathens or the nations) have equated their beliefs and doctrines with Judaism. These people have and still are deceiving billions that all beliefs and ideologies are the same or equal. Quite naturally, nothing is farther from the TRUTH!
This post will help the uninformed individual lost "Child of Israel", non Christian, apostate Christian and/or "Humanist" understand what, why and how he/she believes as he/she does . You will also increase your understanding as to how and why so many billions of people believe as they do. When you research the history of modern philosophies and spiritualisms that are being practiced and followed today, you will discover that all the world's philosophies and many spiritualistic beliefs began somewhere and were started by an individual or a group of individuals. There are some spiritualisms; such as animal and/or nature worship, that followers really do not know how their belief began or who really started it. All they know is: "We have been believing this for years".
Judeo-Christinaity is very clear. Our beliefs and way of life were established by GOD (YHVH) and His "Chosen". Islam and other beliefs that claim to be religions were all started by an individual or a group of individuals. Since information is readily available on the Internet, concerning the world's beliefs, there is no need to rewrite what is already written. This post will direct you to the information and you can read for yourself. We will use Wikipedia because its free, has excellence reference sources and it is readily available to anyone. Other sources are available on and off the Internet if you desire to learn more about what you believe.
Simply click on the philosophy, spiritualism or founder's name.
Agnosticism; as a philosophy, was developed by Thomas Henry Huxley.
Ancestral Worship. Many believers don't even know how, why or who developed this spiritualism. Consequently, "Ancestral Worshippers" can claim a mystical status.
Animal Worship. Like "Ancestral Worshippers", many believers have no idea how this spiritualism got started; therefore, "Animal Worshippers" can also claim a mystical status.
Atheism first appeared as a philosophy as early as 1571 AD.
Buddhism is a philosophy based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha
Confucianism is a philosophy based on the teachings of Confucius
Darwinism is a philosophy based on Charles Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" and "Natural Selection" that has infected and misled huge population groups in Western and, in some cases, Eastern Civilization; especially in academics, science, politics, social development and government. {See also "The Theory of Evolution the Scourge of the Modern World"} by clicking here.
Existentialism had its origins in the 19th Century philosophy of Kierkegaard and Neitzsche.
Gaia Philosophy and Gaia Movement are primarily based on James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis.
Gnogsticism was popular in the Mediterranian and Middle Eastern regions in the 1st Century AD and was largely suppressed. Historical research can not determine who actually started this belief. Even though Gnogticism continued throughtout history, it was revived as a philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th Century primarily in Europe and North America.
Hermeticism is a philosophical and religious belief based or attributed to the writings of Hermes Trismegistus.
Hinduism has no apparent founder that can be validated by historical research. Because the founder/s are unknown, it gives this belief a mystical status.
Humanism can be traced back to ancient Greece to the writings of Thales of Miletos and Xenophanes of Colophon.
I Ching is believed to have originated with Fu Xi or the legendary Yu.
Idolatry is as old as humanity itself. Idolaters basically believe man made things and human beings can have equal status with GOD.
Jainism follows the beliefs of the 24 Jinas (conquerors) or Tirthankaras.
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that endeavors to explain the ultimate nature of being and the world. One of the founders of metaphysics is Parmenides of Elea
Monotheism is the belief in one God.
Naturalism as a philosophy can also trace its roots to Thales of Miletos.
Neo-Paganism is a broad term used to describe a wide variety of new religious movements based on ancient and Pre-Abrahamic pagan religions.
New Religious Movement is a term used to describe a religious faith, or an ethical, spiritual or philosophical movement of recent origin that is not based on an established denomination, Church, or religious body.
Occultism can trace its roots back to the 15th Century. There are many variations of this belief and many self proclaimed founders and writers. Any one of them will do as a founder of the particular brand of occultism you believe in or follow.
Pantheism (Nature Worship); as a philosophical term, was originally coined by John Toland.
Polytheism is the belief in many gods.
Positivism is a philosophy that was developed by Auguste Comte. Followers believe the only real knowledge is scientific knowledge and such knowledge can only come from positive affirmation of theories by using a strict scientific method.
Rastafarian Movement began in the 1930's. Because followers don't really know how, why or who started it, Rastafarianism can claim a mystical status.
Religious Humanism is a humanist philosophy that endeavors to integrate religious practices and rituals with humanism, thus making humanism a new religion. Again, you can pick the person or group teacher/s or teaching/s that is influencing your belief/s.
Secular Humanism is a humanist philosophy that believes reason, ethics and justice can guide humanity's current and future development and rejects the supernatural and spiritual as a basis for moral reflection and decision-making. Like so many other philosophies, you can pick the teacher/s and the teaching/s that is influencing your belief.
Shamanism refers to a wide range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communicating with the spirit world.
Shintoism. There is no concesus when Shintoism was first developed or by whom. Therefore, Shintoism can claim mystical status.
Sikhism began with the teachings of Nanak.
Spiritualism is a religious movement that began in the United States. Followers believe spirits of the dead can be contacted by mediums.
Sufism is a mystic tradition within Islam that includes a diverse range of beliefs and practices dedicated to divine love and cultivation of the heart.
Taoism or (Daoism) can be traced to prehistoric Chinese religions, very few, if any of its followers know how, why or who developed it. Therefore, like Hinduism, it can claim a mystical status.
Transcendental Meditation is a trademark meditation technique introduced in 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Witchcraft has been practiced for centuries in a variety of cultures and centers around a person's ability to evoke supernatural and magical powers. Original founders of craft can not be traced historically. Consequently; like occultism, any leading practitioner can be the person/s or teaching/s you are following.
Zoroastrianism was founded by Zoroaster.
The philosophies and spiritualisms listed above are the most well known. There are many more in various cultures around the world. As time passes more will undoubtedly develop and lead people astray or into intellectual perversion of some sort or kind. If you don't see your particular philosophy listed above, it only means, I didn't know your unique philosophy existed, it's too new or the number of active followers are limited at this point in time. Other philosophies that direct entire nations such as despotism, totalitarianism, socialism, capitalism, communism, unilateralism, fascism, nationalism, etc., have been excluded for the purpose of this discussion and will be addressed in a future post.
Very few people realize that the vast majority of people on planet Earth have been influenced either negatively or positively by Judaism, the belief given to us by GOD (YHVH) through the descendants of "The Man Adam", the "Children of Israel". There are many millions of followers of various Eastern philosophies simply because these beliefs are centered in huge population groups in China and India (not native Americans that were mistakenly called "Indians" because of ignorance).
Islam was founded by Muhammed, Mahomet and is based on revelations given to Muhammed by the biblical angel Gabriel. Many modern historians do not record or reveal this fact, and simply say, "revealed by God". Muslims, Islamic followers and believers, believe the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammed to restore the teachings and faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the prophets. Islamic tradition teaches that Christianity and Judaism distorted the messages of the prophets by text, interpretation or both.
Luciferianism is based on the biblical Satan and many historians believe it is a deriative of Satanism. Luciferianism is rooted in the esoteric teachings of Western Occultism and Hermeticism that were discussed in the previous section. Since there are many self proclaimed founders, you can pick the teachings or teacher that you are following.
Satanism is obviously based on the biblical Satan and has a long history going back into the "Middle Ages". The most prominent and widely known Satanist in modern times is Anton LaVey. Lavey started the "Church of Satan" in 1966 and wrote the "Satanic Bible" in 1969.
You would be amazed at how many Christians go to Church every Sunday, read "Scriptures" and still do not understand or realize the "New Testament Scriptures" fulfills the "Old Testament Scriptures" from Judaism. Moslems/Muslims go to Mosques/Masjids every Friday and still do not understand or realize, they are reading and discussing how to restore, change or reform Judaism. The "Children of Israel" will never cease to amaze you as to how they can discount the authenticity of Christ, when everything about Him is written in their own sacred books. The sheer madness, arrogance and ignorance of intellectual and educated folk is an absolute mystery to intelligent minds.
It is believed the Apostle John went to Heaven in 100 AD. Since his passing out of his flesh body, the apostate Christian Church has had 1,907 years to grow and develop. This departure from the true faith can be traced back with certainty to the writings of one man - Ignatius of Antioch. To be sure there are others, before him and after him, but he laid the foundation of the apostate Roman Catholic Church; which eventually gave birth to her apostate offsprings - the "Reformed" and/or "Protestant" Churches. This falling away had to occur to fullfil "Scripture". 2 Ths 2:3; Jud 1:4 (KJV) The apostate Church is not a future occurrence, it has already happened and 99.9999% of the entire Christian population are going to, worshipping in and supporting apostate Christian Churches. Mat 24:5 (KJV)
There are millions of apostate Christians that have read chapters 2 and 3 in "Revelation". Despite having millions of members, it apparently has never dawned on Roman Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Holiness, Pentecostals and evey other Protestant denomination on Earth, that none of their Churches or Church groups are mentioned in "Revelation"
John was told to write unto the Angels of the 7 Churches {Rev 2:1-29; 3:1-22 (KJV)} and send the book of what thou seest to the 7 Churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. {Rev 1:11 (KJV)} It also has never dawned on apostate Christians that all the "Scriptures" pertaining to the "falling away" (apostatizing) is talking about them.
Even the 2 Churches that were not condemned; Smyrna and Philadelphia did not receive a final message. In fact, no final message was given to any of the Churches. The final message after each Church is to the individual that hears what the spirit saith unto the Churches. {Rev 2:7;11;17; 26-29; 3:5-6; 12-13; 21-22 (KJV)} The individual that hears the message will seek the truth; which is the "Word of GOD" and will overcome everything he/she has been taught or believe that is contrary to GOD's Word, Will and Purpose. GOD's people are in every one of these apostate Christian Churches.
Have you not read?: "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and GOD hath remembered her iniquities." {Rev 18:4-5 (KJV)} And.. It is written: "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of GOD, and the faith of Jesus." Rev 14:12 (KJV)
You will discover as you investigate the history of "Reformed" apostate Christian Churches that actual founders are difficult to trace historically. The reason for this is because during this time period when many of these Churches were being formed, it was dangerous to speak out against the Roman Catholic Church. Roman Catholics had tortured, beaten, and burned thousands of people at the stakes. Witch hunts were common and thousands more were killed. Leaders of many splinter Christian groups could be rounded up and executed if they were not protected by powerful "Magistrates". See the "Protestant Reformation" by clicking here.
Many of the apostate Christian Churches were spawned because of the corruption that existed within the Roman Catholic Church. This corruption and perversion within the Roman Catholic Church still exist today; even though they are trying to cleanup their act. {See the "Radical Reformation" by clicking here.}
Well, you ask. What are some of these apostate Christian Churches? Jack Van Impe Ministries has compiled a list of over 38,500 different Church groups, denominations, non denominations, sects, cults, divisions and sub-divisions within apostate Christiandom. The following denominations and movements are a list of the largest and most well known. Whenever it is possible, the name of the founder/s will be included. {See list of Christian denominations by clicking here.} Click on the Church groups below for more information.
African Methodist Espicopal (AME) was founded by Bishop Richard Allen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1816.
Amish are descendents of Swiss Anabaptist groups formed in the early 16th Century during the "Radical Reformation". The Swiss Anabaptist doctrine began with Felix Manz and Conrad Grebel.
Anglican commonly refers to the beliefs and practices of the Anglican Communion.
Apostolic-Prophetic Movement has a number of leaders that shaped this movement.
Arminianism is a school of thought in Protestant Christian theology founded by the Dutch theologian Jacob Hermann. Hermann is probably best known by his latin name - Jacobus Arminius. Hermann's influence extends throughtout much of mainstream Protestantism
Baptist have two views when it comes to their origins. One is "Perpetuity"; which basically states they have been in existence since the time of Christ and the Apostles. We know this view is not entirely true because the Church established by the Apostles was the Church of GOD that is identified as the Body of Christ not Baptist. The second view is the Baptist doctrines grew out of the "Anabaptist Movement".
Binitarians also believe their doctrines most accurately reflect original Christianity.
Calvanists are members of a "Reformed Protestant" movement that are influenced by the writings and teachings of John Calvin.
Charismatic Movement began with typical beliefs held by Pentecostals and can now be found within numerous theological movements and in multiple denominations.
Christian Scientist (The Church of Christ, Scientist) can trace their origins to Mary Baker Eddy who founded the Church in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Church of Scientology. The first Scientology Church was founded in December 1953 in New Jersey by L. Ron Hubbard, his wife Mary Sue Hubbard, John Galusha and a few others.
Davidian Seventh Day Adventist Sect founded by Victor Houteff in 1942, was the forerunner of the Branch Davidians that split with the group in 1955. Prior to the name change in 1942, this movement was known as "Shepherd's Rod" and actually began in 1929.
Eastern Orthodox Churches and all other Orthodox Churches that split from the Roman Catholics are basically the same as the Roman Catholics. Just like the Roman Catholics, these Churches are not the same Christian Churches left by the Apostles. Act 20:28; I Cor 1:2; Gal 1:13 (KJV)
Evangelical (Old Line) began in the 18th Century in response to enlightenment thinking and often refers to a broad collection of religious beliefs, practices and traditions which are found among Protestant Christians.
Evangelical (Neo/Modern) are varied. You may find them working entirely within their own denominations, different denominations or with locally based or independent Church groups.
Fathers of the Church are the most influential theologians and writers in the Christian Church during the first 5 Centuries. It should be noted that none of the original Apostles are considered as a Father of the Roman Catholic Church and this is true, because they are not. Apostles are referred to and used as a source of credibility because all the Catholic Churches are not the Churches the Apostles left behind. Act 20:28; I Cor 1:2; Gal 1:13 (KJV)
Fundamentalist Christianity or Christian Fundamentalism arose mainly within British and American Protestantism in the late 19th and early 20th Century.
Holiness Movement can trace its historical roots back to the "Reformation".
Hussites. The Hussites follow the teachings of "Reformer" Jan/John Hus/Huss. The largest remaining Church of this group is in the Czech Republic, formerly Czechoslavakia.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the restored form of 1st Century Christianity The name "Jehovah's Witnesses" is based on Isaiah 43:10 and was adopted in 1931. The Witnesses are one of the few Christian groups or denomination that is very close to GOD's true Christian Church, unfortunately they fall short in many other areas.
Lutheranism identifies with the teachings of the German reformer Martin Luther.
Maranatha, founded by Bob Weiner, officially disbanded in November of 1989, but in 1994,15 of the 70 former Maranatha Churches reformed under Morning Star International. In 2004, the remaining Maranatha Churches changed their name again to Every Nation.
Methodism traces its origins to the evangelical teachings of John Wesley.
Methodist Episcopals can trace their beginning to the Baltimore Christmas Conference held in 1784.
Mennonites are a group of Christian Anabaptist named after and influenced by Menno Simons.
Millerites. The "Millerite Tradition" is a diverse family of denominations influenced by the writings of William Miller.
Mormons. The "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". The term "Mormon" has its origins from the "Book of Mormon", which followers believe is a collection of writings and teachings of ancient prophets and followers of Jesus Christ who lived in the Americas. Mormons believe Joseph Smith, Jr., translated the Book of Mormon into English by divine inspiration from golden plates.
Nazarene. The best known of these Churches is the "Church of the Nazarene" which emphasizes the Christian activism in the Arminian tradition of John Wesley.
New Age Movement is a term commonly used to describe the "Spirituality" movement of the late 20th Century. It is characterized by an individual approach to spiritual exploration.
New Thought Movement was developed in the late 19th Century and basically consist of a loosely allied group of denominations, organizations, philosophers, individuals and authors.
Oneness Pentecostalism traces its roots back to the World-Wide Apostolic Camp Meeting held in April 1913.
Pentecostalism can trace its historical roots back to the revival that occured on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California, USA, from 1904 to 1906.
Pietism originated with Philipp Jakob Spener and was very influential throughout Protestantism and Anabaptism.
Presbyterianism roots date back to the "Reformation Movement of the 16th Century. There is strong evidence Presbyterianism was influenced by the writings of John Calvin.
Protestant Reformation began with Martin Luther's activities in 1517 and essentially was an attempt by European Christians to reform the Roman Catholic Church.
Quakers. The "Religious Society of Friends" was founded in England in the 17th Century. George Fox is considered by many historians to be a co-founder or an important early leader.
Religious Science also known as "Science of Mind" was founded in 1927 by Ernest Holmes and is a religious movement within the "New Thought Movement".
Roman Catholic Church can reportedly trace its history to Jesus Christ and the Apostles. However, if you examine their history, it is apparent the Church that exist is not the Church that was established by the Apostles. The true Church of the Apostles no longer exist and has not existed for over 1,907 years.
Rosicrucianism was reportedly founded by a group of German Protestants, most notably Christian Rosenkreuz
Seventh Day Adventists distinguish themselves from other Christian denominations by observing Saturday, the 7th day of the week, as the Sabbath. Among its founders was Ellen G. White.
Unification Church is a new religious movement started by Sun Myung Moon in Korea in the 1940's.
Unitarians trace their history back to the "Apostolic Age" and like the Jehovah's Witnesses, claim their doctrine most closely reflects original Christianity.
Worldwide Church of God was orginally founded by Herbert W. Armstrong in 1933 as a "Radio Ministry".
What you have seen so far is not even the tip of the iceberg of the over 38,500 different apostate Christian beliefs, groups, Churches, denominations, non denominations, cults, sects and divisions that exist within Christendom. The mere fact that all these different Christian groups exist is proof they are apostate.
Why? Because.. It is written: "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body: so also is Christ." {I Cor 12:12 (KJV)} And...It is also written: "That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another." {I Cor 12:25 (KJV)} And..Have you not read?: "For GOD is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints." I Cor 14:33 (KJV)
Well...you ask. What are the Churches of the Saints? The Churches of GOD (YHVH) - {Act 20:28; I Cor 1:2 (KJV)} that is identified as the Body of Christ. {Eph 4:12 (KJV)} This is the Church the Apostles left. A people called by His name, His real name, written in the language it was spoken and given, and allowed to be written down. 2 Chr 7:14 (KJV)
In Hebrew, not Aramaic, English, German, Latin or Greek. No Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, RMUEs, MEs, AMEs, Evangelicals or another apostate name Christians come up with to identify themselves. {Mar 13:22 (KJV)} The only identification the Apostles left is the Body of Christ and the only Church - the Church of GOD (YHVH). {Isa 43:7 (KJV)} This Church does not exist today and has not existed for over 1,907 years. Gal 1:13 (KJV)
The vast majority of these apostate Christians do not even realize they are the apostate Christians that were prophesied would come into the world before the end of days. {2 Ths 2:3 (KJV)} The apostate Church is not someone else's Church...IT'S YOUR CHURCH!! {Mat 13:37-43 (KJV)}
Well..you ask. What about all the people being saved, healed, the miracles and all those people that are being delivered and set free? What about it? Christ said he would allow it. {Mar 9:38-41; Luk 9:49-50 (KJV)} The power is not in the Church, the power is the name of Jesus. {Luk 10:17; Act 3:5 (KJV)} What heals, delivers and sets people free is not the minister, congregation or the faith healer; it's the "Holy Spirit". I Cor 12:1-11 (KJV)
The power of the undivided unified Church of GOD (YHVH) is to change the world {Mat 28:18-20 (KJV)} by establishing the Kingdom of GOD on Earth. {Mat 6:33; Mar 1:14; Luk 4:43; 8:1; 9:11;60; 13:28; 16:16 (KJV)} Jesus spent 40 days after his death, burial and resurrection speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of GOD. {Act 1:1-3 (KJV)} That's how important the message of the Kingdom is. Everyone that prays the "Our Father Prayer" and says; "Thy Kingdom Come", is praying for the Kingdom of GOD to come to Earth. Mat 6:9-13 (KJV)
How do you know these apostate Christian Churches are not really preaching or teaching the Kingdom message? Since they began over 1,907 years ago, more people have died in wars, from diseases, famines, pollution and murder than in the entire history of the world before they were established. The Roman Catholic Church was absolutely powerless against the "Black Death" that ravished Europe.
Money is the only medium stablizing this world. Remove it, and the world, as we know it, will collapse. Everywhere apostate Judeo-Christianity has become entrenched, the people and their governments become morally, ethically and spiritually dead or corrupt shortly after. The world has not gotten better. It has gotten progressively worse.
Apostate Judeo-Christianity can't change the world. It is creating it. {See "The History of Western Civilization" by clicking here.} Apostate Christianity can't even change itsself. Why? Its been going on for centuries in self deception and a house divided against itself can not stand. {Mat 12:25; Mar 3:24-25 (KJV)} and..even worse, apostate Judeo-Christianity and its governments are Mystery Babylon. Rev 17:1-18; 18:1-24 (KJV)
That's why it is written: "Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven. Many will say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Mat 7:21-23 (KJV)
The "Marriage of the Lamb" to His wife - {Rev 19:7 (KJV)} the Church - is not apostate Judeo-Christianity. {Rev 11:1-2 (KJV)} It's the TRUE CHURCH, the Church of GOD (YHVH) - the Body of Christ {Rev 22:8-9 (KJV)} arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. {Rev 19:8 (KJV)} The good news is there are many true believers that have been and still are locked in apostate Judeo-Christianity and the TRUE CHURCH OF GOD (YHVH) IS COMING SOON. It must come in order to fullfil the "Scriptures". Exd 20:24; Num 6:27; I Kin 5:5; 9:7; Eze 36:23; 39:7; 25; 43:7-8; Amos 9:12; Zec 13:9; Mal 1:11; 4:2; Rev 6:3-4; 7:1-17; 9:4; 11:1-12; 12:17; 14:1-5;12; (KJV)
See Also:
What is Sin?
How to Receive Blessings
How to Know GOD's Will
GOD's Laws of Increase
How to Know You are Born from Above
What is Worship and How do You Worship?
How to Sow and Reap in the Kingdom of GOD
Misconceptions - Academic & Scientific
Keys to the Kingdom of GOD
The Healing Scriptures
More Healing Scriptures
The Power of Faith